Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 492 Let me take you to have fun

"Bad pervert!" Chu You'er snorted.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you." Shen Lang shook his head.

He couldn't argue with a little girl. Shen Lang suddenly felt that his behavior was too stupid.

The two of them argued for a while and finally stopped.

Shen Lang took a bath, returned to the bedroom, and continued to meditate.

As far as Shen Lang's current situation is concerned, his physical strength is much higher than that of the average martial artist in the early stage of the realm.

In the previous few battles, Shen Lang could feel that his strength should be far better than ordinary early stage masters of Qingjing, which also doubled his confidence in Shenzhao Jing.

According to common sense, when ordinary martial arts cultivators reach the realm of questioning, they rarely practice physical training because it is a waste of time.

For example, even if the body of an ordinary master is hit by a bullet, it will still bleed and be injured, and he may even die. Of course, that is only if the master of the realm does not dodge or use his internal strength.

With the speed of the Wenjing master, even if the bullet is several times faster, he can easily avoid it! If the masters of Questioning Realm are using Qi defense, the bullets will not cause much damage to their flesh.

Therefore, many Wenjing martial arts cultivators feel that no matter how strong your physical body is, your flesh and skin cannot defend against attacks as powerful as the internal palm technique, and it is not as effective as cultivating internal power. There is a benefit to cultivating internal strength. The stronger your internal strength is, the stronger your body's external defense will be in disguise!

Of course, there are a few exceptions. For example, the "Golden Body Art" that Ling Qingyu used to perform is a defensive technique that improves both internal and external.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary martial arts practitioners to achieve this level of internal and external training, but Shen Lang's Shen Zhao Jing can do just that. I heard from the old man that if you practice the Shenzhao Sutra to a later stage, you can still protect your body with strong energy.

There are nine levels in Shen Zhao Jing, and Shen Lang has just reached the third level.

Shen Lang didn't have any whims, he could only work steadily and work hard to improve his realm.

Early the next morning.

Shen Lang received a call from a gold card holder. The other party said that he had arrived in Huahai City and begged him to go for treatment.

After making an appointment, Shen Lang left the Longteng group and got into his Porsche 911. Chu Youer also got in the car with him.

When he arrived at the appointed place, Shen Lang only spent more than ten minutes to cure the patient's illness.

Chu You'er didn't understand why Shen Lang wanted to treat others. She didn't think Shen Lang was so kind, but she was too lazy to worry about Shen Lang. She could just keep an eye on this guy.

Shen Lang had just cured a person's illness when another gold card holder called and re-arranged another location to treat the person.

Chu You'er also ran around with Shen Lang, a little impatient.

After finally solving the two patients, Shen Lang received another call from Cheng Zhi.

Cheng Zhi said excitedly on the phone: "Mr. Shen Lang, I have developed a capsule for the prescription of Shevenom Powder you gave me, and the effect is so powerful! If this medicine comes out, it will definitely create a huge sensation. "

Shen Lang took the mobile phone and said: "Well, Canghai Pharmaceutical Company belongs to Canghai Group, and it will soon be named. You will be the president of Canghai Pharmaceutical Company in the future. Of course, the patent for Shedu Powder is mine, and I can't sell anything. It belongs to me, but I can give you some shares after the company goes public."

Cheng Zhi burst into tears and said, "No, Mr. Shen, I am very satisfied to have developed such a unique drug. I don't care much about profits and the like."

After Shen Lang gave a few instructions, he hung up the phone.

He felt that it would be better for Cheng Zhi to concentrate on helping the company with drug development and research. He was not suitable to be the person in charge to make money.

Shen Lang called Chen Zifeng and asked Chen Zifeng to serve as the chairman of Canghai Pharmaceutical Company. Chen Zifeng was smarter and had business acumen, so he should be qualified.

At noon, Shen Lang also summoned Liu Xiaoxiao, Li Fei, Chen Zifeng, Gao Jie, Yang Xiaokang, Cheng Zhi and others to discuss Canghai Group and development matters.

Five days after the decision, a press conference was held, and Canghai Group officially signed up.

Everyone has already planned that this press conference will make Canghai Group and its subsidiary Canghai Pharmaceutical Company famous all over the world.

His subordinates would do the work for him, and Shen Lang didn't have to intervene personally. He could just stay behind the scenes.

Unknowingly, another day passed. Shen Lang treated four patients with gold cards today. According to this progress, he will be able to treat all patients with gold cards in only four or five days at most.

In the hall where Longteng was grouped, Chu You'er sat on the sofa and said gloomily: "Shen Lang, I didn't expect you to be a very busy man! I've been following you around today, it's really boring!"

"It's true that I've been a little busy during this period. As compensation... Xiao You'er, how about I take you to play tomorrow?" Shen Lang smiled.

"Okay, okay!" Chu You'er's beautiful eyes shone and she immediately said: "I heard that the amusement park is very fun, I want to go there..."

"Isn't the playground a place for children to play?" Shen Lang was a little speechless.

Chu You'er's face turned red and she cried out sweetly: "I'm not a child! It's just... I haven't been there, I just want to see it."

"Okay then, let's go to the amusement park." Shen Lang shrugged, too lazy to do so much.

As the top master of Dragon Soaring, Chu You'er was sent by the head of the Chu family to practice in the secular world. The little girl usually has heavy tasks and has little time to play.

Monitoring Shen Lang this time was a very easy task. It was so relaxing that it was boring. However, thinking about being able to go to the amusement park to play, Chu Youer was quite looking forward to it.

Shen Lang felt like an uncle who kidnapped and trafficked lolita, but it was good to be able to coax this little girl.

Fa Jiang had no objections and was able to coax Chu You'er into submission, and he secretly admired Shen Lang's methods.

Early the next morning, Shen Lang drove a Porsche 911 and took Chu You'er out to play.

Chu You'er wore twin ponytails, a light-colored long-sleeved shirt on her upper body, and a pair of hot pants on her lower body, with her beautiful white legs exposed to the air.

She was dressed simply, but it still couldn't hide Chu You'er's free and cute temperament. This little girl really had the potential to become a fairy.

When they arrived at the parking lot near the amusement park in the city center, Shen Lang parked the car and the two of them got out of the car.

After passing through several apartments, the two walked into a small alley. When they walked out, they could see the playground.

Shen Lang and Chu You'er were walking when two figures suddenly appeared from the corner of the alley in front of them, with fierce looks, and each held two shiny watermelon knives in their hands.

"Don't move! Robbery!" A low and cold voice came over.

Four robbers surrounded Shen Lang and Chu You'er. (To be continued)

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