Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 4987 The Royal Princess of the Demon Realm

"My name is Hongdie, and I am the princess of the Demon Realm Royal Family." Hongdie said straightforwardly.

"Are you a member of the Demon Realm Royal Family!?"

Shen Lang's expression suddenly turned extremely cold.

He thought that the red-haired witch in front of him was an enemy, so his right hand turned into a huge bloody claw and struck directly at the phantom form of the red-haired witch in front of him.

"Boom boom boom!"

The giant claws of the blood shadow erupted with a terrifying blood light that soared into the sky and swept the earth. The space it passed was easily torn into nothingness by the blood light surging from the claw tip. The power was so terrifying that it made people feel frightened!

However, Hongdie showed no fear and lightly grabbed Shen Lang's arm just before the giant claws of the blood shadow hit her body.

"Boy, although I don't understand why your cultivation level suddenly increased so much, with your skills, you are no match for me!"

Hongdie threw away Shen Lang's arm and snorted coldly: "Don't make any mistake, this princess is not your enemy. Nuwa and I share a physical body. Now that her physical body has perished, this princess will use her spiritual body to appear in front of you."

"Sharing a body?"

Shen Lang frowned and said coldly: "You'd better explain it clearly, otherwise you won't let me trust you!"

Hongdie explained patiently.

Things will start after the Lich War.

In fact, long before Chi You attacked the Human Realm, the Demon Realm Emperor at that time personally led a group of Demon Realm troops to the Human Realm.

The so-called Demon Realm Emperor is the emperor of the Demon Realm royal family.

The status is somewhat similar to the Three Emperors of the Human Realm.

"The Emperor of the Demon Realm once used powerful space magic to make the blood cave escape from the Demon Realm."

"However, although the blood cave is separated from the surface of the Demon Realm, it is adsorbed on the surface of the Human Realm not far from the Demon Realm."

"Just because your human realm lost the thing that sealed the boundary, the blood hole easily took root on the surface of the human realm."

"The main purpose of the Demon Realm Emperor entering the Human Realm is not to conquer the Human Realm, but to remove the blood holes adsorbed on the Human Realm interface."

Hongdie said calmly.

Hearing this, Shen Lang asked suspiciously: "The Great Emperor of the Demon Realm really has such good intentions? Will he remove the blood holes for the Human Realm?"

Hongdie said frankly: "It's not out of good intentions, but the emperor knows very well that if the blood cave is allowed to take root in the human realm, the sky-eating worms in the blood cave will definitely return to the demon realm after devouring the human realm, causing annihilation to the demon realm." disaster."

"Only by removing the blood hole and returning it to the distant star field can the crisis be completely avoided."

"Although the emperor had a good idea, he was unlucky. When he entered the human realm, he was sucked into the foreign realm by an invisible force of space and disappeared without a trace."

Shen Lang frowned.

The foreign interface Hongdie mentioned should be the virtual world.

Originally, the Demon Realm Emperor wanted to enter the real immortal world, but he accidentally stepped into the virtual world and was sealed by Xihe Saint in the virtual world.

"The second batch of demon army led by this princess entered the human realm at a different time than the emperor led the army, so it was not involved in the alien world and successfully arrived at the northern underworld of the human realm."

"This princess discovered a blood hole adsorbed on the interface of the human realm in the sea area north of Beiming."

"Because I couldn't contact the emperor for a long time, I decided to deal with the blood cave on my own, so I led the demon army into the depths of the blood cave, trying to take out the eggs in the blood cave and banish them from the star domain."

"This princess underestimated the power of the insect egg. The demon army she led was defeated by the larvae souls that split from the surface of the insect egg. The entire army was wiped out. My demon body was destroyed, the demon core was shattered, and my soul was in danger."

"When she was about to die, it was Nuwa who used the lotus lantern to subvert time and space, save my princess's life, and temporarily seal the blood cave to prevent the larvae from pursuing her. This is why the lotus lantern fell into the blood cave."

"After escaping from the blood cave, this princess was unable to reshape her demonic body because her demonic core was severely damaged, so she shared her body with Nuwa."

"In return, this princess will use the power of her soul to alleviate the time and space curse she suffered and extend her life for a long time."

Red Butterfly came happily.

Her explanation solved Shen Lang's doubts.

Back then, the light from the Star Realm eroded the land of the Fairy Realm, causing all creatures in the Human Realm to suffer the curse of time and space.

The more powerful the creature, the greater the backlash it will suffer from time and space.

The Wu clan was exterminated because of this.

Nuwa and Xingtian are the only surviving Wu monks.

But unlike Xingtian who sold his soul to the demons and survived, Nuwa was able to extend his life with the help of Hongdie.

Nuwa and Hongdie are interdependent.

Hongdie said coldly: "Now, only this princess can persuade Chi You to stop, put down the feud with your human realm, and deal with the sky-eating worm together."

"Can you really persuade Chi You to stop?" Shen Lang was dubious.

After all, the other party is the princess of the Demon Realm Royal Family and the daughter of the Demon Realm Emperor. He will not trust the other party easily.

"Whether you believe it or not, I must do the same thing. There is not much time left. Take me back to Zhaoyang City quickly. I will find a way to persuade Chi You!"

Hongdie urged.

Shen Lang also knew that there was no point in spending time with Hongdie.

Although the other party has no physical body, it is not an existence that he can easily deal with.

Anyway, there is nothing you can do against the other party, so why not go back to Zhaoyang City first.

He immediately took out a gray orb with an awkward shape from the storage ring.

This object is a teleportation orb given by Fuxi. If necessary, crush it directly to create a space passage to Zhaoyang City.

After crushing the orb, a space passage suddenly appeared in front of him.

Shen Lang and Hongdie both entered the space passage.

At this moment, Zhaoyang City.

Chi You used tens of thousands of demon beads in one breath, and finally blasted a gap in the surface of the Twelve Yuan Chen Formation in Zhaoyang City.

The demon army all rushed into the gap in the formation and started a battle with the human defenders in Zhaoyang City.

"Boom boom boom!"

In Zhaoyang City, the sound of fierce fighting was deafening.

The human monks and the demon monks started a fierce fighting and confrontation.

There were sounds of spiritual light explosions, charging sounds, shouts, and roars everywhere, and the scene reached a fever pitch in an instant.

Chi You transformed into a demon god with his head in the sky and his feet on the earth, and fought with the three emperors of heaven, earth and man.

"The spirit of chaos, in my staff, the Holy Spirit of the Earth, help me destroy it!"

The Earth Emperor Shennong waved the dead wood staff in his hand.

For a moment, the earth trembled, and a large amount of soil gathered and surged, condensing into a towering giant no less than Chi You, with an earthy yellow divine light surging all over his body.

"Move mountains!"

Shen Nong raised the dead wood staff in his hand and shouted loudly.

I saw the earth-yellow towering giant casually moved a mountain that covered the sky and the sun, and smashed it down on the head of the demon god Chi You with the power of suppressing the world!

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