Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 213: Will Jun Linyuan die?

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There is no faith in the omnipotence of Jun Linyuan. She looks at the killing of the sky in the air, and the corner of her mouth rises slightly.

Just at this time, suddenly!

The blood demon dragon body burst into a violent state, and its entire body is in flame burning state!

"Young people, since you want to force me to die, then you must die first!" The blood demon dragon roared out of a crazy cry, that can cover the mountains of the wings, shrouded in Jun Linyuan!

Feng Dance clearly saw that Jun Linyuan’s body shape was stiff!

He was fixed by the Gorefiend Dragon!

Nothing can move!

The Gorefiend Demon dragon is as fast as a thunder, and he is coming to him!

Feng Dance can clearly see that the blood demon dragon's claws are close! Near! Closer!

The wind is rushing crazy!

The eyes are red and the whole body is shaking!

He wants to storm into the battle circle and wants to save the king. However, before he rushes in, a huge wave of air will bounce him out!

In the battle circle, the aura is turbulent, the air is twisted, and the normal person is afraid that it will be smashed into pieces.

Will Jun Linyuan die?

The eyes of Jun Linyuan contain endless ice and cold, like a thin sword, sharp and sharp!


A loud noise!

The blood demon dragon, the giant claw, actually shot in the shoulder of Jun Linyuan!

A loud noise!

The **** demon dragon's sharp claws pierced the shoulder bones of Jun Linyuan, blood, like a spring spray!

"Ah!" The wind is rushing crazy!

Feng Dance saw Jun Linyuan's **** left shoulder, and the pupil tightened, and her heart suddenly shocked. She both hurt him.

However, Jun Linyuan's handsome and deep-looking face is as clear as water, and his face is light and calm, and his expression is calm, just like the shoulder bone is not pierced by him, but others.

Feng dance could not help but clench his fist and bite his lower lip!

She hates herself for being incompetent!

If she was not disused in the past, the current strength will not be much worse than that of Jun Lin, so that she can fight side by side with Jun Linyuan, instead of even fighting.

I really want to be stronger!

Just when Feng Feng thought so, suddenly, she only felt the sound of her head screaming -

No, right?

Feng Dance was surprised and smiled.

Just when she thought about becoming stronger, perhaps the idea of ​​becoming stronger in her mind was too strong. She actually broke through the fifth-level imprisonment and entered the sixth level!

Can this be promoted? The phoenix dance is also... there is nothing to say.

If according to the classification of the Junwu Empire:

Entrance threshold of junior college: Level 3 Lingshi entered, Grade 5 Lingshi graduated.

The entrance threshold of the middle-level college: the sixth-level spiritual division enters, and the nine-level spiritual division graduates.

Entrance threshold for senior colleges: Lingzong.

From the fifth level to the sixth level is a huge threshold. Many people have to stay in the fifth level for a long time, but the phoenix dance has passed directly.

According to the grade of the college, the current Feng Wu is considered to be a qualification for entry to an intermediate college.

After regaining strength, this is only less than half a month, I did not expect to have reached the sixth level! Feng Dance secretly makes a fist, she will be able to restore strength soon!

At this moment, the Gorefiend Dragon is proud of it!

Just when the Gorefiend Dragon is proud of wanting a paw to end the life of Jun Linyuan!

It’s too late to say it!

No one can see how Jun Linyuan came out, but at the moment when the Gorefiend Dragon was proud, he shot.


Yan Tianjian from the belly of the Gorefiend Dragon, Qigen did not enter!

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