Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1645: Monster caught

"Monster?" Xiao Peng curiously leaned forward and took a look, but after only one glance, he burst out swearing: "Fuck, it's so ugly! Drag it up quickly, this thing is rare!"

No wonder the crew said that a monster was caught. The fish they caught was about three meters long. It was a shark. It is dead now, but no one has seen such an ugly shark.

In fact, from the top down, this shark is no different from other sharks, except that the head has a long and pointed'big nose' and the back half of the body to the tail is very long, and the skin is not like other sharks. It is as rough as sandpaper, but it is full of elasticity, showing a pink color, but the pectoral fins on both sides are light blue. It can be said that except for the color and the eyes a little smaller, it looks like an ordinary shark.

But if you look up from the bottom of this fish, it’s so ugly. It’s really not a stone to say that it’s a “monster”--its mouth protrudes out and it’s three meters long. Height, that mouth can protrude by half a meter! The mouth is quite huge, and the teeth inside are like iron nails! How to look like a monster in the movie.

Huang Bin, who ran over after hearing the news, took a breath and took a breath: "I'll take it, boss, what is this? Is this mouth too big? Is this a shark?"

Xiao Peng nodded and said: "This is indeed a kind of shark, a rare deep-sea shark, called the Swordsnout Shark, also known as the European Sharpsnout Shark, because it looks so strange that Westerners call it'Goblin Shark'. Because they live in the deep sea, people don’t know much about it. Although it has been discovered in many parts of the world, one thing is certain. It was the Japanese people who first discovered it, in the waters of the East Wa."

"This mouth is too ugly, isn't it?" Huang Bin stretched out his hand and compared it: "This mouth can swallow a person!"

Xiao Peng laughed, but directly stretched out his hand and stuffed the big protruding mouth of the sword-nose shark back into it: "This is a deep-sea shark. Keep some fish that live in the deep sea. Because food is scarce, They all have big terrifying mouths, as well as such sharp teeth like steel nails, which can reduce the chance of prey escape when preying. The fish’s mouth is usually closed and only opened when preying. This big mouth! Then, with a strong suction like a vacuum cleaner, the prey is sucked in."

Huang Bin blinked: "Boss, can this fish be eaten?"

"Eat, eat, eat! You know how to eat! This fish will be frozen right away! This fish is sold and we will get back our capital this time!" Xiao Peng said angrily, "Did I not tell you just now? This kind of shark lives in the deep sea, so it is one of the sharks most unknown to humans. This one is more than three meters long and is a standard adult swordsnose shark. The scientific research value is great! It seems that there are not many swordsnose sharks in China. There are not many specimens of this size in the world."

"Boss, you said this is a deep-sea shark, how can you catch it?" Huang Bin broke the casserole and asked.

Xiao Peng said speechlessly: "This is a large benthic shark that lives on the bottom of the ocean floor between 300 meters and 1300 meters, but it doesn't mean that they don't go upstream. Waguo has caught them several times. This There are actually a lot of species of sharks. It’s just that people feel mysterious because they live too deep. Waguni once used bottom gillnets in Tokyo Bay to catch more than 100 of these things a year."

Shi Ming stopped the boat to stop rewinding, and walked over to look at the huge sword-nose shark: "But I remember that when I was a soldier, I read an article in the military newspaper that introduced this shark. As long as it is trapped in a fishing net and cannot get out, it will explode into large and small pieces on its own. It would rather be broken into pieces than be caught alive! It is said that it expands and explodes through changes in the body pressure of its own fish bladder, so people cannot catch it. This sword-nose shark cannot make a breakthrough in the research of this shark.

Xiao Peng took a deep breath: "Ah...Bah! Whoever said that in front of me, I just licked it. There should be a limit to this nonsense. There are only such people in our country. Make up some messy stories that bloggers have eyeballs, and are they blew up? Does it think this is the self-destructed truck in "Red Alert" or the "holy-war madman" carrying a bomb on his body? Fuck! "Here he is. Suddenly patted his forehead: "Why did I forget this!"

After speaking, he hurried to the cabin.

Shi Ming stopped him: "Boss, what are you doing?"

Xiao Peng yelled: "Leave me alone, hurry up!" After that, he ran back to the cabin, leaving Shi Ming and others staring at each other.

"First officer, what are we doing?" Huang Bin asked.

"What else can you do? Continue to take up the line! Go back to the fishing gear warehouse!" Shi Ming returned to the cockpit after speaking, leading everyone to continue to take up the line.

After Xiao Peng returned to the cabin, he turned on the computer directly, **** his own pig's brain, and wanting to swim fast in the deep sea to help himself find something, isn't this sword-snout shark a good choice? How did I forget this stuff!

