Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 4489 The Origin of Blood Nerves


Shen Lang was a little speechless.

I have to say that Duan Lei is really good at telling stories. Just when he said this, Shen Lang could imagine the scene at that time in his mind.

"Zhenzi Ziqiong resisted desperately, but Deng Yin's strength skyrocketed after being possessed by evil thoughts. Even she was no match for Deng Yin and was brutally tortured."

"Fortunately, Deng Yin's evil thoughts did not linger for too long. After the full moon night passed, Deng Yin regained his consciousness. Knowing that he had done such a crazy thing, Deng Yin fell into immense pain and self-blame. .”

"Master Zi Qiong knew that he did not act like this intentionally, so he did not blame Deng Yin. Instead, he chose to forgive his junior brother. He silently endured the pain and tried his best to help Deng Yin suppress his evil thoughts."

"Deng Yin felt extremely guilty. In order to prevent his evil thoughts from taking over his body again, Deng Yin decided to retreat for a long time and sealed himself in the 'Monster Suppression Tower' in Shushan Mountain. If he does not get rid of his evil thoughts, he will not leave the Demon Suppression Tower for a day."

"After Master Qingyun learned about this, he called Master Ziqiong to ask what happened. Master Ziqiong could not deceive Master Qingyun, so she told him the truth."

"Although Master Qingyun at that time was devoted to seeking the truth, he still had a good impression of Master Ziqiong. After learning that Master Ziqiong was having an affair with Deng Yin, Master Qingyun was furious. He didn't care about the reason, and expelled Master Ziqiong in anger. Shushan Sect.”

"Zhenzi Ziqiong felt that he was ashamed of his senior brother. He no longer had the dignity to live. After leaving a suicide note before leaving Shushan, he committed suicide and died."

Duan Lei said with emotion.

Shen Lang couldn't help but frown. The Ziqiong Master from the Shushan Sect was really a tragic character. He was brutally tortured by his junior brother and was abandoned by his loved ones.

A Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian chose to commit suicide. You can imagine how much pain he endured.

"What about Deng Yin?" Shen Lang asked.

Duan Lei replied: "Deng Yin didn't know about this and had been in seclusion in the Demon Suppression Tower, trying to eliminate his evil thoughts. When Master Qingyun saw Master Ziqiong commit suicide, his anger disappeared, and he fell into deep self-blame. among.”

"Master Ziqiong was kind-hearted. Even though he suffered tremendous pain, he still begged Master Qingyun in his suicide note not to vent his anger on Deng Yin. Master Qingyun put down everything. Not only did he not deal with Deng Yin, but he also passed on the position of head to Deng Yin. Deng Yin himself left Shushan and traveled around the world."

"A few years later, Deng Yin came out of seclusion and eliminated most of his evil thoughts. His blood nerves also improved greatly, and he had even entered the realm of 'Half-step Heavenly Lord'. However, at that time, he was restricted by the 'God List'. It is still difficult for Deng Yin to step into the realm of the true Taoist Ancestor and Heavenly Lord."

"After Deng Yin came out of seclusion, he learned that Zi Qiong, the real person, had died. After Qingyun Zhenren passed the position of head of Shushan to himself, he disappeared. Deng Yin felt mixed emotions and felt that he was responsible for the harm. Zi Qiong is dead."

"But every night when the moon is full, the remaining evil thoughts in his heart will always whisper in his ears that it was Master Qingyun who forced Master Ziqiong to death. He was just a coward who could only avoid reality. If he had taken the responsibility back then, How can we let the one we love die tragically?"

"In short, the death of Master Zi Qiong once again exposed the flaws in Deng Yin's mind. But this time the evil thoughts in his body became wiser and did not resist him. Instead, they lurked in Deng Yin's body and split his personality and thoughts. "

"By the time Deng Yin came to his senses, his evil thoughts had already taken on a personality of their own. But instead of doing evil, they kept helping Deng Yin practice. As time went by, Deng Yin gradually became paralyzed. He could hardly tell which of the good thoughts and evil thoughts was the real one. of myself.”

