Godly Empress Doctor

Vol 2 Chapter 3168: Xiaofeng dance is not good. 1

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At the moment, the phoenix dance did not know that Yan Han had given her eye medicine behind her, and she did not know what Yang Zhihu had helped her face back.

Now she is sitting on the steps, holding her hands and thinking about it.

In fact, she is very busy.

With the number of fingers, for another six days, the second fairy fruit is ripe.

She must take the second fairy fruit, because this is what she owes.

However, after the last incident, Mr. Zuoqiu’s protection of the fairy fruit is more strict than before? It’s hard to steal your hand.

There is also the task of 12 peaches, she has already reached the eleventh robbery, and it is stuck there.

The main card is on the left green body.

The phoenix dance is strange, and this big sister is so hard? Do not want to admit that Jun Linyuan likes her?

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to take Jun Linyuan to show her kindness in front of her. She forced her to admit that she completed her eleventh first... If the left green scorpion disappears, then her eleven missions will not be completely Have you lived?

The beauty master wakes up, isn’t it even more distant?

No, this must be done.

However, Jun Linyuan was retreating his mysterious dragon and blood in his retreat... I don’t know if it came out.

Feng Dance said that he would move and went straight to the courtyard of Jun Linyuan.



At the door, the housekeeper is inseparable.

Probably the last time he left, Jun Linyuan was injured, so after the closure of the housekeeper, it was really day and night to hold on, not dare to have a slight scorn.

Seeing the phoenix dance, the housekeeper indicated that her voice was light.

"Is there still no movement?" The phoenix dance lowered the voice and asked very little.

The housekeeper was serious and shook his head.

I saw that the phoenix dancer was still not in the forest, but she was promoted...

"Wanling three liquid transfer, is it effective for Jun Linyuan?" Feng Dance curious asked.

When the housekeeper thought about it, he shook his head and simply replied: "For the spiritual sacred practitioners, Wanlingsanjing is basically useless."

Feng Wu nodded in disappointment and wanted to ask something, but when she saw the cautious look of the housekeeper, she still did not say anything.

"Then I will come back in a few days." Feng Wu and the housekeeper say goodbye.

Jun Linyuan is absent, that is, the eleven missions and the second fairy fruit mission can not be done, a little bit trouble...

Fengwu thought of Wanling three liquid transfer.

She is so hard to get out of the panting of the three spirits, but don't be left by the military academy.

The phoenix dance didn't feel like it, but when she thought of the elders of Helian, she felt a little bit in her heart.

There is no extra thought, Feng Dance goes directly to Helian Grand Elder.

At this time, Helian is still there.

The phoenix dance is a frequent visitor to the Helian elders, so the waiter of the Helian elders did not stop her, let her go directly.

When the phoenix dance came in, I found that the atmosphere in the room was very solid.

The elders of Helian were sitting at the top, and the fifteen elders of the spiritual state settled down to form an oval conference table.

Everyone seems to be arguing about something.

Because the phoenix dance came in, I heard the elder Wu screamed loudly: "No, absolutely not! Wanling three liquid transfer is discovered by our Xiaofeng dance. Why should we give half to the Military Academy? Usually the military college digs When I arrived at the mine, I didn’t think about giving it to us."

Phoenix Dance, what, really want to divide Wanling three liquid into half of the Military Academy? !

Suddenly, our Xiaofeng dance mood is not good.

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