Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 4712 Instant Kill

The gap between the two sides is really too big.

The arrogant Black Winged Tiger King was destroyed in both form and body!

Shen Lang's Yuanfeng bloodline is far stronger than these true spirit kings. In addition, the strength of his soul is infinitely close to the level of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. The combat power of Yuanfeng's true body is completely beyond that of ordinary Daluo peak monks. !

After the blow, the entire place fell into deathly silence.

Black Winged Tiger King, dead?

All the demon cultivators who witnessed all this were completely stunned, with unspeakable horror and shock in their eyes.

Shen Lang glanced at the spirit boat and warship filled with demon cultivators, and was too lazy to talk nonsense. Yuan Feng's true form rolled up a nine-color sea of ​​fire like a tsunami, sweeping towards the spirit boat and warship.

“Dong dong dong!!!”

In an instant, the nine-color sea of ​​​​fire that filled the sky had swallowed up the warship, and there was an earth-shattering roar and explosion.

Amidst the explosion, the hull of the ship exploded, and countless demon cultivators on the warship were burned to ashes by the powerful Yuanfeng True Fire, and there was no time to even scream.

This sudden scene made all the monks feel terrified.

Yuan Feng fell from the sky, floated to land in front of the Jade Faced Fox King, transformed back into a human body, and glanced indifferently at the Silver Moon Wolf King and the Nine-Headed Lion King in front of him.

The Silver Moon Wolf King was so frightened by Shen Lang's methods that he thought that the monk who transformed into a Yuanfeng in front of him was the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. He was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy: "Senior, please forgive me! I have never offended any of you. I hope you will forgive me, senior!"

"Since you are a lackey of Shang Zhou, then just accept your fate!"

A wisp of Shura's holy fire condensed on Shen Lang's fingertips, and he flicked it with a flick of his finger.


The black flames hit the Silver Moon Wolf King with lightning speed and exploded immediately, turning into a flood of black flames that swallowed up the Silver Moon Wolf King in an instant.


Silver Moon Wolf King screamed fiercely, and within a few breaths, his body was burned to ashes by the extremely domineering Shura Holy Fire, and he died on the spot.

The jade-faced fox king behind him trembled all over when he witnessed this horrifying scene.

Instantly killing Daluo's peak cultivator... This person's strength is a bit unbelievable!

A group of demon cultivators from Cuiyun Mountain arrived behind the Jade Faced Fox King. Xiaoyu supported the Jade Faced Fox King, waiting for an opportunity to run away with the Jade Faced Fox King.

The Jade Faced Fox King shook his head and stopped Xiaoyu's behavior.

He knew that in front of an absolutely powerful monk, escaping would not only be futile, but would also make it easier to anger the other party.

If the mysterious monk in front of him wants to kill them, it may be as simple as eating and drinking. Now he can only resign himself to his fate.

After Shen Lang killed the Silver Moon Wolf Queen, the Nine-Headed Lion King couldn't stand the pressure and turned around to escape.

Just when he was about to turn around, a bloody shadow approached him in a daze.

Shen Lang's right hand turned into a giant claw of blood shadow, and he easily cut off the nine-headed lion king's body in half!

With a muffled sound of "Puff", the nine-headed lion king's body was cut into two pieces, and the flesh and blood were separated.


The nine-headed lion king let out an extremely tragic scream, and the lower half of his body flew out diagonally. A large amount of flesh and blood splashed everywhere, which was too horrible to watch.

Shen Lang grabbed the upper half of the nine-headed lion king's neck with his right hand and asked expressionlessly: "Tell me, what is your name?"

The nine-headed lion king held Shen Lang's right arm tightly, his eyes were bloodshot, and he roared hysterically: "Kill if you want, no need to ask about your name, don't even think about humiliating me!"

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Shen Lang glanced at the nine-headed lion king and asked grimly.

The nine-headed lion king gritted his teeth: "If you are not as skilled as others, why should you fear life and death! I am no match for you. If you want to kill me, please do so. But if you want me to beg for mercy, that is just a dream!"

Shen Lang admired the strength of the nine-headed lion king, but of course he was more concerned about the identity of the nine-headed lion king.

The Nine-Headed Lion King is the top True Spirit King, and his bloodline is extremely rare in the True Immortal World.

Shen Lang thought that the original form of the Nine Spirits Yuansheng was also the nine-headed lion king. It might be that the Nine Spirits Yuansheng was this nine-headed lion king.

If he kills this Nine-Headed Lion King, there may not be another Nine-Ling Yuansheng in the future.

Because of this, Shen Lang did not have murderous intentions.

"Let me ask you, why did you join Shang Zhou and become a lackey of Dongyi?" Shen Lang asked.

The Nine-Headed Lion King gritted his teeth and said: "Of course it is to be promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, otherwise why would I be willing to be driven by others!"

Shen Lang scolded: "You are willing to be a lackey today. Even if you can be promoted to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo in the future, you can only become a tool enslaved by others."

As soon as these words came out, half of the nine-headed lion king's body trembled slightly.

"If you devote yourself to practice and use your own abilities to advance to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo, wouldn't it be a thousand times better than groveling now?"

"The dignity of a truly strong person is always higher than his life. If you are willing to live under the power of others, you will never become a truly strong person."

Shen Lang said calmly.

The Nine-Headed Lion King seemed to have a glimmer of understanding. He also felt that everything he had done was really shameful. Even if he was lucky enough to break through in the future, he could not live casually.

"The lesson learned by the seniors is that the juniors realize their mistakes."

The Nine-headed Lion King took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Unfortunately, it is too late to realize my mistake now. If senior wants to kill me, please don't hesitate!"

Shen Lang said: "I have a close relationship with your ancestors. I will spare your life this time. I hope you can make a difference in the future!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Lang threw half of the nine-headed lion king's body away.

There was a muffled sound, and half of the nine-headed lion king fell to the ground.

Hearing Shen Lang say that he was closely related to his ancestors, the Nine-Headed Lion King's eyes widened and his expression became extremely awe-inspiring. He endured the pain and kowtowed heavily towards Shen Lang: "I'm so lucky to have this opportunity. The seniors’ teachings will be remembered by the juniors for the rest of their lives!”

"Get out of here!"

Shen Lang waved his hand and did not want to say anything more.

The nine-headed lion king kowtowed to Shen Lang again, then turned into a golden ray of light and fled away.

With his cultivation at the peak level of Daluo, it was not difficult to recover his body, and Shen Lang spared his life.

After Shen Lang collected the storage rings of the Black Winged Tiger King and the Silver Moon Wolf King, he turned to face the Jade Faced Fox King and the leaders of the demon cultivators from Cuiyun Mountain.

"Cui... The jade-faced fox of Cuiyun Mountain has met my senior. Thank you very much for your help!"

The jade-faced fox king quickly bowed and saluted.

"I've met senior!"

Xiaoyu and many Cuiyun Mountain demon cultivator leaders also saluted Shen Lang.

After witnessing the great magical power Shen Lang had just displayed, these demon cultivators had obviously regarded him as a senior master at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

If the other party had not been Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he would not have been able to kill the Black Winged Tiger King and the Silver Moon Wolf King with just a few moves.

"You don't have to be polite. Shen came here to ask for something. Can I go to your Cuiyun Mountain Palace to talk about it?" Shen Langke said politely to the Jade Faced Fox King.

The jade-faced fox king stood in awe and said quickly: "Senior, please!"

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