Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 4778 Ancestor, spare your life!

Bathed in the golden light, Shen Lang's figure soared to tens of millions of feet, and his appearance changed. His facial features were as deep as a knife, his long hair hung down his shoulders, and a sun pattern condensed between his eyebrows. He was rich and handsome, as if he were a celestial being.

This is none other than Hou Yi, who has not appeared for a long time!

"A descendant of the mighty witch clan has fallen to such a shameless and humble state. You... are ashamed of your ancestors' cultivation!"

The deep sound coming out of Hou Yi's mouth shook the world, and the extremely terrifying pressure felt like the heaven and earth were shattering and the sky was collapsing!

"You...you are Hou...Hou Yi!!!"

Sensing the ancient and powerful aura exuded by Shen Lang, the Hunyuan Tree clone instantly became terrified, its soul trembled, its whole body trembled and trembled with uncontrollable madness, and its heart was extremely frightened.

Hou Yi was the supreme genius of the witch clan in the Lich Age, and was almost unknown to everyone at the time.

Although Hunyuanshu knew little about the Lich Age, he had seen the portrait of Houyi, the great witch of the Golden Witch Clan.

"Impossible. Hou Yi died tragically during the Lich Catastrophe. You... there is absolutely no way you are Hou Yi. I must reveal your true colors!"

"Huang Feihu" roared wildly and violently, and a torrent of green light surged from his body, shouting loudly: "Magic, Qinglong Yunping!"

As soon as the roar ended, "Huang Feihu" pushed his palms forward, and green light as bright as the blazing sun emerged from his palms.

Immediately afterwards, two blue dragon phantoms with a body length of tens of millions of feet flew out, roaring towards the sky, covering the sky and the sun, exuding a terrifying pressure that made people's blood boil.

The two green dragon phantoms locked on Hou Yi below, opened their mouths and fangs, and rushed down with the power of destroying the heaven and the earth, towards Hou Yi.

Seeing the astonishing green dragon phantom coming, Hou Yi just raised his right hand slightly, and a dazzling golden divine light suddenly burst out from his palm.

A shocking scene occurred.

The golden divine light from Hou Yi's palm seemed to be filled with extremely powerful destructive power. The two green dragon phantoms exploded one after another the moment they were illuminated by the golden divine light.


In an instant, a loud noise like the collapse of heaven and earth made people deafened and deafened. A terrifying green light swept through the entire spiritual space, and the roaring and cracking sound lasted for a long time.

Hou Yi's golden divine light in an understatement not only defeated the two green dragons, but also accurately blasted the white thorns binding Qiong Xiao Bixiao and Zhao Gongming into pieces.

Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao were shocked beyond measure when they saw that Shen Lang suddenly seemed to be a different person, and his fighting power became extremely incredible.

"Thank you so much, senior, for saving your life!"

Although the two women didn't know what happened, they still bowed to thank Shen Lang who transformed into Hou Yi, and helped the unconscious Zhao Gongming.

Seeing Hou Yi breaking through his magical power with a casual blow, Hunyuan Shu's mind and body were shocked, but he still didn't believe in this evil.

"Huang Feihu" shouted loudly: "Stop pretending to be a ghost here, you will die for me!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole body of "Huang Feihu" surged with green light, and the sea of ​​trees in the entire spiritual realm surged like a tsunami. The white thorns that covered the sky, like countless crystal spears, all moved towards Hou Yi. Fly away.

"The blood of Liao Zai is in my body, all the gods and ghosts are lying in wait, and the setting sun melts gold!"

Hou Yi's expression remained unchanged, and the sun pattern between his eyebrows released endless golden divine light!

The intense golden light swallowed and submerged the entire spiritual realm, and all the giant thorn trees that tried to approach Hou Yi's body were bombarded by the golden light and turned into powdery residue.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The extremely powerful divine light energy spread throughout the spiritual realm, and the loud sound was like a galaxy explosion, and the heaven and earth collapsed.

The destructive power carried by the spiritual realm was too strong, and finally collapsed and exploded, and the terrifying and terrifying energy poured out, affecting the sea of ​​flowers outside.

"Dong dong dong!"

The entire sea of ​​flowers was almost wiped out in an instant.

Indescribable destructive energy rises and spreads from the whole body, constantly spreading from the center outwards.


The clone of the Hunyuan Tree was also swallowed up and drowned by the overwhelming golden divine light. Amidst the screams, the body of the Huang Feihu that the Hunyuan Tree took away was also blown to pieces and turned into countless pieces of meat, which was too horrible to look at.

Hou Yi only relied on the power of divine light to forcefully break through the spiritual realm covered by the Hunyuan Tree's clone, and destroyed the Hunyuan Tree's clone in one go!


Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao couldn't help but take a breath of cold air after witnessing all this. They almost thought they had seen an illusion if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

At the end of a messy sea of ​​flowers, the trunk of the Hunyuan tree, struck by the divine light, began to twist and tremble, forming a strange and twisted old face. The ferocious old face was tens of thousands of feet wide, like a living creature, exuding a heart-stopping terror. breath!

Hunyuan Shu opened his dry eyes, his twisted face full of fear and fear: "No! Don't... don't kill me, ancestor Hou Yi, please spare your life!!!"

The clone was dead, and Hunyuanshu had no choice but to reveal his true form and beg for mercy in a humble way.

"If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place! I will use your body to pave the way for the Chosen One."

Hou Yi said indifferently, and a dazzling golden divine light suddenly surged in the palm of his right hand.

I saw that golden divine light being rubbed by Hou Yi's palms, turned into a bright golden arrow, bursting out energy fluctuations like heaven and earth annihilation!


Hou Yi directly condensed the golden arrow with his right palm and threw it out, pointing directly at the trunk of the Hunyuan Tree.

"call out!"

The golden arrow flew out, and the tip of the arrow condensed the twisted light of the stars and the moon, tearing the sky apart and creating a huge space crack in the space where it passed!


Seeing the powerful golden arrows coming, Hunyuanshu let out a hysterical howl, his voice full of fear and horror.

In panic, Hunyuanshu used all his strength to condense a thick crystal barrier in front of him, trying to resist the power of Hou Yi's arrow.

The next moment, the golden arrow suddenly hit the crystal barrier in front of Hunyuan Tree.


The huge movement was like the earth collapsing.

The terrifying golden light rose up, and the crystal barrier in front of the Hunyuan Tree collapsed before it could withstand it for even half a breath.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The huge Hunyuan Tree was hit by the golden arrow, and the endless red-gold light swallowed and submerged the Hunyuan Tree. All the space within sight was blown into nothingness, and the extremely terrifying destructive energy was madly vented. , the entire Witch Tomb was shocked!

Hou Yi concentrated the power of divine light and fired the golden arrow, which exploded with extraordinary power.


The Hunyuan Tree, which was swallowed up by the golden divine light, screamed loudly, and its huge trunk was torn apart by the arrow tip!

The huge Hunyuan tree finally collapsed under the repeated bombardment of endless golden divine light. The towering tree broke from the trunk and broke into two pieces.

The power of Hou Yi's arrow split the Hunyuan tree into two, and destroyed most of the Hunyuan tree's life!

Hou Yi, who threw the arrow, was seriously depleted of soul power, and his body became illusory and unclear, and finally changed back to the appearance of Shen Lang.

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