Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 354: incredible! ! !

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"Yan girl!"

This table is the table of Mrs. Qian’s wife, who are going to pull Yan Yan, but it’s too late.

Yan Yan’s entire head has been immersed in the soup pot, and the head is full of greasy soup.

Yan Yan, who was pulled up, had a chicken wing on his head and looked very funny.

"Ah!" Yan Yan the whole person is crazy, she opened the left lady's person, holding the dagger and rushing toward the phoenix dance!

"Stop!" A cold voice sounded.

It was Mrs. Yan who supported the old lady from the inside.

Mrs. Yan’s wife is living today, a dark gold-colored dress, silver hair and a meticulous stick on her head. The whole person looks serious and profound.

Mrs. Yan is also a serious face, and the eyes that are ignited by flames are sternly stern: "Give me a hand!"

Yan Yan is coming to fear Mrs. Yan, and he said: "She beat me! I also pushed me into the chicken soup, mother, I can't bear this breath!"

Feng Dance sneered: "I promise you to filthy me, don't you let me hit you? You can't bear this breath, can I bear it?"

Seeing Mrs. Yan coming out, the rest of the ladies looked at the phoenix dance with a sympathetic look.

Mrs. Yan is quick to protect her, and it is a pity for Yan Yan. This time she is eating the bear dance of the bear heart and leopard. She is dead this time.

Didn’t look at the face of Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Yan, have they been ugly to the extent?

Mrs. Yan knew very well about Yan Yan. When she saw it, she knew that Yan Yan had deliberately provoked the phoenix dance. So she screamed with anger and anger: "The age is not too small, and there is no such thing as a slap in the face. You think that Are you childish? Are you not going to wash?"


"Go!" Mrs. Yan is stern, and many people are afraid of it.

If it was before, Yan Yan would definitely go away, but now she is barely standing in the same place, with a tear in her eyes, just not leaving.

"Mr Yan, I can't help but I can't help it -"

The big lady and the phoenix 琉 琉 琉 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , If you want to kill, you have to deal with it."

After the lady’s sorry for Mrs. Yan’s voice, she turned and screamed at the phoenix dance: “How did you tell you before you went out? To be obedient, you are no longer the phoenix dance. You are not now proud of where you come from? Don't hurry down, apologize to Yan girl? Apologize to Mrs. Yan?!"

Mrs. Yan’s attitude towards Feng Dance is very complicated.

She used to hate the phoenix dance. Later, she had to admit that she was enjoying the phoenix dance. Even she wanted to let the phoenix dance see her.

"Fengjia is so noble, where do you need to apologize?" Mrs. Yan’s eyes are deep and sharp, and the words of the export are unrelenting: “The big family like the Feng family can’t climb high, Mrs. Feng, bring Go back to your daughter!"

The people present, all of them pinched the cold dance for the phoenix dance... was expelled in person? This is really embarrassing, how can the Feng nationality stand in the upper class in the future? How does Fengwu still stand on this emperor?

The phoenix dance smiled coldly: "The old lady is very strict tutor, so the Yan girl who is taught to smear her, planting and framing, ruining people's reputation, and swearing innocence, it is really open mouth, these should not be all What did the old lady teach you?"

incredible! ! !

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