Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 579 A class reunion full of resentment

Among all the classmates, Wang Bo and Cao Yong got along best. One was the new heir of the real estate company, and the other was the head of the automobile manufacturing company.

"Wang Bo, congratulations on bringing home this beauty! Your career must be booming now, haha. You need to support us old classmates more."

"Cao Yong, I heard that your family's business is getting bigger and bigger, so you should take more care of us in the future."

"Zhou Rong, sisters are still single. You should introduce us to more men with good conditions."

Soon, the luxurious private room in Wanbao Tower was filled with the voices of Wang Bo, Cao Yong and Zhou Rong.

At around 12 noon, Shen Lang and Lin Caier arrived at Wanbao Tower and walked into the private room.

Lin Cai'er was not dressed up, but the clothes she wore were relatively luxurious, and with her current temperament, she immediately attracted the attention of a group of male classmates.

"Holy shit!"

Cao Yong's eyes widened. He even wondered if he had recognized the wrong person.

Lin Cai'er was completely different from her college days, as if she was a completely different person. This temperament looks very elegant, not as rustic as before.

Wang Bo couldn't help but look at him a few more times, and Zhou Rong pinched his waist angrily.

"Lin Cai'er, you are really a big name, everyone is waiting for you!" Zhou Rong walked forward and said in a strange way, then looked at Shen Lang and asked: "Sir, may I ask? who are you?"

"My name is Shen Lang." Shen Lang stretched out his hand.

Zhou Rong didn't hold it, but turned to look at Lin Cai'er and said, "Is he your brother? I say Lin Cai'er, today's gathering is only for old classmates, it's not good for you to bring your family over to share the meal."

Shen Lang frowned. This woman gave him a very bad impression. She ignored him and was hostile to Lin Cai'er. Is this really a classmate?

"Sorry Zhou Rong, I didn't know before that I couldn't bring people here. Shen Lang is not me..."

Before Lin Cai'er finished explaining, Cao Yong rushed up and said with a smile: "It's okay, we are all old classmates, there is no need to be so strict with the rules. Lin Cai'er, long time no see, I am Cao Yong, you Still remember me?"

"Remember. Hello, Cao Yong." Lin Caier smiled faintly.

beautiful! Looking at the sweet-looking Lin Cai'er up close, Cao Yong's heart felt hot. He originally wanted to humiliate Lin Caier and vent his previous grievances. But seeing that Lin Cai'er was so beautiful, Cao Yong even had the urge to pursue Lin Cai'er again.

"Hello, I am Lin Caier's boyfriend, and my name is Shen Lang." Shen Lang shook hands with Cao Yong.

Upon hearing this, the fire that had just surged up in Cao Yong's heart was instantly extinguished. Lin Cai'er actually had a boyfriend.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Lin Caier bowed slightly to a group of old classmates in the private room, appearing polite.

"It's okay, come and sit down quickly." Wang Bo said politely.

Shen Lang and Lin Caier quickly found a seat and sat down. Seeing that Lin Caier had changed a lot from before, a group of classmates were also a little surprised, and many students started chatting with her.

Although Lin Cai'er was introverted in college and didn't have many friends, she seemed to be well-behaved and sensible. Except for a few people, everyone still had a good impression of her.

But Zhou Rong suddenly said: "Lin Cai'er, remember when you used to serve food in the school cafeteria? At that time, some of us girls even gave you a nickname, "Cai'er Girl"!

"Hahaha!" Several girls laughed.

Lin Caier's family used to be from a very poor family, so poor that she had trouble eating. She worked part-time in the school cafeteria.

As a result, after Zhou Rong found out about this matter, Zhou Rong teamed up with several girls to give her the nickname "The Girl Who Wants to Play".

Seeing Lin Caier's embarrassed look, Shen Lang felt a little unhappy.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhou Rong's mouth, and she asked, "Lin Cai'er, what's your job now?"

"Working in a company, managing financial aspects." Lin Caier said.

"That's an accountant, right? According to the salary situation in Huahai City, an accountant only earns three to four thousand yuan a month." Cao Yong said as if he knew very well.

Lin Caier just smiled and didn't explain anything.

Cao Yong felt that this was an opportunity! Although Lin Caier already has a boyfriend, with her current goddess-like appearance and temperament, she is worthy of poaching herself.

In addition, Cao Yong has always been resentful towards Lin Cai'er. He fantasized about pressing Lin Cai'er under him and venting his anger!

"Lin Cai'er, why don't you come to work in my company. I am now the person in charge of Southeast Automobile Manufacturing Company. If you come to our company, I can give you more generous treatment. By the way, I happen to be short of a secretary, so why don't you be mine? Secretary, I’ll give you eight thousand a month, oh no, fifteen thousand a month! What do you think?”

While Cao Yong was talking, he glanced at Shen Lang from the corner of his eyes, trying to see how Lin Caier's boyfriend would react.

Seeing that Shen Lang didn't react at all, Cao Yong felt proud. He felt that Shen Lang must not be doing well, so he probably didn't dare to say anything.

"No need, I think my current job is already very good." Lin Caier said seriously. She was no longer the ignorant little girl and knew what Cao Yong meant.

This Cao Yong had pursued her before. Lin Cai'er was not the kind of woman who valued money, and the only man who could really come into her heart was Shen Lang.

Cao Yong felt a little depressed. He knew from his college days that Lin Cai'er didn't like money very much, otherwise he would have pried her over long ago. But it is also because of this that this woman is different from other women, and that is why she becomes his resentment. Cao Yong was still thinking about any way to lure Lin Caier over.

Zhou Rong sighed softly, and said in a tone like someone who has come before: "Hey, in today's society, money is too scarce, and it will be gone after just a few uses. For example, I want one of the latest LV bags." One hundred thousand yuan. What can you buy with four thousand yuan a month? I think Lin Caier, you are also well-dressed, you must have bought it through frugality, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene seemed a bit awkward, because many students still earn around three to four thousand yuan a month.

"Absolutely." Lin Caier still didn't explain anything.

She is not pursuing luxury brands, but because of work needs. After all, she is the financial director of Canghai Group, and her dress and taste can make a good impression on others.

"Let me tell you, Lin Cai'er, you still live too hard. In fact, women shouldn't treat themselves badly. Find a rich and reliable man. That's what us women should do." Zhou Rong laughed dryly.

Shen Lang really couldn't stand listening anymore, and hehehe said: "I think it would be a bit boring for your classmates to talk about this at a reunion, right?" (To be continued)

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