Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 731 There is really a ghost on the ghost island

The survey ship sailed at full speed, and the next day it deviated far from the normal navigation line, and finally sailed into an island in eastern Somalia, the so-called "Ghost Island".

Ghost Island is very large, hundreds of miles in radius, with lush trees and lush greenery.

Shen Lang observed with a telescope on the deck, but didn't see any clues.

But he discovered something else.

There is a faint smell in the air, it must be refreshing.

Shen Lang was very curious. Except for Qingfeng Mountain, there was almost no place in the world where Qing Qi could exist.

As for the Kunlun Mountain barrier, it already belongs to another interface.

It’s really incredible that this island actually has fresh air.

There is definitely a reason for the fresh air to be produced. For example, the fresh air in Qingfeng Mountain escapes from the sealing port of Thunder Canyon.

Shen Lang could tell that this island was extraordinary. It makes sense that there is such a strange species as the Deep Sea Eel Dragon.

No matter what, Shen Lang's main goal is to find the deep-sea eel dragon and find a way to hunt one and get the electric gentian.

After the survey ship almost arrived at the island, Shen Lang got off the ship alone.

He used Qinggong, stepped on the waves, and ran towards the island alone.

When he arrived at the beach, Shen Lang glanced around and found no abnormal energy, then slowly walked into the island.

On the island, wilderness, jungle, and tall trees are intertwined, creating a primeval forest-like scenery.

Shen Lang walked slowly into the island and walked through the woods.

Not long after, there was movement in the woods in front of Shen Lang.

It sounded like a weird singing voice, and it sounded like there were quite a lot of people.

Shen Lang walked forward with alert eyes, when suddenly someone came from the front. He jumped up lightly and jumped to the tree.

The man below noticed no movement.

Shen Lang finally saw clearly the appearance of this cannibal aboriginal. He was similar to the African aboriginals seen on TV. His chest was exposed, and his key parts were only wrapped with cloth. His skin was dark, and his facial features were hideous and terrifying.

Continuing to move forward, Shen Lang hid in the tall bushes, opened the green grass slightly, and finally could see the scenery in front of him clearly.

Behind the woods, there is an open-air square. It is very large. The buildings are made of stones and have some strange patterns carved on them.

A group of indigenous people were singing and dancing around a campfire, seemingly celebrating the capture of humans.

Five Chinese people were tied to a wooden frame. They were dead, and each of them had a sharp bamboo tube pierced through their body, from the abdomen to the neck. The other end of the bamboo tube came out of the mouth, dripping with blood. .

Seeing this scene, Shen Lang felt a chill in his heart. These cannibals actually took pleasure in killing living people.

Those five Chinese people were obviously the five tourists who were kidnapped by the cruise ship captain.

Not long after, a native with bright feathers on his head walked to the center of the square, holding a small brass-colored bell in his hand. He seemed to be the leader or high priest of the cannibal tribe.

Shen Lang was a little curious, here in Africa, how could that person have something as biased towards Chinese culture as chimes?

What’s even more surprising is yet to come.

The native with the bright feathers on his head was chattering a lot, and the two natives carefully brought a dark mummy.

Shen Lang was right, it was really a mummy!

This mummy is almost two meters tall. The skin is shriveled and skinny, but not corrupted.

Can a body be preserved for so long? I don’t know what methods these natives used.

Shen Lang originally thought that this was the strange rituals and customs of their cannibals, and was not very surprised. However, the next scene really shocked him!

I saw two natives putting the mummy on a log.

All the natives below the square stopped singing and dancing and knelt down towards the mummy.

The natives wearing bright feathers also knelt on the ground, babbling something, and then shook the small bell in their hands.

"Clang clang clang!"

An incredible scene happened.

Shen Lang could clearly see that among the five dead Chinese people on the wooden frame, a trace of thick white gas came out of their heads and slowly floated into the mouth of the mummy.

Shen Lang was shocked. What was that white gas he saw?

Could it be the human soul?

Generally, the soul of a person will not leave the body within 7 days after death, which is the Chinese folk saying of "the first seven".

After a person dies, the soul will not believe that it is really dead. Only on the night of soul rebirth 7 days later, the soul will believe that it is really dead, and then it will enter the six realms of reincarnation and be reincarnated.

Therefore, the souls of these five dead Chinese people have not yet left their bodies so quickly.

After the ritual, the group of cannibals finally began to enjoy human flesh.

The next scene was very disgusting.

The cannibal native picked up the knife, smiled strangely, and slowly cut open a woman's thighs, arms, belly, and head.

The bodies of the other four people were also dismembered, and some even had their facial features cut off. The scene was dripping with blood.

The cannibal natives walked up one by one, cut off a few pieces of meat from the corpse, then strung them with branches and roasted them by the campfire.

After it was cooked, they faced each other and gnawed the human flesh, eating it with gusto.

Although Shen Lang was well-informed, he still felt a little disgusted when he saw this scene.

What made him feel weirdest was the scene where the mummy absorbed the soul. Shen Lang glanced at the mummy on the wood in the center of the square. It was so weird. He wanted to find out what was going on.

Shen Lang didn't like these cannibals anyway, so he simply jumped out of the grass.

When a group of cannibal natives saw a foreigner suddenly appear, they all showed angry and ferocious expressions.

The native with feathers on his head yelled, and many cannibals held knives and roared at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang pushed with both palms, and a cold wind swept out of his palms, directly knocking several people in front of them away. Their flesh and blood were mixed, and they died instantly.

A group of cannibal natives were startled.

After Shen Lang slapped a few people to death with his palm, he was about to step forward to pick up the mummy and take a look.

"Quack gua gua Lalu!" The feathered native roared angrily, and he shook the small brass bell in his hand.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

After three rings.

The dark mummy suddenly opened his eyes and stood up. With an extremely violent momentum, he rushed towards Shen Lang.

Shen Lang was taken aback. He didn't have time to think too much. He used the Snowflake God Palm and swatted at the mummy.

"Boom!" This palm hit the mummy's chest firmly.

The mummy was thrown away by Shen Lang's palm, but it quickly stood up again. His scarlet eyes were staring at Shen Lang, and his white mouth was opening and closing, roaring in a terrifying manner.

"What is this?" Shen Lang felt a little numb.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" The natives wearing feathers began to shake the small bell again.

The shriveled eyes of the mummy suddenly glowed red, and with a "boom" sound piercing the air, it rushed towards Shen Lang like a cannonball. (To be continued)

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