Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1519: Red coral stolen

"Everyone get up! Get ready for battle! Wang Hu! Go and prepare the blisters! Connect the water cannon to the hot water pipe of the turbine! I poured them to death!" Xiao Peng heard it early the next morning Yang Meng's roar came from the speakers in the cabin.

Xiao Peng jumped up directly from the boat, what happened to Nima? Why are you still ready to fight? Need hot water? What is this?

He got dressed and ran out of the cabin, but as soon as he got out on the deck, he was stunned: "Fuck, what is this?"

I saw more than 20 boats advancing side by side on the sea. It's no wonder that the fishing tackles dragging them are like nothing. With these more than 20 boats, why can't they drag?

However, none of the more than 20 ships here has an AIS system? What do you want to do with so many black boats together?

"Boss, what are they doing?" Huang Bin walked over and asked.

Xiao Peng himself is still at a loss, how to answer Huang Bin? He directly put the mind clone into the water and approached the row of boats to take a closer look. After seeing it clearly, he took a breath and I went. Isn't this too cruel?

He ran back to the cockpit in two steps: "Is this the high seas or the territory of the Ogasawara Islands?"

Yang Meng was stunned there, without even looking at it and said, "It's the high seas, or else I need a water cannon! Look, the nearest Japanese marine surveillance ship is twelve nautical miles away from here. I contacted them. They can’t do anything about it. This is not in their exclusive economic zone. There are more than one hundred black ships like this here. The Japanese maritime surveillance ship said it’s very interesting. During the day, the lights can illuminate half the sky."

"Where is the ship?" Xiao Peng asked.

Yang Meng took a deep breath: "What's the matter, this is our country's ship! I just contacted them and told them that they dragged our fishing tackle. What happened? Fuck, I listened to the bad words all over the world, and I was so angry. Turn off the intercom."

Xiao Peng smiled slightly after hearing this: "What did you ask Wang Hu to prepare the water cannon for?"

Yang Meng's eyes widened: "I can't swallow this breath if I don't bathe them!"

Xiao Peng pointed to the row of connected boats and said, "It's not easy if you want to put out a fire? Charge up! Punch!"

"Huh?" Yang Meng was taken aback: "Are you allowed to rely on help?"

"Yes, I'm here to drive the boat, and you went up and hit the girl!" Xiao Peng said, "Anyway, this is the high seas. What are you afraid of? It happened that the boat also broke down, so I went back and repaired it together!

"What did you say? Go back?" Yang Meng listened with joy.

Xiao Peng nodded: "Yes, the ship has broken down, of course we have to go back to repair the ship."

Yang Meng laughed and said, "Yes, I make their mouth stinky! I definitely make them regret that we provoke us!"

Xiao Peng picked up the walkie-talkie: "Everyone is ready to be anti-collision! Let's play hard today, help beat them!"

Cheers came from the boat.

"Mengzi, you call in the red pills, don't let them mix up! If something happens, you will be in trouble!"

"Okay!" Yang Meng handed the boat to Xiao Peng, and ran out to prepare for help.

Xiao Peng was holding a stomach of fire here. He just used his mind clone to see those boats connected together. Their boat was sailing with a huge iron plate dragged by a thick iron chain, and the iron plate sank.

Everywhere on the bottom of the sea is a mess.

Their target is the red coral on the seafloor.

Now the price of red coral has skyrocketed, and the raw material prices of those woolen materials have been steadily increasing every year. It used to cost only tens of thousands of dollars per kilogram, but now the price is almost one million! This gives many fishermen along the coast of Jiangsu and Zhejiang a new idea to make a fortune: It is better to catch a few red corals than to catch a few boats of fish.

Many people have put their ideas on this. However, the branch of red coral is very narrow, and only a few areas in the treasure island, the country of Wa, and the Baltic Sea have red coral. In China, red corals belong to the first level of protection, so if you want to salvage red corals in China, the risk is great.

But this does not mean that people have no choice, so in the Ogasawara Islands and the eastern part of Iwo Jima, it has become a paradise for those who steal red coral.

It's not that the Japanese Maritime Guard did not send people here, but these ships are just guerrillas: the sea surveillance ships ran to the high seas when they came, and the sea surveillance ships went to steal them when they left.

It is a thousand kilometers away from the mainland of Wa, and sending people here wasted a lot of manpower and material resources of Wa.

Xiao Peng still didn't care about wasting the manpower and material resources of the Japanese nation. Well, it would be nice to waste more. So as not to blindly develop military power and engage in military-nationalism all day long.

But now this destruction is a bit too much!

There are also red corals in Qianliyan. In order to make money, Xiao Peng also used spiritual enlightenment to increase their growth. However, corals said that the corals were the corpses of corals. Xiao Peng made the corals live and die to become red. The rapid growth of corals. The red coral in nature can grow one centimeter in 50 years. Use this method to steal red coral? That is a crime!

