Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 467 It hurt him badly

Yun Luoxue took out the antidote for Jue Qi Powder from the arms of the dead young man in white robes, and drank it for herself and Ibuki Xue.

Just when Yun Luoxue and Ibuki snow were recovering their skills, two men in robes suddenly broke into the courtyard.

"Little Lord!"

When the two saw the body of the young man in white robe on the ground, they were so frightened that they lost their minds.

These two people are also disciples of the Yin Yang Sect. They broke in with the white-robed young man before and have been hiding in secret.

Just now, when the young man in white robe was about to play with Ibuki Xue and Yun Luoxue, the two of them avoided it, knowing that the young master did not like to be disturbed by others.

The two of them wandered around outside the courtyard, and when they came back they were shocked to find that their young master had died.

"Death!" Ibuki recovered some internal strength, stretched her right finger, and a silver needle, carrying the cold air, pierced into a person's chest.

"呲呲..." A large amount of white air came out of the man's chest, and his heart was instantly frozen.

The other man in a robe was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

Ibuki was unable to hit the second shot, and Yun Luoxue got up to chase her. Because her body had not recovered, her speed was too slow, and the opponent escaped.

"One person escaped, Xiaoxue, you shouldn't stay in this place for a long time! The other party will probably come back." Yun Luoxue gritted her teeth and said.

Ibukiyuki struggled to stand up, glanced at Shen Lang who was lying on the ground, and said hurriedly: "We have done a terrible job to Mr. Shen this time, let's send him to treatment first."

Yun Luoxue did not object, and quickly contacted the manpower to send Shen Lang to the largest hospital in the city center.

Ibuki Xue and Yun Luoxue were not idle either. After changing their clothes, they left the courtyard and got into the Rolls-Royce Phantom outside the courtyard.

"Do you want to tell the family that Shen Lang secretly learned the Seven Injury Fist?" Yun Luoxue asked Ibuki in the car.

"Of course not! If the family finds out about this, Mr. Shen Lang will definitely die miserably!" Ibukiyuki said hurriedly.

"I knew you would say that! But this person named Shen is just an outsider after all. In fact, we don't need to bear such risks for him." Yun Luoxue had a headache.

"Sister Luoxue, Mr. Shen Lang saved us this time. After receiving such a great kindness, we can't repay a favor with a grudge!" Ibuki said with a curled lips.

"Okay, okay, I'll just keep it a secret for you." Yun Luoxue sighed slightly.

When Shen Lang woke up, it was already early morning the next day.

Opening his sleepy eyes, he seemed to be in a ward.

After moving his hands and feet, Shen Lang felt extremely sore all over, his body felt like it was falling apart, and the injuries inside his body were still serious.

"Shen Lang, you're awake!" A surprised voice came from beside the hospital bed.

It's a red moon.

"Yue'er, why are you here?" Shen Lang rubbed his head, his brain was still a little dizzy.

"I'm also new to the hospital. I brought my master to the hospital for a physical check-up today. I happened to meet Dr. Cheng Zhi. He said you were hospitalized."

Hongyue gritted her teeth, a look of worry on her face.

She could guess that Shen Lang was in great trouble. After all, there were very few people in the world who could hurt a master like Shen Lang.

"Who sent me to the hospital?" Shen Lang asked and wanted to get out of bed.

Hongyue hurriedly supported Shen Lang and said softly: "You are seriously injured, don't get out of bed yet! Doctor Cheng Zhi is treating you. He should know something."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cheng Zhi, wearing a white coat, stepped into the ward.

"Mr. Shen, are you awake?" Cheng Zhi was overjoyed and walked up immediately.

When he was sent to the hospital yesterday, Shen Lang's injuries were very serious, and Cheng Zhi was still worried about this.

Unexpectedly, after one night, Shen Lang could sit up and talk. His body's recovery power was too strong.

After asking Cheng Zhi a few questions, Shen Lang also roughly knew what happened when he was unconscious. It should be Ibuki who sent him to the hospital.

He was still awake, probably because of Ibuki's healing elixir, otherwise he wouldn't have recovered so quickly. However, the injury was too serious, and Shen Lang would not recover easily for a while.

"Shen Lang, what happened yesterday?" Hong Yue asked with concern.

Shen Lang shook his head: "It's nothing, the matter has nothing to do with me anyway."

Just as Shen Lang had predicted, nothing good would happen if he got involved with Ibuki Yuki. This time, thanks to his good luck, he would have been so confused.

Seeing Shen Lang's expression, Hong Yue didn't ask any questions and said, "I have contacted Liu Xiaoxiao and Bai Qingyu this morning. They should be here soon."

Shen Lang had a headache. He, Liu Xiaoxiao and Bai Qingyu were all boyfriend and girlfriend. If these two girls came together, there might be some conflicts.

Hongyue knew what Shen Lang was thinking. She also knew how many women were around Shen Lang. She could probably guess the relationship between Bai Qingyu and Liu Xiaoxiao and Shen Lang.

"Shen Lang, just recover from your injuries. If you want to explain, leave it to me." Hong Yue said immediately.


After chatting with Hongyue for a few words, Shen Lang meditated and recovered from his injuries.

Using the Shen Zhao Sutra at full power, Shen Lang's whole body glowed with a faint red light, a trace of white air emerged from the top of his head, and his hair moved automatically without any wind.

Shenzhao Meridian has the function of Chongmai and Qingmai, which has a great effect on recovering injuries.

Soon, Shen Lang entered a deep state of concentration.

Bai Qingyu arrived at the hospital first, and was a little surprised by the sudden appearance of a strange woman.

Hongyue explained the situation to her.

Bai Qingyu was afraid that she would disturb Shen Lang, so she quietly checked on him several times outside the ward, feeling very worried.

Not long after, Liu Xiaoxiao also arrived.

"An Qianyue, it's you!" Liu Xiaoxiao saw Hongyue outside the ward and frowned slightly. She had been suspicious before, but she didn't expect that the person who called her was Hongyue.

"Miss Liu, don't worry, I don't have any agenda. Shen Lang is also my savior. I will not retaliate." Hong Yue shook her head gently.

"Let's call you Miss Hongyue. Shen Lang has already told me about you." Liu Xiaoxiao nodded slightly. She had also learned from Shen Lang before that Hongyue was no longer a killer.

Like Shen Lang, Hongyue is no ordinary person.

Liu Xiaoxiao asked hurriedly: "Where is Shen Lang? I kept calling him yesterday but couldn't get through. I heard that he was injured and hospitalized?"

"Shh, Miss Liu, please keep your voice down. Shen Lang is still doing exercises in the ward to heal his injuries." Hong Yue said in a low voice.

Through the window, Liu Xiaoxiao saw Shen Lang meditating inside, and asked Hongyue in a low voice: "Can I go in and see him?"

"I want to go in and take a look too!" Bai Qingyu also said hurriedly.

Hongyue shook her head and said: "Don't go in, either. It's the most taboo to be disturbed when doing exercises to heal injuries. It's better to wait for Shen Lang to come out on his own."

Liu Xiaoxiao sighed lightly, turned to look at Bai Qingyu, and said with a smile: "Captain Bai is busy with work, so I can take care of Shen Lang. You'd better go back to work as soon as possible."

Bai Qingyu raised her eyebrows and said, "I am Shen Lang's girlfriend, so naturally it is my responsibility to take care of him."

"What!" Liu Xiaoxiao was stunned. She knew that Bai Qingyu liked Shen Lang, but the other party made such a joke, which made Liu Xiaoxiao feel a little unhappy. (To be continued)

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