Feng Wu thought in his heart, isn't this door of space very similar to the Junwu Empire?

The Junwu Empire also has a space gate from Wuchao Castle to the Imperial Capital.

It is precisely because of this space door that Fengwu goes between Wuchao Castle and the Emperor Capital with little effort.

Feng Wu, who was hiding in the dark, heard a conversation between Guardian Jing and the housekeeper, and was secretly happy.

She didn't want to spend that precious time on the road.

If you can walk through the door of space, then the Phoenix Dance is bound to rub this fast track, but I do n’t know the specific situation.

The cat danced in the phoenix behind the rockery, saw the Jing King guard and the steward separated, and went straight to the residential area, so ...

Feng Wu moved.

The current phoenix dance, the strength should not be underestimated, the peak state of the spiritual kingdom.

If the whole body is armed, Feng Wu may still be able to beat the Spirit Holy Realm one star, so Feng Wu with such strength is not much nonsense. He directly dragged the guard and left.

According to Feng Wu's observation, this guard's strength is not weak, at least the strength of Nine Stars in Ling Kingdom.

"Hmm ..."

The other party struggled, but how could Feng Wu allow him to resist? Directly squeezed his numbness.

Jing Jing's guard suddenly felt numb all over, numb to the ground, and even had no strength to lift a finger.


When Jing Jing's guard saw Feng Wu, his eyes narrowed sharply!

This man is obviously not from Sun Castle. Who is she? !

However, Feng Wu didn't give him a chance to warn him, and he just numbed him.

"Name." Feng Wu asked lightly.

But the other party was obviously not too cooperative. Those eyes were spinning, and those eyes were spinning, looking for a chance to escape at any time.

The corner of Fengwu's mouth raised a slight arc.

She didn't have time to pull with the other party, so Feng Wu took out the authentic agent and sprayed it into the other party's mouth.

After Fengwu's technical improvements, the authentic agent now looks like a small sprayer, just spray the opponent's face a few times.

Sure enough, just after Feng Wu sprayed with the spitting agent, the Jing Wang's guard felt dizzy, and the whole person was in a state of confusion.

At this time, Feng Wu said again: "Name."

"Jing Wei." The opponent said one word after another.


Feng Wu thought that the name was not very good.


"Jing Jing, close to one of the four guards ..."

So next, Feng Wu asked the guard to know everything he had pulled out.

Because before capturing this guard, Feng Wu had a plan in mind.

She is going to the east of the city, and she wants to know the secret of the Dayan dynasty to destroy the emperor Wu Empire.

"So you will follow King Jing and go back to the East City?"

Jingwei nodded: "Yes."

A slight arc was raised at the corner of Fengwu's mouth, and she knew that she was right.

"Who is going back this time?"

Jingwei: "Jing Wang, Senior Ma, guard."

Senior Ma? Ma Quanquan? Who is the pinnacle of the Holy Spirit Realm?


"After half an hour."

Feng Wu smiled slightly: "Since this is the case, tell me everything about you, including all your social and secrets."

If Jing Wei is awake, he will definitely not tell Feng Wu these things, but unfortunately he is in a state of confusion now.

So Jingwei told Feng Wu about all his situations.

Most of the time passed quickly.

Seeing that the time is running out, Feng Wu is just ...

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