Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 5041 Lich Catastrophe (1)

"Senior Haotian!?"

No matter how Shen Lang shouted, Haotian never showed up again.

Shen Lang calmed down, it seemed that he could only understand the mystery of the Tai Chi diagram by himself.

After adjusting his mentality, Shen Lang sat on the ground and tried to feel the power of yin and yang in this space.

After careful perception, he found that the power of yin and yang in this space was extremely balanced, interdependent, and endless.

Generally speaking, yin and yang are opposites. If the power of yin and yang can be combined to such a perfect degree, it is no wonder that this space is so stable.

Even if Shen Lang can use external force to break open the space here, the damaged space will be quickly repaired by the combination of yin and yang.

Shen Lang finally understood what Haotian said.

The only way to leave here is to control the power of yin and yang in this space.

But it is so difficult to do this.

Shen Lang didn't know anything about the laws of yin and yang, at least he didn't understand them to a very advanced level.

For him to control such a stable and balanced power of yin and yang in this space is tantamount to wishful thinking.

As for understanding it from scratch, it is not realistic for Shen Lang.

The Law of Yin and Yang is one of the three major laws in the world. No matter how talented a monk is, it will take countless years to understand the Law of Yin and Yang to a profound stage.

Shen Lang doesn't have that much time to waste.

Since there is no other way, we can only find another way.

He thought of the devouring method in the blood nerve. Perhaps he could use the devouring magical power of the blood nerve to swallow up the power of yin and yang in this space!

Shen Lang immediately started trying.

He transformed into a humanoid blood shadow, rolling up a black vortex above his head, wildly devouring the energy in the space.

However, the opposite happened.

No matter how he uses the devouring technique of blood nerves, he can't absorb any yin and yang power from this space.

The law of yin and yang in this space is too strong and stable, and can easily offset the devouring power of the blood nerves.

"Tsk, it still doesn't work!"

After Shen Lang tried many times to no avail, he had no choice but to give up.

In fact, the blood nerves are not completely ineffective, but they are not enough to swallow up the power of yin and yang in this space.

Shen Lang's blood nerves have only been cultivated to the third level. If he can go a step further and cultivate his blood nerves to the fourth level, there may be hope of swallowing the power of yin and yang in the space.

Although the fourth level of blood nerves is extremely difficult to cultivate, fortunately, Shen Lang has reached the late stage of the Divine Source Realm, and he also has the Chaos Divine Stone, an energy source that can be called a perpetual motion machine.

As long as enough time is spent, it may not be impossible to hit the fourth level of blood nerves.

After making up his mind, Shen Lang began to concentrate on cultivating the blood nerve.

If the blood nerve wants to enter the fourth level, the practitioner needs to refine his own soul to the same level as the blood shadow, thereby gaining the ability of "blood shadow virtualization".

The so-called blood shadow virtualization means that the cultivator can transform himself between the virtual and the real, can completely ignore or swallow the magical arts below the seventh level, and is immortal, and is not even afraid of attacks from ordinary heavenly level magic weapons!

In addition, cultivators can also create a spiritual space that devours all things. Not only can it trap and devour enemies, it can also release amazingly powerful chaotic blood flames that burn the sky and melt the earth. It is even more powerful than the golden flames of the Great Sun. .

In short, as long as he can practice the Blood Nerve Heart Technique to the fourth level, Shen Lang's combat power will rise to an unprecedented height.

Back then, Blood Demon Ding Ying had only cultivated to the third level of blood nerve.

If Shen Lang can cultivate to the fourth level, not to mention being able to rival Dong Emperor Jun and the Twelve Ancestral Witches, he will definitely become a being second only to them!

The fourth level of the Blood Nerve Heart Technique requires extremely high strength of the practitioner's soul. After Shen Lang tried it, he found that his soul strength was not strong enough and he had to improve his cultivation to the peak of the Divine Origin Realm first.

In this situation, improving one's cultivation has become the simplest thing.

With the Chaos Divine Stone in his body, Shen Lang only needs to spend time meditating to absorb the energy of the Chaos Divine Stone to steadily increase his cultivation level.

Being in this yin and yang space, Shen Lang had almost no concept of time.

This sitting lasts for tens of thousands of years.

Tens of thousands of years later, Shen Lang raised his cultivation to the peak of the Divine Origin Realm by simply relying on meditation.

Of course, this is all thanks to the Chaos Divine Stone.

The energy generated by the Chaos Divine Stone is extremely pure, and Shen Lang can use it for his own use without refining it. He only needs to continuously devour the energy in the Divine Stone and strengthen himself, and his cultivation level will be steadily improved.

However, when his cultivation reached the peak of the Divine Origin Realm, Shen Lang also hit a bottleneck.

Because of the lag in his mental dharma, his cultivation stopped there.

This happens to be the perfect stage for impacting the fourth level of blood nerves.

Shen Lang struck while the iron was hot and immediately began to try to attack the fourth level of blood nerves.

As time goes by.

In the past tens of thousands of years, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The battle between the two Lich clans has developed from a small-scale conflict to a real large-scale killing.

The news that the Twelve Ancestral Witches had arranged the Twelve Capital Gods Array in Pangu Temple reached the ears of Dong Huang Taiyi and Di Jun.

The news that the Great Sun Palace had arranged the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation also reached the ears of the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

Both sides are very wary of each other's every move.

The demon clan took the lead. Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun gathered the demon clan's army and mobilized the entire clan to attack the Wu clan in two directions: east and west.

Due to the long-term dispersion of their forces, the Wu tribe suffered heavy losses in the first few thousand years.

Watching the demon clan gradually encroaching on the territories of the major witch clans and massacring the witch warriors.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches learned from the painful experience and gave up almost all the territory of the Witch Clan. They gathered an army of Witch Clan to stick to the territory of the Water Witch Clan and used the Pangu Temple as the base camp of the Witch Clan to resist the strong attack of the Monster Clan.

The demon army has been attacking for tens of thousands of years, and finally the first lich war broke out with the main army of the witch clan near the Baimeng Strait of the Water Witch Clan!

In this battle, both sides used almost all their clan's military strength.

It's just that the Twelve Ancestral Witches and the Eastern Emperor Junyin were stationed in their respective base camps and did not go to the battlefield in person.

Perhaps because the war broke out within the territory of the Wu Clan, the Wu Clan army that was ready to attack took advantage and finally won, repelling the Demon Clan army and killing trillions of demon cultivators.

After this battle, the Witch Clan turned from passive to active and counterattacked the Demon Clan's territory.

The Twelve Witch Ancestors no longer sit guarding the Pangu Temple, but personally lead the Witch Clan's army to attack the west, directly targeting the Demon Clan's base camp, the Great Sun Palace.

Thousands of years later.

The second Lich War broke out between the two sides outside the Great Sun Palace, known in history as the Lich Catastrophe!

Under the leadership of the twelve ancestral witches, the witch army was invincible.

Donghuang Taiyi was forced to activate the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation in advance to cover the area around the Great Sun Palace to resist the Wu Clan army.

While defending against the attack of the Wu Clan army, Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun jointly absorbed the power of the stars, trying to condense the "godhead" in advance.

Even if this move does not allow them to truly step into the realm of true gods, it can at least touch the threshold and greatly increase their strength, enough to gain the ability to kill the twelve ancestral witches.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches felt the huge threat posed by the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. In desperation, they sacrificed the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation, transformed into Pangu's true form, opened the Heavenly God Axe, and split open the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. The defensive barrier set up.

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