Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 5003 Promotion to the Divine Source Realm

"This... what should this junior do?" Shen Lang asked curiously.

Zu Long said: "It's very simple. As long as you can absorb all the dragon blood seeping from this Emperor into the Dragon Abyss, it will be enough for you to enter the Divine Source Realm."

"Dragon blood?"

Shen Lang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes suddenly turned to the river below, and he said in shock: "Senior Zulong, could it be that the red-gold river water in Longyuan is yours..."

"Yes, this river water is my blood!"

"The nine chains that run through my body are the nine life feathers of Donghuang's feathered bird. My body was pierced by the feathers of the bird. The wound could not be healed, and the dragon's blood continued to flow from the wound. When it overflows and accumulates, it turns into this pool of blood." Zu Long explained expressionlessly.

Shen Lang was secretly shocked.

No wonder when he fell into the river earlier, he felt that the river contained extremely overbearing scorching energy, enough to burn his physical body and soul.

It turns out that the river water in Longyuan is actually the blood of the ancestral dragon!

The blood of the ancestral dragon contains the source of the ancestral dragon's own power. If its blood can be absorbed and refined, the benefits obtained will indeed be enough for Shen Lang to break through to the divine source realm!

After all, Shen Lang's current cultivation level is only one step away from the Divine Origin Realm.

His main shortcoming at this stage is his lack of physical strength.

In fact, the strength of his soul has long surpassed the level of the peak of the Demigod Realm, and is even much stronger than the ordinary monks of the Divine Origin Realm.

As long as his physical strength can be improved, promotion to the Divine Source Realm will be a matter of course.

"I will cast a spell to help you exempt you from some of the restrictions in the Dragon Abyss. As for whether you can successfully absorb my blood essence, it depends on your own ability."

The Ancestral Dragon stretched out its claws, and a white ray of spiritual power flew out of the claws, lingering on Shen Lang's body.

In an instant, the condensed divine power in Shen Lang's body began to flow slowly!

The power of the soul that Ancestral Dragon released temporarily exempted him from the restrictions around him.

After Shen Lang felt that the divine power in his body could move freely, he jumped directly into the river without any hesitation.


The red-gold river water contained indescribable scorching energy, pouring over his body like hot molten lava.

Shen Lang's skin was instantly burned and scorched, and he grinned in pain.

In the midst of severe pain, Shen Lang used the devouring power of his blood nerves, and his whole body was filled with blood, and he began to frantically absorb the red-gold river water.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

For a moment, a large amount of the blood of the ancestral dragon poured into Shen Lang's body, and the overwhelming energy swept through his limbs and bones, as if it was going to burn all the flesh, blood, bones and meridians in his body.

In a few breaths, Shen Lang's body turned burnt red, and the bones and meridians all over his body were like red-hot irons.

The pain was so intense that he couldn't stop screaming in pain, and traces of golden blood oozed from his mouth, nose and ears.

Just when his physical body had reached its limit, the coffin palace lantern at his heart burst out with dazzling glass holy light, protecting his physical body.

Under the nourishment of the glazed holy light, Shen Lang's body, which was on the verge of collapse, began to repair rapidly.

Relying on the recovery ability of the coffin palace lantern, Shen Lang's body continued to swallow and absorb the blood of the ancestral dragon, gritting his teeth and enduring the intense pain caused by being burned by the blood of the ancestral dragon.

Shen Lang tried his best to control the blood of the ancestral dragon that had been absorbed into his body, causing the blood of the ancestral dragon to flow into the flesh and blood of his body, limbs and bones, trying to blend the blood of the ancestral dragon with his own flesh and blood as much as possible.

Whenever his physical body reaches its limit, the coffin palace lantern in his body will release the glazed holy light to heal his body.

Relying on the heaven-defying healing ability of the coffin palace lantern, Shen Lang absorbed the blood of the ancestral dragon. His body repeatedly wandered between the verge of collapse and endured purgatory-like torture.

In this way, Shen Lang persisted for a hundred days and finally swallowed up all the blood of the ancestral dragons in Longyuan!

After a hundred days, the skin, bones, and meridians all over Shen Lang's body turned into red gold, and the divine light gushing out of his body became stronger and stronger, as if it was about to explode.

In this sudden moment, Shen Lang's body made a muffled sound.

The powerful divine power rushed over his body like a flood bursting through a bank, sweeping across the entire Longyuan.

At this moment, he successfully broke through the bottleneck of his own cultivation and broke through to the Divine Source Realm in one fell swoop!


Shen Lang opened his eyes, and the bloody sun pattern between his eyebrows gradually turned into red gold. Astonishing divine light surged out from his body and soul, and the space in the dragon abyss was filled with the divine light released from Shen Lang's body. The twisting and destabilizing impact.

After breaking through the Divine Origin Realm, not only did his physical strength increase to an incredible level, he also inherited the bloodline of the Ancestral Dragon and even mastered some of the Ancestral Dragon's magical powers.

The changes brought about by the Ancestral Dragon bloodline are nothing short of reborn!

Seeing that Shen Lang successfully advanced to the Divine Origin Realm, Zu Long nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, your boy's advancement in cultivation is faster than I imagined."

He originally thought that Shen Lang would have to spend at least hundreds of years to absorb all the dragon blood, but he didn't expect that this kid actually did it in only a hundred days.

"I would also like to thank Senior Zulong for the dragon blood!" Shen Lang thanked him repeatedly.

Zu Long snorted coldly: "No need to thank me, it's just that you are lucky."

"You have absorbed so much of this emperor's essence and blood, and you can be considered as indirectly possessing my bloodline. Now, this egg should be able to be smoothly integrated into your body."

After saying that, Zulong spit out the divine egg and cast a spell.

"call out!"

The God's Egg suddenly turned into a golden ball of light and flew into Shen Lang's body.

Shen Lang was shocked.

This divine egg is integrated into his physical soul like a psychic magic weapon, and can be summoned by him at will.

The Ancestral Dragon cultivated the egg of God with his own essence and blood for countless years, and the life in the egg also inherited the Ancestral Dragon's bloodline, so it could be integrated into Shen Lang's body.

One of the reasons why Zulong asked Shen Lang to absorb his dragon blood was to allow the God's Egg to be smoothly integrated into Shen Lang's body, making it easier to carry.

Otherwise, once the secret of the God's Egg is leaked, Shen Lang's cultivation alone will not be able to protect it.

"Boy, it will take at least a thousand years for that miscellaneous feathered bird of the Eastern Emperor to appear. You have just entered the Divine Source Realm, and your realm is not yet stable. You can use this time to continue digesting the power of dragon blood in your body to stabilize your realm."

"You should be well prepared. When that miscellaneous feathered bird appears, I will find ways to entangle it and help you escape from the Dragon Abyss!" Zulong said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Shen Lang nodded solemnly.

Zu Long seemed unwilling to communicate too much with Shen Lang, and soon fell into a deep sleep, seeming to be accumulating his last strength.

Shen Lang also meditated in Longyuan, digesting the blood of the ancestral dragon he had just absorbed.

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