Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1525: Ship stealing problem

"Boss, the'Vladimir' is here!" Wang Hu stretched out his head from the cockpit and shouted at Xiao Peng.

Xiao Peng was sunbathing there, and after hearing Wang Hu's call, he took off his sunglasses: "How far is it?"

"There are still fifty nautical miles." Wang Hu replied.

Xiao Peng stretched his waist and said, "Okay, I'm going to scold them if they don't come."

The damage to their ship was not light. Just after crossing Kagoshima and before reaching Jeju Island, the ship broke down at sea. There was no way, so Xiao Peng contacted the Coastal Police of Waguo and sent Hong Wan and those people back to Waguo.

Hongwan and the others didn't want to leave, but they couldn't return to China without a visa, and in the end they could only follow the maritime police back to the country of Japan.

The Japanese Coast Guard wanted to drag Xiao Peng and the others back, but Xiao Peng refused their kindness. He contacted his family and asked the Vladimir to tug.

After waiting at sea for three days, the Vladimir rushed over. Xiao Peng and the others were floating on the sea for the past three days, as boring as they were. The Vladimir has finally arrived.

It was really not easy to run back along the way. Yang Meng left a fresh water purifier on the scrap ship, but he didn't expect the fresh water purifier on their ship to be broken.

This does not delay their drinking water, but want to take a bath? Then don't think about it.

The weather in the South Pacific was too hot. Originally, Xiao Peng and others had to take a few baths a day.

It finally rained, Xiao Peng and the others rushed the two Japanese girls into the cabin to take a shower with rainwater, but the rain stopped before they finished soaping. . . . . .

This is not the most depressing, the most depressing is when they look back, good guys, it's cool that two Japanese girls are peeking there.

Ever since Xiao Peng rescued Gui Linai from the sea, Gui Linai wanted to repay Xiao Peng every day. It was the kind of report that "received each other's body," not the kind of "retribution of being a cow and a horse in the next life."

Yang Meng was the most enthusiastic about this, and he guarded Xiao Peng under the guise of "Being optimistic about Xiao Peng for Emilia" every day, and did not give Gui Linai any chance at all.

But anyway, it is indeed inconvenient to have women on this fishing boat. Especially this ship is not a big ship like the Vladimir, and the space is small. It is absolutely reasonable that this fishing boat cannot allow women to board.

After three days of boredom at sea, Vladimir finally came.

"Boss!" Pan Peiyu stood at the station and waved at them desperately.

"Send the steel cable here!" Yang Meng shouted.

Pan Peiyu drove two steel cables in a small boat by himself. After fixing them to the hull, Xiao Peng and Yang Meng returned to the Vladimir in the small boat.

The two took a happily bath on the boat. This is the cockpit.

Xiao Peng lay down on his special sofa in the cockpit: "Hoo, refreshing, this smells bad if you don't take a shower!"

Yang Meng laughed and said, "My body is already stinky, Old Pan, tell the people behind you that you can waste water as much as you can, so let's take a bath."

Pan Peiyu asked: "Boss, why did you come back like this? Didn't you say that you should prepare for a protracted battle?"

Xiao Peng shrugged: "The ship is broken, it is not a crime of war! Besides, I think things are too simple! This ship is too uncomfortable

Now, the power is too low, I dare not turn on the air conditioner. Sleeping so much is called a guilt, and it's our "Vladimir" comfortably. "

Pan Peiyu smiled and said: "Boss, you go over there to make things big, with more than 200 people on board, what do you think?"

Xiao Peng laughed: "We did a good job, and we left food for them. How did you know?"

Pan Peiyu smiled and said: "This is already known to everyone in China. When people from the Japanese country went to rescue people, they made a big fuss about propaganda here. You know how bad the reputation of ocean fishermen in China is in the world. ."

Xiao Peng shook his finger: "This matter must be divided into two aspects. China has the largest number of fishermen in the world. More than 90% of the ocean fishing boats in the entire world belong to China. If there are more people, all kinds of people will be available. It is impossible to guarantee. Everyone abides by the rules. But a few people cannot represent the majority of people. The illegal fishing boats like this may be less than 1% of all the stolen boats, but because the impact is too bad, they have to do something. It's an international event."

This ocean-going fishing boat has a high cost of going out to sea, so they want to try their best to catch fish. Large schools of fish are hard to hit in the deep open sea. Almost all traditional fishing grounds are in the exclusive economic zones of other countries. If you follow the rules and buy the amount of catch to fish, there is no problem, but this increases the cost of fishing, so some people have moved to think carefully to make up for it. .

China’s fishing boats are most prone to problems with the country of plastic surgery. There is no way. The seas on both sides have not been clear, but the manipulative nature of plastic surgery people is inferiority. Raise this matter to improve national cohesion.

