Godly Dragon Guard

Chapter 755 Golden Two-Headed Wolf

After casually cutting down some nearby dry wood and branches, Shen Lang started to light a fire, grilled the pig's trotters, and sprinkled some seasoning on them.

Soon, the aroma of barbecue began to fill the air.

After the two pig trotters were roasted, Shen Lang began to eat.

The meat of this ferocious wild boar is tender and smooth, and tastes really good. When you eat it, you feel a trace of vitality surging through your body.

The meat of ferocious beasts has extremely high nutritional value. It can quickly replenish physical strength after eating. Regular consumption can strengthen the body and is resistant to all poisons.

Shen Lang only ate one roasted pig's trotter, and wrapped the remaining three in banana leaves and put them in a storage bag, saving them for later when he was hungry.

After finding a place to meditate for half an hour, Shen Lang recovered most of his energy.

After the Shenzhao Meridian breaks through the fifth level, the whole body is filled with energy, and the energy is restored very quickly.

After ordinary martial arts practitioners have exhausted their true energy, it will take at least one night of meditation to fully recover the true energy. But Shen Lang only needed an hour.

After resting, Shen Lang continued on his way.

After passing through the outer forest, Shen Lang finally arrived at the dark forest, the middle area outside the Sunset Forest.

Worthy of being called the "Dark Forest", Shen Lang's first impression was that the environment here seemed darker, with dark clouds rolling in the sky, which looked a little weird.

Once here, the terrain is suddenly very complex. In addition to dense trees, there are also various thorny bushes, swamps filled with poisonous insects, and lakes inhabited by a large number of ferocious beasts.

By evening, the forest was already pitch dark, almost like night.

Shen Lang slowed down his marching speed. He had already reached the dark forest. He expected that it would be difficult for the martial arts cultivators from the Yin and Yang Sect to catch up. Even if they could catch up, the probability of running into him would be extremely low.

It was considered relatively safe here, and Shen Lang planned to stay in the middle area of ​​the dark forest for a few months, waiting for Yang Tongtian to lose his patience, and then find a way to leave.

The idea was pretty good, but the reality made Shen Lang collapse a little.

There are too many ferocious beasts here, and the sense of smell is particularly sensitive and can detect human scent. Shen Lang would be attacked by a vicious beast almost every hour.

Moreover, the ferocious beasts here are not weak, and there are even many large ferocious beasts that are as powerful as Wenjing martial arts cultivators.

Shen Lang had just killed a rhinoceros-like ferocious beast and was about to leave the area when he heard the sound of fighting in front of him.

Shen Lang immediately concealed his aura and cautiously moved towards the fighting area ahead.

After jumping on several tree trunks, Shen Lang reached the place where the sound of fighting came from and looked down intently.

In a bush, three martial arts warriors in powerful attire were fighting fiercely with two three-meter-long wolf-shaped beasts with two heads.

The surrounding trees were stained with blood, and the corpses of more than a dozen people were lying scattered everywhere. It was obvious that they had gone through a fierce fight.

The two two-headed wolves had blue-grey hair and were extremely fast. When Shen Lang arrived, the battle had come to an end, and the three martial arts cultivators who were still holding on were killed by the two-headed wolves one after another.

One person's abdomen was bitten through, and his broken intestines were scattered on the floor. The scene was slightly bloody.

Shen Lang was too late to save him, and everyone died.

There were both men and women among the corpses. A two-headed wolf picked up a female corpse and swallowed it with its head raised.

This ferocious beast eats a lot and eats all the corpses very quickly.

After eating everyone, the two two-headed wolves stared at Shen Lang on the tree.


After roaring, the two wolves jumped up and rushed towards Shen Lang one after the other.

Extremely fast! No wonder these two two-headed wolves can easily knock down so many people. Their speed alone is comparable to that of Wenjing martial arts cultivators.


