Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 452: Kneel down and admit your mistake to me!

"It's nothing, I just beat up Qiao Xing, and that guy came to the door." Shen Lang said with a smile.

Liu Qingyi was shocked. No wonder Qiao Xing and Shen Lang went out together at the end of the first class, but only Shen Lang came back.

Looking at the piece of gauze on Qiao Xing's head, Liu Qingyi realized that Shen Lang had beaten Qiao Xing.

Guan Jing exclaimed: "Let me go, are you too brave? Shen Lang, do you know who Qiao Xing is?"

Shen Lang shrugged: "No matter who he is, let me handle this little matter."

Liu Qingyi said with worry on her face: "Shen Lang, you hit Qiao Xing, he won't let you go, we'd better call the police!"

"Yes, yes!" Guan Jing also said nervously.

"No need." Shen Lang shook his head and patted Liu Qingyi's shoulder: "I will take care of the matter."

Liu Qingyi knew Shen Lang's strength and couldn't say anything else.

Guan Jing was a little scared, Liu Qingyi told her not to worry.

After walking out of the door of the teaching building, Qiao Xing and several tough men quickly approached.

"Shen Lang, I admit that you are very brave. If you have the guts, just go to a place with me!" Qiao Xing yelled irritably.

Shen Lang chuckled: "Okay."

Seeing Shen Lang's careless look, Qiao Xing was furious. Since he could make this kid look good right away, he didn't bother to talk nonsense and took Shen Lang to the back mountain.

Liu Qingyi and Guan Jing also followed closely behind.

There is a wasteland in the back hill of Huahai University. There are many people standing outside the wasteland at the moment. Most of them came to watch the excitement after hearing the news.

Everyone heard that the fight was staged and attracted a large number of students to watch the fight. Gangsters from several nearby technical schools were attracted.

Liu Tienan and a group of tough men from the Heixiang Taekwondo Club squatted under a big tree and smoked.

He is a relatively well-known "campus gang" in his circle, and Liu Tienan himself is also a well-known fighting master and is Qiao Xing's follower.

Even this guy came over, so of course it was very interesting.

Qiao Xing trotted over, and Liu Tienan and a group of tough men immediately stood up to greet him.

"That's him." Qiao Xing pointed at Shen Lang.

Liu Tienan and a group of tough men immediately cast cold glances at Shen Lang.

Liu Qingyi looked at Shen Lang worriedly.

Shen Lang smiled at Liu Qingyi: "Stay away and don't come over."

Seeing that Shen Lang could still laugh, Qiao Xing was furious. Thinking of the misery above her head, she wished she could behead Shen Lang alive.

"Boy, are you the one who hurt Brother Xing?" Liu Tienan looked at Shen Lang for a few times and shouted angrily.

Shen Lang glanced at Liu Tienan and the group of tough men behind him, and sneered: "Not bad, Qiao Xing, you have found so many people."

Qiao Xing thought Shen Lang was scared, so he sneered: "I'm telling you Shen Lang, there's no point regretting it now. It's okay if you want me to spare your life, just kneel down and admit your mistake to me!"

Shen Lang shrugged and said, "Why should I kneel down for you?"

"Where's the why? Fuck you, is there a reason?" Qiao Xing was furious.

"Say it again." Shen Lang stepped forward and came to Qiao Xing.


Before Qiao Xing finished speaking, Shen Lang slapped Qiao Xing hard on the face.



Qiao Xing howled like a ghost, and flew away diagonally. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and several of his teeth fell out.

Falling on the grass, Qiao Xing was stunned, with boundless fear on his face. He once wondered if half of his face had been slapped off by Shen Lang.

Some of the students who were watching saw Shen Lang beating Qiao Xing, and many of them clapped inwardly. There were even a few boys who secretly gave Shen Lang their thumbs up.

Liu Qingyi and Guan Jing were a little surprised. Shen Lang was too violent, but it was Qiao Xing's own fault.

Liu Tienan and other gangsters were startled when they saw Shen Lang suddenly slapped Qiao Xing. By the time they reacted, Qiao Xing had already flown out and fell to the ground.

"Brother Xing, Brother Xing, are you okay?" Liu Tienan hurriedly stepped forward and helped Qiao Xing up.

"Damn it, do you think I'm okay? Why don't you hit him quickly, break this kid's legs, and help me vent my anger!" Qiao Xing vomited blood and howled incomprehensibly.

"How dare you hit Brother Xing? I think you don't want to live anymore!" Liu Tienan glared at Shen Lang fiercely and stood up suddenly.

"It's not certain who doesn't want to live." Shen Lang sneered.

He thought it would be better to use violence to scare these mobs, so as to save these guys from coming to trouble him one after another.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

"Do you believe I will stab you to death?"

A group of gangsters in black vests yelled.

Liu Tienan's face was full of gloom and he shouted: "You can just watch from the side. I will beat this kid until he becomes disabled."

"You want to fight with me?" Shen Lang suddenly felt a little funny and couldn't figure out why there were so many idiots.

"Yes, Liu Tienan, beat him to death! You can hang out with me from now on, and I'll reimburse you for food, drink, and whoring." Qiao Xing's eyes revealed a fierce and fierce look.

When Liu Tienan heard this, he felt a little excited and said with a ferocious smile: "Bring it here!"

Two yellow men immediately brought up three thick wooden boards.

The gangsters knew that Liu Tienan was going to act cool.

"Set up!" Liu Tienan shook his head, looking very cool.

The two yellow men hugged three big wooden boards with all their strength.

Liu Tienan shouted loudly, then turned around and kicked with a fierce force!

There were three crisp sounds of "Pap!", and three thick wooden boards were kicked to pieces by Liu Tienan.

The onlookers were in an uproar. Damn it, you could break three thick wooden boards with one kick. What kind of strength does it take to do this? This Liu Tienan is as strong as a strong black bear.

Qiao Xing, who was being helped up by the side, was also shocked. He didn't miss it. Liu Tienan was really powerful.

The group of gangsters and followers behind Liu Tienan screamed even more crazily.

"Tetsuo, Tetsuo, Tetsuo, mighty..."

Amid everyone's astonishment, Liu Tienan was proud and raised his middle finger to Shen Lang.

Liu Tienan's expression of both pride and contempt seemed to say: Can you kick three wooden boards into pieces?

Shen Lang didn't speak, as if he hadn't seen Liu Tienan, he walked up slowly.

The two faced each other, standing on both sides of the lawn. The body shape is a stark contrast.

Liu Tienan is 1.9 meters tall. He is wearing an elastic vest and has bulging muscles all over his body. He is not as strong as a human being. She has the perfect figure that macho men envy most.

Shen Lang, on the other hand, looks much thinner and wearing a casual suit. He looks like a handsome white-collar young man.

Ordinary muscular men only train their skin and muscles, but Shen Lang trains his bones, collaterals, meridians and blood.

In terms of physique, Shen Lang is actually a hundred times stronger than Liu Tienan, but his muscles are restrained, but his explosive power is extremely terrifying.

Most of the gangsters who were watching had eager expressions, eager to see what Liu Tienan and Shen Lang would do. (To be continued)

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