Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 586 Qingfeng Mountain

The Magic Light Step is extremely fast when used at full strength, and can fly over a hundred meters in mid-air without the help of any objects.

On the way, you only need to rely on things like branches or even grass roots to jump continuously, and the consumption of infuriating energy is relatively small.

The magic light step can make the body very flexible, and the feet can be as agile as a rabbit.

And the escape speed is absolutely top-notch, and he can perfectly avoid the enemy's pursuit.

Zhang Mingchen often told Shen Lang to run away if he couldn't beat him. Although Shen Lang didn't like running away, sometimes it was a way to save his life when there was no other way.

Another month.

Within a month, Shen Lang devoted himself to practicing the Phantom Light Step, and finally got a glimpse of the method. The speed of Qinggong was much faster than before.

Shen Lang's cultivation has not fallen behind, and his cultivation in the middle stage of Wenjing has been stabilized, and his strength is not what it used to be.

Of course, Shen Lang would occasionally take time to spend time with the beautiful ladies at home, and the three beauties gradually got used to this kind of life.

Shen Lang also taught some suitable exercises to Hongyue Li Fei, Hua Die and others, and provided them with aura stones for them to practice. Shen Lang did not forget his old friend and gave Fajiang some spiritual stones.

In the blink of an eye, there is one month left before the half-year deadline.

But a few days ago, Chu You'er received a call, saying that her father was celebrating his 100th birthday and wanted to invite Shen Lang to visit the Chu family in Qingfeng Mountain.

Shen Lang naturally agreed. It just so happened that he was going to Qingfeng Mountain this time to attend Chu You'er's father's 100th birthday and also to see the little girl Chu You'er.

After staying in Qingfeng Mountain for a while, I went to see the mysterious man Zhang Mingchen mentioned.

After making up his mind, Shen Lang decided to leave for Qingfeng Mountain.

Early the next morning, Shen Lang went to the airport. Beauties such as Liu Xiaoxiao, Bai Qingyu, Hongyue, and Lin Cai'er also went to the airport and reluctantly said goodbye to Shen Lang.

Li Fei, Chen Zifeng and Huadie also went to the airport.

"Shen Lang, there are many sects and families in Qingfeng Mountain, and there are also many masters. You must be more careful and don't cause any trouble." Hong Yue ordered with a worried face.

"I know." Shen Lang nodded.

"I'm afraid you don't know, so don't cause trouble outside every day." Liu Xiaoxiao curled her lips.

Bai Qingyu asked directly: "Shen Lang, when will you come back?"

Shen Lang scratched his head: "Come back when you're done."

"Brother Lang, come back soon!" Lin Caier said worriedly.


Shen Lang turned his eyes to Li Fei and others, and ordered: "After I leave, don't slack off in your cultivation. Each of you should perform your duties and manage the company well."

"Yes, Master!" Li Fei and the other three nodded respectfully.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Shen Lang got on the plane to Nanzhou City, Nanhua Province.

Qingfeng Mountain is located in the north of Nanzhou City. There are six connected mountains that stretch for thousands of miles. The terrain is extremely steep and inaccessible. Basically no ordinary people have stepped into the depths of Qingfeng Mountain.

Yi Lian was picked up by Zhang Mingchen in Qingfeng Mountain when she was a child, and he later accepted her as his apprentice.

Thinking of Yi Lian, Shen Lang felt a little worried and didn't know how that girl was doing now.

Deep in Qingfeng Mountain is a small martial arts holy land. Although it is not as big as the Kunlun Mountain barrier, there are still many martial arts families and sects living there in seclusion.

There are not many masters in Qingfeng Mountain. According to Zhang Mingchen, the strongest ones are only in the late stage of Wenjing Realm, but there are many martial arts cultivators.

In fact, Shen Lang had never gone deep into Qingfeng Mountain. He and his master used to live on a hill on the edge of Qingfeng Mountain. The place where the martial arts cultivators of the hidden family really appeared was in the center of the six mountains.

This was Shen Lang's first time to go to the world of martial arts in Qingfeng Mountain. Zhang Mingchen had always refused to let him come into contact with the martial arts of the reclusive families. This time he finally had the opportunity to see the world, and Shen Lang was vaguely looking forward to it.

When he arrived in Nanzhou City, Shen Lang took a taxi and said directly to the driver: "Go to Qingfeng Mountain."

The driver was a middle-aged man. When Shen Lang said he was going to Qingfeng Mountain, he was a little surprised and couldn't help but ask: "Young man, what are you going to Qingfeng Mountain for?"

"Let's travel." Shen Lang said casually.

The driver saw that Shen Lang didn't salute at all, and he had a knife on his back. It looked a bit like a cosplay. How does this look like traveling? But I also guessed that someone familiar might be waiting there.

"Is this your first time coming to Qingfeng Mountain? Let me tell you, although Qingfeng Mountain is famous, people often disappear. It is normal for young people to want to have fun and have fun, but I advise you not to go too deep into Qingfeng Mountain. It’s too easy to get lost there.” The driver said with an expression like someone who had been there before.

"It's okay, I just went to take a look." Shen Lang smiled.

"It's good to take a look. Qingfeng Mountain is a good place. It is said that people who live at the foot of the mountain live long lives." The driver said with a smile and chatted casually with Shen Lang.

When they reached their destination, Shen Lang got out of the car.

The mountains of Qingfeng Mountain are not high, but the area is very vast. You can't even see the bottom of it if you look left and right.

The air here is exceptionally fresh, the mountains are purple and smokey, and the environment is beautiful.

There is a small town at the foot of the mountain, which is very lively. Many people who travel to the outskirts of Qingfeng Mountain will rest here. The town has a rather antique atmosphere, with chic lofts, farmhouses, and scenic spots.

Shen Lang was initially planning to cross Qingfeng Mountain sideways, but after entering the outer perimeter of Qingfeng Mountain, Shen Lang's face became a little strange.

He tried many places, but still couldn't find the road to the second mountain range. It felt like a big maze. Not to mention ordinary people, even martial arts cultivators will lose their way.

Shen Lang called Zhang Mingchen and asked, "Master, how come Qingfeng Mountain is here? Why can't I find the way to the second mountain range?"

Zhang Mingchen said carelessly on the phone: "Haha, I won't remind you about such a simple thing. You should be able to find it if you look for it for a day or two."

After saying that, Zhang Mingchen hung up the phone.

Shen Lang was a little unhappy. It was not worthwhile to spend a day or two just trying to find the way. However, the old man said that he would look for it for a day or two. It was a bit strange that Qingfeng Mountain was hidden so deeply.

He bought a map of Qingfeng Mountain in the small town, but the map only depicted the peripheral local attractions and did not go deep into Qingfeng Mountain.

Just as Shen Lang walked into the outer entrance of Qingfeng Mountain again.

"Self-guided tour of Qingfeng Mountain, I'm leading the way. A ten-year-old tour guide, I guarantee that I can visit all the places, including the places that the tour group can't see." A dark-skinned middle-aged man was playing the music with a loudspeaker.

This kind of private tour guide, whose profession is to lead the way, is of course paid.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Shen Lang stepped forward and asked the strong man: "Do you know the route to the second mountain range of Qingfeng Mountain?"

"What? Are you going to the second mountain?" The middle-aged strong man named Zhao Si was stunned, and for a time he wondered if he had heard wrongly. (To be continued)

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