Shen Lang casually slashed out two sword auras, knocking the two two-headed wolves away.

"Ouch!" After falling to the ground, the two two-headed wolves seemed to feel that they were no match for Shen Lang. They let out a strange cry and ran away.

This ferocious beast moves very fast in the jungle, and Shen Lang is not willing to waste his energy chasing it.

Judging from the clothes worn by the corpses just now, these people should be a small team that was attacked by two two-headed wolves in the forest.

These people are willing to risk their lives in order to earn spiritual stones that can improve their cultivation.

Shen Lang couldn't help but sigh. Compared with theirs, his previous cultivation environment was really comfortable.

The dark forest area is full of dangers. Although Shen Lang's cultivation is not weak, he still needs to be vigilant at all times when walking in such a place.

Half a month passed in a row.

Shen Lang has been staying in the dark forest area, spending every day in killing.

Although it was a bit uncomfortable at first, Shen Lang adapted quickly and gradually accepted this environment densely populated by ferocious beasts.

In this endless killing, Shen Lang's cultivation level still vaguely improved.

Shen Lang now wants to break through to the peak of the realm of inquiry. There is no shortcut, the only way is to practice hard.

Because there is no elixir recorded in the Medicine King's Alchemy Sutra that can 100% break through the peak of the Questioning Realm.

Of course, Shen Lang has a lot of cultivation resources and a lot of spiritual crystals to squander. It won't take long to reach the bottleneck in the late stage of the realm.

Shen Lang thought he could spend a few months in the dark forest area without incident, but half a month later, a big problem finally occurred.

Late one night, Shen Lang accidentally broke into the wolf den and attracted a golden two-headed wolf!

This golden two-headed wolf is about five meters long and has golden hair.

Shen Lang has been in the dark forest for so long and has a certain understanding of the ferocious beasts in this area.

The most dangerous beast in the dark forest is the two-headed wolf. Although their attack speed is not high, their speed is extremely fast. It takes some effort for Shen Lang to deal with two or three of them.

The number of two-headed wolves is not large in the Sunset Forest, but it will be very difficult to encounter them.

Especially those hunting teams that go in and out of the Sunset Forest. The two-headed wolf is their nightmare. Once they are targeted, they will almost die.

This is the first time Shen Lang has seen the golden two-headed wolf. It is more than twice the size of an ordinary two-headed wolf. Judging from its aura, it is almost at the level of the late Wenjing Realm.

"Ouch!" The golden hair on the golden two-headed wolf stood on end, obviously extremely dissatisfied with Shen Lang's intrusion.

Shen Lang had killed countless ferocious beasts during this period, but he still looked down upon a wolf.

Seeing that Shen Lang was still not leaving, the golden two-headed wolf roared wildly and grabbed Shen Lang with its sharp claws.

Shen Lang circulates the Divine Illumination Sutra, stimulating the body-protecting Gangqi.

Even so, the sharp claws of the golden two-headed wolf still left a bloody claw mark on Shen Lang's chest.

Shen Lang's right leg kicked the two-headed wolf in the waist like a whirlwind.


With a muffled sound, the huge golden two-headed wolf was kicked away by Shen Lang, screaming in pain.

The golden wolf was aroused, its speed increased sharply, and it rushed towards Shen Lang crazily.

Shen Lang wielded the Star Meteor Knife and fought with the Golden Wolf.

In the forest, the golden wolf was extremely fast and flexible, but its attack was weak. Shen Lang happened to have body-protecting aura, which could be said to be its nemesis.

Soon, the golden wolf was covered in blood.

Seeing that he could no longer hold on, the golden wolf's eyes flashed with blood, he raised his two wolf heads and roared loudly.


The whistling sound spread very far, and the air was vibrating.

"No, this beast has sent his comrades away!" Shen Lang's heart froze, and he immediately realized what he was doing. He raised his sword and slashed hard at the head of the golden two-headed wolf. (To be continued)

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