Strictly speaking, the location of these boats is now stolen, and the Wa country really has no way to take them. After all, this is the high seas, and the red coral resources here are public resources. As long as it doesn't break into the exclusive economic zone of the country. But Xiao Peng really has a reason to clean them up!

First of all, you destroyed my fishing gear and damaged my boat. Secondly, in accordance with the "High Seas Convention", illegal and criminal acts on the high seas are carried out by the country where the vessel is registered. Since you are a China fishing boat, It must abide by China's laws! In China, fishing for red corals is illegal! I am arresting criminals!

That's why Xiao Peng asked Yang Meng to directly help them clean up. How dare to steal red coral? That's really looking for death!

However, the country where these ships are registered really does not know where they are. It should not be Huaxia. Otherwise, according to the "High Seas Convention", the Japanese country has the right to arrest them.

Speaking of the high seas, people’s rules of conduct are the "High Seas Convention." After all, the high seas do not belong to any country, and no country can exercise jurisdiction over the high seas. Therefore, it is stipulated that illegal activities on the high seas shall be under the jurisdiction of the country where the ship belongs. That is to say, if someone kills on the high seas, if the country of registration of the ship is Huaxia, then the right to sue and arrest is in Huaxia; and if the ship is registered in the country, that means the country has the right to sue and arrest.

But there is one exception, that is, the laws of the country where the ship is located must be observed on board. For example, in the case of red coral stealing, if these ships are registered in China, and this is illegal in China, it means that all warships of various countries have the right to board the ship and the right to detain. But if it is registered in the small island countries of the South Pacific, there is no law to steal red coral.

The Japanese warships and sea surveillance ships have no right to board and detain.

There are really too many illegal things using loopholes in the High Seas Convention.

For example, those gambling ships on the high seas are clearly the owners of Huaxia, but the countries where the ships are registered are Panama, Portugal, and the Netherlands. As long as they reach the high seas, they must follow the laws of Portugal and Panama. And gambling and drug abuse over there doesn't matter. This is why there is no way for China to gamble on ships on the high seas: What if it is a ship registered by China that gambling on the high seas? You can catch it even if you go to the Arctic Ocean!

Why are there so many ships belonging to Panama? As long as there is news that is ‘Panama Cruise Line’? This is also because of this reason!

But no matter which country you are a ship, you will be beaten if you provoke yourself! Let's talk about anything else after the beating.

Catch me and sentence me? Let's talk about it in China!

Xiao Peng drove the boat towards the row of ships. Yang Meng took a few young Japanese people into the cockpit at this time. He said to Xiao Peng: "I just asked the side of the Japanese sea surveillance ship. The boat really didn’t work. At the beginning, I encountered an order to catch, but later? These illegal stolen boats took out the methods of Cao Cao during the Three Kingdoms period, and directly connected the fishing boats together and encountered the small sea surveillance ship of the country. It can be towed and run directly; when it encounters a large sea surveillance ship, it will go off. They do not have an AIS system, which really puts our ancestors' guerrilla tactics of "enemy, my dark enemy, I run, and I disturb" to the extreme. "

Xiao Peng said with a cold face: "Let's just lean on, I would like to see how they run! You guys, put on your life jackets! Find a place to grab yourself."

Hong Wan was a little surprised after hearing this: "Brother, is this something going to happen?"

Xiao Peng nodded and said: "We have to help clean up."

Hong Wan looked excited after hearing this: "Brother, we have to help too!"

Xiao Peng looked speechless: "You go to help? What can you help? As long as you can take care of yourself here, you are the greatest help!"

After hearing this, Hong Maru said anxiously: "Brother, don't think we are young, but we also got into fights. Even Gui Rina and Momoko have fought countless times."

"What do you call a fight?" Xiao Peng looked contemptuously after hearing this: "Keep your eyes open and see how the people on the boat fight!"

After speaking, he picked up the walkie-talkie and yelled directly: "You grandchildren! You want to escape after breaking my fishing tackle? Nothing to do today!"

"Hahahaha, you haven't left yet? Yeah, have you come here yet? Boy, don't say I didn't warn you! You just need to find a beating! Grandpa will teach you a lesson today, whose fist is at sea Who has the final say!" A man's arrogant voice came from the intercom.

Various voices came through the walkie-talkie, all of which involved the lower-half-body and various relatives of Xiao Peng, including his immediate elders and various ancestors.

Xiao Peng turned off the walkie-talkie, tilted his head and said to Yang Meng, "Remember these voices?"

Yang Meng nodded: "You can rest assured, remember clearly."

Xiao Peng picked up the intercom inside the ship: "Everyone is ready to collide with the ship and prepare for help! Mengzi, bring me the few people who just called out!"

"no problem!"

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