Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 410: Met a madman!

Shen Lang had no intention of racing, but it was good to have some fun.

"Hmph, this kid is coming here as expected. I'll let him know how to write the word "death" later!" Chen Zifeng's lips showed a trace of mockery.

At this moment, the Ferrari driven by Shen Lang suddenly hit the Porsche.

There was a loud "boom", and Chen Zifeng suddenly leaned back, and then bumped forward again. Because he was not wearing a seat belt, his head hit the center console hard.

"Ouch!" Chen Zifeng screamed as a big bump hit his forehead.

"Asshole! How dare you hit my car!"

Huadie was not wearing a seat belt, but she was holding the steering wheel firmly, but her chest rose and fell violently. It was nothing serious, but she was very angry.

"Zifeng, are you okay? Huadie looked at Chen Zifeng.

Chen Zifeng covered his head while feeling pain: "It's okay, it's okay."

After saying that, Chen Zifeng quickly fastened his seat belt.

"Boom!" It hit him again. Huadie quickly stepped on the brakes to stop, but in the rearview mirror he saw the Ferrari from behind crashing into him without slowing down at all.

Huadie's expression changed, and she quickly stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward.

As soon as she accelerated, the Ferrari behind her also accelerated to catch up. She turned left, and Shen Lang also turned left, right, and then right.

Chen Zifeng yelled: "Damn, I met a madman! Hua Die, drive back to the nightclub quickly."

Although Huadie drives a Porsche, she doesn't like drag racing, so her driving skills are only average. She can't drive very fast on a ring road with countless traffic like this.

The rear of the Porsche was badly damaged by the impact. The intersection in front suddenly turned red again. Just as Huadie was about to slow down, there was another "thud" from behind.

"Asshole! If you dare to tease me like this, I will castrate you later!" Huadie's beautiful eyes were filled with anger.

"Damn, is this kid crazy enough?" Chen Zifeng was so frightened that he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

"Hey, call all the experts to the nightclub! Yes, and invite all the guests out. The nightclub will be closed today!" Chen Zifeng yelled on the phone.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Shen Lang's mouth. He had had enough fun, so he turned the front of the car and turned to the right from the intersection in front.

Watching the Ferrari FF with its tattered front end drive away, Chen Zifeng sighed and said, "Damn, this madman finally stopped."

Hua Die also breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, there was a loud "boom".

The Ferrari accelerated and hit from the side, the Porsche body was hit, and Huadie couldn't control the direction.

"Be careful, Huadie!"

Suddenly, Chen Zifeng let out a strange scream, pointed in front of him and screamed in horror.

At this moment, a farm truck pulling dung and water was driving straight towards this side on the left. The Porsche was about to hit the farm truck pulling dung and water.

Huadie was startled by Chen Zifeng's shout. She hurriedly turned the steering wheel and applied the brakes, but it was too late.

The driver of the agricultural vehicle was about to hit the Porsche 911, so he hurriedly took measures, turned the steering wheel, and applied the brakes hard.

The two vehicles still inevitably collided, but the farm truck hauling manure was too full. With the sudden stop, the manure on the truck body rushed down towards the Porsche like a torrential rain.

"Wow!" The Porsche was instantly submerged in the smelly excrement water.


Chen Zifeng was so frightened that he wished he was not riding in a convertible sports car, so that he wouldn't be drenched in excrement from head to toe.

It's so sour... Pedestrians on the roadside frowned and avoided it when they smelled it.

"Poof!" Huadie beside him vomited repeatedly, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground unconscious.

"Huadie!" Chen Zifeng hurriedly picked up Huadie and found that she had fainted from the smoke.

When the driver of the agricultural vehicle saw this, he was shocked and did not dare to stay. He drove away in a hurry. Just kidding, he can't mess with a guy in a Porsche sports car.

"Fuck, come back here!" Chen Zifeng trembled all over.

Seeing the Porsche submerged in feces and water that was photographed by passers-by, Shen Lang couldn't help but laugh, parked the Ferrari aside, and got out of the car.

"Chen Zifeng, aren't you very cool?" Shen Lang said sarcastically.

"Shen, you're damn smart! If you have the skills, wait for me." Chen Zifeng, who was covered in excrement, had a gloomy and terrifying face, and roared crazily at Shen Lang.

"Okay, I'll just wait here and see what tricks you can come up with." Shen Lang chuckled.

Chen Zifeng made a call, and soon several black Mercedes-Benz cars arrived.

The Mercedes-Benz stopped on the side of the road and a few horsemen got out.

The horses looked at the large puddle of excrement on the ground and Chen Zifeng and Huadie in the middle of the excrement. They were all stunned.

Holding back the strong stench, several horsemen walked forward holding their noses.

"Boss, what's going on?"

"Why does it smell so bad here?"

"You stinky mother! Take me and Hua Die back quickly!" Chen Zifeng said angrily.

The guys looked at each other and immediately helped Chen Zifeng and Hua Die into the car.

Chen Zifeng yelled at Shen Lang: "Shen Lang, if you have the guts, just keep following me! If not, I will naturally come to your door next time, and then your kid will die!"

Shen Lang sneered and said: "No need, I want to see how you want me to die?"

After saying that, Shen Lang got into the Ferrari sports car again and followed the Mercedes-Benz cars.

About ten minutes later, the Porsche and several Mercedes-Benz cars parked downstairs of Tianxia Nightclub.


When several people outside the nightclub saw Chen Zifeng, they immediately gathered around him respectfully, but the stench on Chen Zifeng's body made it impossible to get close to him.

"Okay, Mr. Shen, I guess you have the guts." Chen Zifeng looked back at Shen Lang who got off the car, and ordered from left to right: "You guys, before I come out, please entertain that gentleman well!"

"Yes!" Several horses responded.

Shen Lang carried the jade box on his back and walked in.

"Wait a minute, sir, what are you carrying on your back?" a horseman asked curiously.

"Do I have to report this to you?" Shen Lang asked in return.

"No... no need!" the horse boy said tremblingly.

He thought Shen Lang was some acquaintance of Chen Zifeng and did not dare to offend him.

All the guests in the nightclub have been sent out, and there are three men sitting in the hall, two in fancy clothes and a monk.

This monk is thin in stature, but his aura seems a bit strange.

These two well-dressed men were masters of the Black Dragon Society and were sent by the higher-ups to assist Chen Zifeng.

As for the monk, he was Chen Zifeng's friend.

"Zifeng, what did you do?" A tall, muscular man in smart clothes frowned and asked when he saw the smelly Chen Zifeng walking in. (To be continued)

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