"Limited by the laws of heaven established by the Conferred Gods List, Deng Yin has never been able to advance to the position of Tao Ancestor Tian Zun. The evil personality encouraged Deng Yin to use the secret method in the blood nerve to break the shackles of heaven, in order to attack the position of Tao Ancestor Tian Zun."

"But if you want to use this secret method, you need to cultivate a clone first. Deng Yin has been strongly wary of evil thoughts from beginning to end, and has always rejected evil thoughts' suggestions. Even if he is confident that he can control the clone, he does not dare to take the risk."

"However, in the early days of the Five Emperors era, all the heroes in the Cangxuan Immortal Territory came together. The forces headed by the "Emperor Changsheng", one of the Five Emperors, were the first to bear the brunt and tried to merge the territories of the Cangxuan Immortal Territory and the Jiuyuan Immortal Territory. The Shushan Sect was also within the scope of the recruitment. .”

"Only sect forces as powerful as those founded by Daozu Tianzun can be exempted from incorporation. The rest of the forces must submit, otherwise they will be regarded as heretics and will either become enemies of the Changsheng Emperor or leave Shushan. Deng Yin is not willing to let the Shushan sect's foundation be surrendered. Give it to others and start trying to attack the position of Dao Ancestor Tianzun."

"Deng Yin cultivated into a clone, and planted a soul seal to control the clone. The clone of me really used the secret technique in the blood nerve to successfully break through to the position of Dao Ancestor Tianzun, shocking the entire Cangxuan Immortal Realm!"

"Deng Yin is the only heaven-defying person who broke the laws of heaven set by the list of gods and stepped into the realm of Taoist Heavenly Lord! After self-cultivation to become a Heavenly Lord, Deng Yin became famous, and the Shushan Sect also gained a lot of glory. "

"Emperor Changsheng did not dare to put pressure on Shushan anymore. He even personally sent congratulatory gifts to Deng Yin to win over and form an alliance. The Shushan faction was in the spotlight for a while."

"Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. After Deng Yin broke through to the position of Dao Ancestor Tianzun, he became increasingly unable to control his clones. He locked himself in the Demon Suppression Tower again, trying to suppress and eliminate the evil thoughts in his clones, but ultimately failed. , was eventually swallowed up by the clone of evil thoughts, and fell into the devil's path."

Having said this, Duan Lei let out a long sigh and said, "Fellow Daoist Shen should have heard about what happened next, so there is no need for Duan to elaborate too much."

"Although what Duan said comes from the manuscripts left by the predecessors of Shushan, the contents in the manuscripts are said to be left by Deng Yin himself, which still has a certain degree of credibility." Duan Lei added.

After listening to Duan Lei's long speech about Deng Yin, Shen Lang was filled with emotion.

"It seems that the cause of all these disasters is the "Blood Nerve". I wonder if the origin of the Blood Nerve is revealed in the manuscript?"

Shen Lang suddenly asked.

"This... the content recorded in the handbook is not complete, and it does not mention the origin of the blood nerve. According to some records in the sect's collection of books, Deng Yin practiced in the 'Xianyue Sanxing Cave' in the Tianmu Immortal Domain in the early years. After a long period of time, I studied under Patriarch Bodhi and became the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal before returning to Shushan and assuming the position of Supreme Elder."

"At first Duan guessed that this "Blood Nerve" might have been taught by Patriarch Bodhi. Zhang Daoling also studied with Patriarch Bodhi. The two were brothers. It is not unusual for him to come to Shushan to visit Deng Yin."

"However, after listening to Fellow Daoist Shen mentioning in the meeting that Zhang Daoling is the clone of Yuanshi Tianzun, Duan has to suspect that this "Blood Nerve" may have a great relationship with Yuanshi Tianzun."

"Because Deng Yin only started to practice "Blood Nerve" after Zhang Daoling visited Shushan. If it is a coincidence, the timing is too coincidental."

Duan Lei frowned and said.

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