Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 4672 Return to the ancient spiritual world


The Underworld Turtle below let out a low scream, seeming to express its surrender, and its huge phantom figure gradually disappeared over the Boundary Mountains.

After choosing to take on the responsibility of the Chosen One, Shen Lang's mentality also changed, and he had no intention of killing creatures that were beneficial to the True Immortal World.

Seeing that the Diming Xuan Turtle was completely dormant, he did not dare to appear again.

Shen Lang then used the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror and ordered: "Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror, quickly find for me the interface where the gold stone fell!"

"Yes, Master!"

After Tiandi Baojian responded, he immediately cast the spell.

Generally speaking, every time Tiandi Baojian uses the technique of penetrating the universe, it will consume a lot of money, and it will take a long time before it can be used again, but Shen Lang is an exception.

The main reason is that the energy of heaven and earth condensed by Shen Lang is too full now. The little energy of heaven and earth consumed by the treasure mirror can be replenished in a moment, and there is no problem in using the method of penetrating the universe twice in succession.

As Shen Lang poured a huge amount of chaotic spiritual power into the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror, the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror floated above the Jie Gun Mountains. The mirror surface flipped over and shot out endless golden light, which went straight into the space vortex in the Jie Gun Mountains.

The space vortex inside the boundary mountains is the passage to the lower boundary interface.

There are millions of vortices like this, representing millions of intermediate interfaces connected.

"Boom boom boom!"

Between the electric light and flint, the entire world mountains were covered by the golden light released by the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror.

The Tiandi Baojian quickly screened the scene information and finally locked it in a certain space vortex in the north of Jiequn Mountain.

Shen Lang immediately dodged to the mountainside in the northern part of the Jiequn Mountains. Below the mountainside was a space vortex the size of a wheel, with bits and pieces of golden light remaining in this space vortex.

These golden streams of light are exactly the light emitted by the gold stones in the nine-color Chaos Sky-Mending Stone.

"Master, the gold stone is probably in this interface."

The treasure mirror of heaven and earth slowly fell to Shen Lang's side and said in a precise tone.


Shen Lang took a deep breath, turned into a blood shadow, and escaped directly into the space vortex.

In an instant, Shen Lang felt like he was floating in the galaxy and the universe, and his body became weightless.

He originally thought that the shuttle interface would bear a considerable degree of huge space pressure, but he did not expect that what he experienced was the process of the power of space changing from strong to weak.

Perhaps the space intensity of the upper-level interface is much stronger than that of the intermediate-level interface, which is why Shen Lang feels almost weightless. tail heart.

After teasing my pen, Shen Lang completed the interface shuttle and landed in an endless desert in just a few breaths.

The sky is filled with dust and ferocious insects are raging all around. The gravel in the desert is golden yellow, like finely ground golden crystals, extremely sharp.

"Is this..."

Shen Lang seemed to feel that the scene in front of him was familiar, as if he had been there before.

Without thinking much, he immediately released his consciousness and tried to gain insight into the surrounding scene.

The moment he released his spiritual consciousness.

With a loud "boom", a violent space storm suddenly erupted from Shen Lang's body, sweeping across the entire desert.

For a time, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the sun and moon had no light.

Shen Lang had just arrived in the lower realm, but he didn't know that the space in the lower realm was so fragile compared to the real immortal world. Just by releasing his spiritual consciousness, he could destroy the surrounding space!

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the surrounding space was destroyed by Shen Lang's overly powerful spiritual thoughts and shattered into nothingness!

Shen Lang's mind was greatly shaken, and he quickly gathered his spiritual consciousness, and the space destroyed by his spiritual thoughts was gradually repaired.

Until now, he finally understood what a nightmarish existence the upper realm of true immortality is to such a creature in the intermediate interface!

Shen Lang pointed a little ahead, and the fingertips randomly stimulated the released light beam, which could easily cut into pieces of space.

"How can the space of this intermediate interface be so fragile?" Shen Lang frowned, feeling a little incredible.

The Treasure Mirror of Heaven and Earth broke out of the body and floated next to Shen Lang. He complimented: "The master's strength is already comparable to that of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. He can naturally destroy the space here easily by using his magical powers on the intermediate interface."

Shen Lang simply asked about the treasure mirror of heaven and earth: "As far as I know, when monks from the upper realm come to the lower realm, their cultivation is generally suppressed by the power of the laws of heaven and earth. Why don't I feel that my cultivation is suppressed?"

Tiandi Baojian responded: "Perhaps the interface energy in the human realm flows too violently, causing the laws of heaven and earth to become weaker and weaker, already in a state of imbalance, so it cannot suppress a powerful monk like the master. If it is an ordinary earth immortal Heavenly Immortals, and even Luotian Immortals, should still be suppressed in their cultivation."

"There is another possibility, that is, the master himself possesses a huge energy of heaven and earth, so the weak laws of heaven and earth in the human domain have no effect on the master." Tiandi Baojian speculated.

Shen Lang did not show the slightest hint of pride, but instead sighed worriedly: "It seems that the loss of the power of the fairy world interface has really affected the middle and lower interfaces."

After sighing for a while, Shen Lang was ready to get down to business.

He slowly released his spiritual consciousness, and after adapting to the spatial intensity of the interface, he greatly extended the spiritual consciousness he released.

What surprised Shen Lang was that the consciousness he released extended infinitely as if there were no boundaries, until it extended to the entire interface!

What is the concept of allowing spiritual consciousness to cover the entire interface?

In the past, Shen Lang wouldn't have dared to think about it.

What shocked Shen Lang even more was what happened later. When he observed the scenes on this interface, he suddenly found that everything was so familiar!

"Golden Green Sand Island, Xize Realm, Ancient Woodland, Shura Forest, Dongzhou Realm, Baihua Continent, Chuyun Plain, Middle Earth, Great Wilderness Realm... This is actually the ancient spiritual world!"

Shen Lang murmured to himself, with an incredible expression on his face.

He belatedly discovered that the interface he came to was actually the ancient spiritual world!

No wonder this desert seemed so familiar to him before. The location he was in now was the golden and green sandbank of the ancient spiritual world!

Memories of the past came to mind, and Shen Lang felt silent for a moment, actually missing this land.

However, there are still quite obvious differences between the ancient spiritual world today and the ancient spiritual world in Shen Lang's memory. The most obvious difference is that large areas of desert have eroded various continents.

The loss of spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the ancient spiritual world was extremely serious, and many areas that were originally not rich in resources have almost become wastelands.

The situation is more serious than Shen Lang imagined. The loss of interface energy in the fairy world has seriously affected the reproduction of middle and lower-level interfaces.

At this moment, Shen Lang felt the significance of being the chosen one.

Even if it is to protect the interface that I was once familiar with, I must find a way to save this human realm.

After calming down, Shen Lang observed his surroundings with the help of his spiritual consciousness that could cover the entire ancient spiritual world.

With Da Luo's peak level of consciousness, Shen Lang could not only peek into the scenes in various places in the ancient spiritual world, but he could even pinpoint every living being and every monk in the interface!

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