And the second most vulnerable to damage from these black fishing boats is the Japanese country.

All the people who dare to steal and catch are not good crops. Once a Chinese fishing boat went to the exclusive economic zone of the country to steal fish, but it was checked by the coastal police of the country, and a group of coastal policemen of the country boarded the ship for inspection. As a result, the boss of the ship sailed directly and fleeed with these bosses, just to avoid a huge fine. The row of boats like Xiao Peng and the others are connected together to fight against the arrest of those maritime police boats.

Of course, compared to the western hemisphere and the African coast far away from China, these are considered good.

For example, in West Africa, some countries replaced their warships in order to catch the Chinese fishing boats. The country was too poor. The so-called warships were not as fast as the Chinese fishing boats, so they had to replace a batch of warships. In Argentina, when I was going to steal and arrest the ship, I even thought it was a habit of hitting a Japanese coast guard ship in the waters of the country, but unexpectedly went to hit someone else’s warship and was directly sunk. . . . . .

It is these illegal fishing boats that have caused China to lose face and make China's legal fishing boats a so-called international problem.

In fact, there are too many international problems with fishing boats. Just like a few days ago, Indonesia destroyed 51 foreign boats stealing fishing in their waters in one day, of which 38 were from Vietnam. To be precise, from 2014 to Now, Indonesia has blown up more than 500 pirate fishing boats.

However, when it comes to the world’s number one fishery stealing boat, it is really not the Chinese stealing boats, but the "gentleman" British stealing boats.

Among other things, the "scallop war" between Britain and France has become a regular conflict between their two countries every August. The reason for this is that the period from August to October every year in France is a ban on arrests.

Fishing time, but the British can fish for a year or twelve months. The French are unwilling. They think it is stealing their scallops and stealing their money. So at this time of the year, they will have a conflict at sea. What kind of warship On the fishing boat together.

Alas, would they not engage in scallop farming? Is this the most mature breeding species in marine aquaculture?

But the British were stealing this matter, but it was terribly educated by Iceland.

Iceland, a small country on the map of the world, has to be looked for with a magnifying glass. The country declared bankruptcy a few years ago, or ranks first in the world in terms of per capita GDP. Who makes a country with fewer people?

Just like when Iceland entered the World Cup, their coach said in an interview: "I know almost everyone Icelandic fans who come to cheer on. We are like playing football in front of our family."

Before World War II, Iceland had always belonged to Denmark. Later, although Denmark allowed the establishment of the ‘Kingdom of Iceland’, it had always been a common federation with Denmark. During World War II, Denmark was captured by Germany and Britain proposed to ‘protect’ Iceland. The Icelandic government rejected them, saying that they were neutral, and Britain sent troops to occupy the entire territory of Iceland. Although the Allied forces forced the Icelandic government to drive away after World War II, this Liangzi was settled.

In the first time, the British really fished at the doorstep of Iceland. All the British fishing boats were seen standing on the coast of Iceland. The Icelanders announced that other countries were prohibited from fishing in the four seas along the coast. The British even interrupted communication with Iceland for this. Fishery trade.

But Iceland didn't care. It directly signed new trade agreements with Italy, Portugal, the former Soviet Union, the United States and other countries. The British had no choice but to accept the four-nautical-mile fishing restriction.

Then Iceland felt that the four nautical miles were too few, and it directly expanded to twelve nautical miles. This time the United Kingdom did not make concessions and directly excluded more than forty warships, including destroyers and frigates, to defend the fishing boats. Iceland has only seven ships, and the largest so-called warship can carry 28 people. . . . . .

But the Icelanders fought well in guerrilla warfare. So many British warships were of no use to them. Instead, the Icelanders were harassed. The Keflavík base in the Stars and Stripes was also in Iceland. The Icelandic side said NATO doesn’t care about this. I closed this military base! So the NATO people could only persuade the United Kingdom, and the matter was fine.

Britain can only recognize it again.

The Icelanders saw, hey, the British were very bully, so they simply expanded to fifty nautical miles. Isn't this Nima bullying? The British warship went again, and then NATO jumped out and framed it again: Don’t, Iceland is a place with special geography, don’t bully others, so Iceland’s exclusive economic zone has become 50 kilometers offshore.

This Icelander is also addicted to bullying and bullying in the UK. Have you agreed on fifty nautical miles? Yes, continue to add, 200 nautical miles!

Like last time, there was a conflict first, and then the European Community came out to fight, and finally Britain pinched its nose to admit that this was the origin of the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone.

Therefore, this fisheries conflict problem is a problem that exists in all countries in the world. The focus is limited to China. There are reasons for China’s illegal fishermen themselves, as well as certain political reasons.

But Xiao Peng was very upset. Is this making a fuss by himself?

He asked Pan Peiyu: "Why did the Japanese side make a fuss about this?"

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