He looked at the topographic map of the seabed here. Since this swordsnose shark is a bottom-dwelling fish, looking at the seabed terrain near here is indeed not a good place to find the seabed shark-too deep.

And he consulted the "Nature" database, investigated the global records of the discovery of the sword shark, and finally concluded that this thing is the most found in Tokyo Bay.

It looks like we are going to Tokyo Bay. But after all, so many people are staring at themselves. What's the reason? Forget it, take up the thread first and then consider this issue.

This process of rewinding is a very long process. It took nearly two days for the 120-kilometer longline to finish.

It's not that they haven't harvested anything. Except for a few small yellowfin tuna and albacore tuna, all the rest are anchovies, including black anchovies, golden anchovies, and rare anchovies.

In this way, many Huaxia people don’t understand their names. They all have other names in Huaxia. For example, Zhenhua is called in Huaxia.

Being a ronin-fish is the ‘GT’ and ‘niugang yang’ in the mouth of sea fishing enthusiasts.

People who play sea fishing are all proud of catching a big fish, because this thing is too fierce!

Let’s not talk about how powerful it is. The adult Janus is very fierce with a body length of more than 1.5 meters. Other fish ran away when they saw the shark. They were good, and they followed the shark every day and hunted under the cover of the shark. Until now, I haven't heard of any Zhenyang who was eaten by sharks in the natural environment (but some of them have been chewed after they were hooked). And there is nothing they don't eat, except for the fish on the bottom of the sea, what they like most to eat is the seabirds floating on the sea! Washed up from the bottom of the sea and swallowed the seabird whole in one bite!

Anyway, this is definitely a cruel fish.

The golden dragon is also known as the yellow ganfish commonly known by the Chinese people. Golden yellowtail and golden mackerel refer to it, that is, the yellow bull in the mouth of sea fishing friends. There are also in China, but the number is not large, Xiao Peng It turned out to have caught one with Ran Ran, and he was also a big guy. On the Japanese side, they are called ‘cold yellowtail’.

Actually, it is not the season to eat this fish. Just listen to the name. Winter is a good time to eat it, but it cannot stand the wild love of the Japanese people. In the country of Japan, ‘yellowtail’, ‘heimaru’ and ‘genhachi’ are considered to be the top three traditional top-grade sushi ingredients. (Tuna is only liked by the Japanese people in the last century. In the traditional concept, the taste of tuna is too strong, so it is not ‘elegant’.)

The ‘yellowtail’, ‘Pingzheng’ and ‘Jianba’ are actually 鯵fish. Yellowtail is golden shovel, "Pingzheng fish" is six-banded trevally, and "Jianba" is black sacred. These fish are definitely sold in the country.

Although Qianliyan also has Jinyang and Zhenyang, Xiao Peng has never paid attention to them. These things are all in groups, and they can be good at fighting if they are too many. It was a disaster for the fishery.

Just like the black dragon, it's more than two meters at every turn; the Zhenyan is one and a half meter and a half at every turn; the golden dragon is smaller, and the ordinary one is more than one meter long, but it can grow up to two meters long! The most frightening thing is that they can grow into big fish in three years. What do they rely on? It's just eating desperately, and these fish are in large groups and large groups. When they pass by, they pass through the border like locusts. That is no grass!

There are already too many big-bellied guys in Qianliyan.

But it can’t hold the Japanese people like it. Compared with the expensive tuna and sea bream, this anchovy is considered to be of high quality and low price. One piece is over a hundred catties and one can be bought for a long time, so the fish can be sold as much as possible. The longline fishing boats in the Wa country target tuna, sailfish, swordfish, and anchovy.

The Japanese people pay attention to the vigor, and the same is true for the fish, just like the golden fish, the young fish of about 30 cm, here is called'bangdi'. At this time, the fish is light and elastic, especially the belly is more delicious The slightly larger one is called'mejiro', which refers to the sashimi that is more than 60 cm in length. At this time, the sashimi is more elastic and tastes better; only those that are more than 80 cm are called'yellowtail 'Especially in winter, the popularity of Hanyu is no worse than tuna!

The black shovel with a height of two meters or more is called "Jianba". The golden shovel is a delicacy in winter, while the black shovel is a delicacy in autumn. The most delicious shovel in summer is the shovel, which is also called'Ping Zheng fish '. The taste and texture are all top-notch. It is also the most expensive of the three types, but Xiao Peng does not have it here.

The reason for this is that the six-strap trevally is the smallest, and the hooks of Xiao Peng and his longline fishing tackle are all 30 centimeters long! Six-strap trevally can't swallow such a big hook! How could it be caught?

But the fish caught with such a big hook are all big fish, and big fish means that they sell well, so each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Xiao Peng's luck was not bad, and the catch this time was good, but after a while, they can only maintain a cost.

It is not easy for fishermen to make money. . . . . .

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