Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 419 Breaking in

Seeing Yi Lian's repeated refusals, Shen Lang said in a deep voice: "Xiao Lian, it's useless for me to ask for the Lingyun Stone. You also know that I practice Shen Zhao Jing. The spiritual energy of the Lingyun Stone is mixed. I can't use it too much. You must accept the Yun Stone. There are also these Qi-Building Pills and Runhui Pills, which can save lives in critical moments!"

After a stalemate for a while, Yi Lian only accepted a few spiritual stones and two Qi-Building Pills and Runhui Pills.

"Brother Lang, I understand what you mean, but I can only accept these. If you take too much, you will easily be targeted by those old guys from Longteng!" Yi Lian's reasons are also very good.

"Okay." Shen Lang had no choice but to give up. Indeed, with such a large amount of training resources, it was easy to get angry.

Yi Lian's lack of cultivation might be a bad thing.

Anyway, Yi Lian is his woman, and I will give it to her again if I have the chance in the future.

The night was quiet, the moon was bright, and the breeze was blowing on her face. Yi Lian looked at the gray night sky and sighed.

"Xiao Lian, what's wrong?" Shen Lang came over and asked.

Yi Lian glanced at Shen Lang, smiled, and then looked up at Ban Yue.

"Brother Lang, I'm leaving tomorrow. Longteng headquarters said there is an important operation and asked me to go there."

"Can't it be later?" Shen Lang was a little reluctant.

Yi Lian shook her head. She didn't want to leave so soon. She wanted to stay with Shen Lang for a few more days. But the headquarters was pushing too hard.

"Xiao Lian, there is no need to work too hard for Long Teng. Those old guys just treat you as a killing machine." Shen Lang frowned.

"How could I not know this?" Yi Lian smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then said: "Longteng is just a platform for me to gain experience. Brother Lang, isn't this how you got here?"

Shen Lang remained silent.

Although Yi Lian was in front of him, she was as well-behaved as a kitten.

In fact, his junior sister's personality is very similar to his own. She pursues strength and is unwilling to be inferior to others.

Both Shen Lang and Yi Lian actually joined Longteng voluntarily to hone themselves.

They all signed a five-year term with Long Teng, and Shen Lang left Long Teng just after this period.

Yi Lian is still within the time limit and cannot leave Longteng for the time being.

Shen Lang asked: "Xiao Lian, how long will it take for you to escape from Soaring Dragon?"

"About half a year." Yi Lian replied.

Shen Lang nodded. Half a year is not a long time.

"What are your plans after leaving Longteng?" Shen Lang continued to ask.

Yi Lian was silent for a while, and then said after a long time: "Of course I will go to the Holy Land of Martial Arts, Kunlun Mountain to explore the boundary."

Shen Lang also guessed what Yi Lian would say.

Generally speaking, after a martial artist has reached the level of Wenjing, it will be difficult to improve his cultivation.

The secular world cannot compare with the pure and refreshing martial arts holy land bordered by Kunlun Mountain.

When the martial arts practitioners in the middle stage of Wenjing enter the secular world, their cultivation cannot be improved even more. This is a limitation of the environment. Unless your qualifications are incredible, or you have a bunch of spiritual crystals for you to practice.

"Brother Lang, will you also go to Kunlun Mountain?" Yi Lian asked softly.

"This..." Shen Lang looked a little complicated.

A good man has ambitions everywhere, and of course he also wants to make a career, but there are still too many worries in the world.

"It's okay, Xiao Lian will wait for you." Yi Lian came up and hugged Shen Lang.

"Yes." Shen Lang nodded, and then said: "After going to Longteng, pay attention to safety and don't show off."

"I'll give this back to you, Xiao Lian." Yi Lian curled her lips. She didn't understand Shen Lang's character, so just don't poke any trouble.

After saying that, Yi Lian kissed the side of Shen Lang's face.

Shen Lang put his hand around the woman's slender waist, hugged the charming beauty in his arms and continued to kiss her.

A seductive blush appeared on Yi Lian's pretty face. Of course she didn't refuse. She took the initiative to wrap her hands around Shen Lang's neck and cater to her.

After the two had a wild night, Yi Lian left early the next morning.

Shen Lang felt suddenly lost in his heart.

After sorting out his emotions, after breakfast, Shen Lang drove to Tianrong International.

Shen Lang wants Liu Xiaoxiao to be the chairman of Canghai Group. After all, if he wants to build a business empire, he must have an expert manager, and Liu Xiaoxiao is just the right person.

Shen Lang hasn't told Liu Xiaoxiao about this matter yet. He originally planned to find an opportunity to have a good chat with Liu Xiaoxiao, but he has been ignoring this beautiful girl in the past two days.

The position of chairman of Tianrong International Group is now represented by Liu Xiaoxiao.

Although it caused dissatisfaction among many people, Su Yunshan personally came forward before and finally calmed down all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Shen Lang arrived at the company and took the elevator to the top floor.

Before entering the chairman's office, Shen Lang heard the quarrel coming from the office.

"Chairman Liu, our board of directors unanimously believes that your last decision to lay off employees was not in line with the company's development requirements." A paunchy man in a suit frowned at Liu Xiaoxiao.

The potbellied man's name is Zhong Jianfei, and he is the general manager of Tianrong International.

"Manager Zhong, I just think that some people occupy certain positions but have not made any achievements, leaving the entire department of the company to live in idleness. This is a waste of the company's human, material and financial resources. What's more, the company is now in a tense stage. , what’s wrong with layoffs?" Liu Xiaoxiao said lightly.

Zhong Jianfei's face darkened and he shouted: "The layoffs themselves are not wrong, but you laid off all my people. What do you mean? Do you want to sideline me?"

Liu Xiaoxiao crossed her hands on her chest and chuckled: "Manager Zhong, are you the chairman or am I the chairman? There are some things that I don't need you to teach me. I have my own reasons for handling them this way. If you don't want to do it anymore, , you can resign at any time.”

"You..." Zhong Jianfei's face turned livid, he pointed at Liu Xiaoxiao and gritted his teeth and said: "Don't forget, I also have shares in Tianrong International today. If we shareholders are pushed into a hurry, we will also bite!"

Liu Xiaoxiao fell silent, and her face became a little ugly.

She knows that the shareholders of the company have been very critical of her recently. Their thoughts are very simple. Tianrong International is no longer good and they can only sell their shares to the outside world.

But once the shares are sold, Tianrong International will be in danger of bankruptcy.

Just when Liu Xiaoxiao was extremely distressed, Shen Lang suddenly pushed the door open and entered.

"Shen...Shen Lang?" Liu Xiaoxiao was startled, why did this guy come over suddenly?

Zhong Jianfei glanced at Shen Lang and said hehe, "Isn't this Secretary Shen? I have been silently searching for traces for so many days, why do I have time to come to Tianrong International today?"

Shen Lang was too lazy to pay attention to Zhong Jianfei, walked slowly to Liu Xiaoxiao, and said with a smile: "Xiaoxiao, I have something to tell you."

Liu Xiaoxiao's pretty face turned red. Shen Lang called her so affectionate. Isn't this suspicious?

"I...I still have some things to deal with." Liu Xiaoxiao glanced at Shen Lang in shame and whispered anxiously.

Seeing Shen Lang ignoring him, Zhong Jianfei's face sank slightly, and he snorted coldly: "Chairman Liu, I think the quality of some employees in our company needs to be improved. It's okay if you don't knock on the door before coming in, but you don't even know when you see the leader. Say hello?" (To be continued)

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