Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 5001 Traveler

The white primordial spirit power released by Zulong turned into a phantom of dragon claws and penetrated into Shen Lang's primordial spirit.

At the moment when the dragon's claw touched Shen Lang's soul.

A golden phantom split out of Shen Lang's soul!

This golden phantom looks exactly like Shen Lang, full of violence, anger, murderous intent, and hatred!

It seemed like the dark-haired young man wearing a sheep skull mask who appeared repeatedly in Shen Lang's spiritual world, mysterious and unpredictable.

The golden phantom appeared on the crimson river, easily blocking the oncoming dragon claws, and let out a defiant and contemptuous voice: "Get out!!!"

Suddenly, an indescribably powerful space distortion force shook from the golden phantom.

This force of space distortion carried an unimaginable divine power, bombarding everything around it into powdery residue, and large areas of river water were turned into nothingness!

Even the dragon claws transformed from the power of the Ancestral Dragon Soul were killed and defeated by this power!

After the dragon's claw collapsed, all the bits and pieces of soul power were drawn into the body of the golden phantom, and seemed to be swallowed and absorbed by it.

"This is……"

Zulong was knocked back several steps by the sudden force of space distortion, and his eyes were about to split.

This power of space distortion is not a magical power, but a simple momentum!

It's hard to imagine what kind of existence can explode with such exaggerated power based on momentum alone?

After the golden phantom swallowed the ray of soul power released by Zulong, it returned to Shen Lang's soul.

The sense of coercion that enveloped the surroundings was finally lifted, and everything seemed to be back to normal again.

The previously arrogant Zu Long actually showed an expression of relief at this moment. He had not experienced this trembling feeling for how many years he had not known.

The seemingly weak demigod monk in front of him actually had such a powerful being hidden in his body, and his identity was probably anything but ordinary.

Zulong stretched out his claws and fished out Shen Lang's body that had been eroded by the river water until it was half dead.

Shen Lang returned to his physical body.

Zu Long stared at Shen Lang with both eyes and said word by word: "Boy, who are you!?"

Shen Lang regained consciousness. He endured the physical pain and gritted his teeth and said: "Senior Zulong, this junior's name is Shen Lang. He is not a monk of this era, but came from the future..."

"From the future?"

Zulong shrank his eyes and shouted coldly: "Hmph, do you really think that I am as easy to deceive as a three-year-old child? From ancient times to the present, I have never heard of a monk who can travel through time and space."

Shen Lang responded hurriedly: "Junior did not deceive Senior Zulong. I did travel through time and space."

"I believe that with Senior Zulong's ability, he should have noticed that there are several forces of time and space hidden in the soul of this junior."

"Those powers of time and space do not exist out of thin air, but the juniors themselves carry treasures that exist in that time and space at the same time, so they are sealed by the laws of time and space."

Zu Long glanced at Shen Lang meaningfully and said coldly: "This alone cannot prove that you came from the future. Some monks with great supernatural powers who are good at the laws of time and space can also do this."

"Boy, you keep claiming that you are a time traveler, so you should know many things."

"If you can accurately tell one or two of my secrets, I will be able to believe you!"

Shen Lang took a deep breath and said frankly: "Although this junior has no intersection with Senior Zu Long in later generations, he accidentally knows some secrets of Senior Zu Long during his lifetime."

"Senior Zulong, you...should have obtained a page of the Book of Prophecy!" Shen Lang said cautiously.

At that time, a page of prophecy was sealed in the Tongtian Pillar of Longzhong in Buzhou Mountain in the ancient spiritual world, which was left by Zulong.

Shen Lang once obtained that page of the book of prophecy and gave it to Emperor Donghua for safekeeping.

That page of the book of prophecy is quite intact, and there is also Zulong's handwritten note, which must have been left behind on purpose.

As soon as these words came out, Zulong's eyes flashed and he said coldly: "Boy, you are only half right. This emperor has not only got one page of the book of prophecy, but two pages!"

"A two-page book of prophecy?" Shen Lang was shocked.

"Do you know why I was defeated by that bastard bird of the East Emperor and imprisoned in Longyuan by him?" Zulong asked in return.

Shen Lang guessed: "Could it be that Senior Zulong peeked at the contents of one of the pages of the prophecy book, suffered divine punishment, and weakened himself, so that Donghuang Taiyi took advantage of it?"

"What you said is right. If it weren't for the curse brought by that page of the book of prophecy, how would I have been defeated by that bastard bird of the East Emperor Taiyi?"

Zu Long’s words were not exaggerated.

Shen Lang still remembered that Emperor Donghua said that Zulong was the top divine beast in the Hunyuan era. In terms of bloodline strength, it was a bit higher than his father Donghuang Taiyi.

The true body of Donghuang Taiyi is the Chaos Golden Crow. Although the divine bird Golden Crow is also ranked among the ancient divine beasts, it is obviously inferior to top divine beasts such as the Ancestral Dragon and Yuan Feng.

But Shen Lang never expected that even top ancient beasts like Zulong could not avoid the curse from the Book of Prophecy.

"Boy, since you came from the future, tell me what the future will be like?" Zu Long could ask this question, which was considered to have recognized Shen Lang's identity as a time traveler.

Shen Lang said frankly: "The human domain in the future will encounter many disasters and become weaker day by day."

"The final catastrophe will even bring annihilation to the Human Realm! This junior came through time just to save the Human Realm."

Zu Long said with relief: "So, your boy should be the 'son of heaven' mentioned in the book of prophecy."

"It's no wonder you can travel through time and space. It turns out that you yourself are part of the way of heaven."

Shen Lang remained silent.

Not only Zulong, Nuwa and Fuxi also said that they are the sons of Heaven and represent a part of Heaven.

But Shen Lang didn't like this feeling. He always felt that his identity and even everything he needed to do seemed to be planned by the book of prophecy.

Is this the so-called destiny?

"Boy, since you know what will happen in the future, do you know how long this emperor will live? How long can he live?" Zu Long suddenly asked.


Shen Lang found it difficult to speak.

According to historical records, Zulong failed in his struggle for the throne with Donghuang Taiyi, and was imprisoned by Donghuang Taiyi in Longyuan. He was later beheaded, and his dragon head was hung on the top of Dainichi Shrine, frightening the demons in all directions.

This end can be described as extremely tragic...

Seeing that Shen Lang was reluctant to say anything, Zu Long probably understood his ending and sighed: "It seems that there is God's will in the dark!"

"It's a pity that this emperor has been fighting for the throne all his life, but in the end he ended up miserable. It's really boring..."

Zu Long shook his head helplessly.

"Boy, when you fell into Longyuan this time, you were destined to die, but fortunately you met this emperor as your savior."

"This emperor can help you escape from Longyuan. As a condition, you also need to do me a big favor!" Zulong said in a deep voice.

Shen Lang's eyes lit up, and he immediately clasped his fists and said, "As long as Senior Zulong helps me get out of trouble, I will do my best to help you!"

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