Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 208: run!

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"Is the body of the waste material so weak? It is still necessary to enter the mountain if it is weak, and it is really serving you."

Feng Dance didn't have a good temper and took a look at it. If it wasn't for him to be scared, would she be scared like this? !

The topic of Boa could not go on, and Feng Dance began to watch around.

"What are you looking at?" Fengfeng saw the phoenix dance around and seemed to be looking for something, and immediately asked her if she could not understand.

Feng Dance said: "You have not found that the surrounding environment is a bit strange?"

I was thinking about it and asked: "Are you referring to the earth dragon turning over? You can rest assured that it has already turned over a wave and will not come again."

"Look, this is originally a river pond, but now the otters in the river pond are bubbling up, and the fish are all turning their belly, afraid that they are about to be cooked."

After a reminder of the phoenix dance, the wind was immediately shocked!

When Feng Dance didn't say it, he really didn't notice it. He hesitated: "Is it because of the fact that the dragon has turned over?"

"The earth dragon turned over and referred to as the earthquake, it will cause landslides, and the house will collapse. Can you see that the water temperature will rise to the river fish and cooked?"

The wind smashed a dead fish floating on the river with a branch, and grabbed it with his hand: "Oh, the painful river!"

His hand is almost burned!

I took a closer look, and sure enough, he had a multi-fin fish with white eyes that was baked and cooked.

“How could this be?” There was a very bad premonition in the wind, “How do I feel that something big will happen?”

"Ha ha ha, the volcano erupted! The volcano erupted!" In the phoenix dance space, Cai Feng excitedly danced in a circle. "I want the first fire! I want the first fire from the volcano!"

Feng Dance Emei: "Shut up!"

The phoenix dance is powerful, and the original proud phoenix shrinks its neck: "I just want to be the first fire. After the integration, I will be able to come out! I will help you fight later! I am very powerful. !"

Feng Dance frowns, she certainly knows that Cai Feng is very powerful, otherwise Master will not cultivate it as his own mount.

Just then, suddenly, a deafening voice came from the front.

The phoenix dance and the windy subconscious look up!

In front of them is a high cliff, they are preparing to climb from the bottom of the cliff, because according to the phoenix dance, the dragon tongue is not far in front of the cliff.

However, this rumbling voice suddenly changed their face!

"What sound?" The two asked in unison.

The fish that had been scalded in the river pond had already made the two people feel vigilant. Now, this deafening roar, suddenly let two people lie on the spot!

Suddenly, the phoenix dance reacted, and immediately the face changed, pulling the wind and running to the left!

If we say that the phoenix dances were facing the cliff before, then the first reaction of the phoenix dance is to pull the wind and escape in a straight line in the direction of the cliff vertical!

The wind has not reacted yet: "How -"

"Run!" Feng dance roar! The voice is unprecedentedly fast!

At the crucial moment, the wind is still very obedient, he was rushed forward by the phoenix dance -

Until they ran a few kilometers away -


Above the vertical cliff, countless boulder, yellow sand, rumbling down and falling down!

The entire ground is oscillated to the left and right by a wavy line of lateral S.

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