Godly Fisherman

Chapter 879: Yichang Retreat

"Brother Peng, you have been laughing all the way." Di Wei looked speechless: "Is the IQ of people in love all negative?"

Xiao Peng coughed dryly, "Do you have an opinion? Believe it or not, I will throw you out!"

Di Wei hurriedly waved his hand: "Brother Peng, you misunderstood, I am envious, I also want to have such a vigorous love."

Xiao Peng gave him a white look: "Forget your kid's words, or I will really drive you out."

After hosting a big PARTY for Emilia, Xiao Peng reluctantly bid her farewell and went to New York with Di Wei.

Xiao Peng finally knows what "Little Don't Win the New Marriage". It's the candle night in the bridal chamber for the two of them. . . . . . But when it's time to come to send the watch to Patty Hurst, Xiao Peng still separated from Emilia and came to Manhattan, New York again, staying at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, where he stayed last time. That presidential suit.

When Di Wei saw the room decoration here, his eyes were green: "Brother Peng, am I not dreaming? This room is too luxurious?

Xiao Peng lit his cigar: "Di Wei, it’s not unreasonable for me to take you to live here. You should know that I have ideas about the Star Country market. Listen to what Acan said. From now on, Star Country will be responsible for you, but you After all, I’m young and not qualitative yet, so I’m still worried about you, but I believe in A Chan’s vision."

Speaking of this, Xiao Peng took a cigar and looked at Di Wei and said: "I can't tell you how to do it right. Everyone looks at things differently, but I can show you what success is. If you want this kind of life, you must do things seriously. You must always remember that you are no longer a little ruffian, and now you are a boss. As long as you work hard, you must live this way. I will get it."

Di Wei nodded: "Brother Peng, please believe me, I will do it well."

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "Well, I believe you. I'll take a shower first, and you will pick it up for me later with dinner."


After Xiao Peng took a shower, he saw Di Wei watching TV there: "Why don't you eat?"

Di Wei said: "Brother Peng, am I waiting for you together."

Xiao Peng smiled and said, "Hurry up and eat. Why do you look so excited?"

"Oh, have you seen the movie Dunkirk by Christopher Nolan?"

Xiao Peng shook his head after hearing this: "I haven't seen it yet. Can Nolan make this kind of documentary film? But if he does it, the film will definitely look good, and his control of color is absolutely top-notch."

Christopher Nolan is not very old. Well, he is born in the 70s. This is considered young among directors, but he is definitely a famous director. What is the two series of "Fatal Magic", "Inception", "Shards" and "Batman" All films and so on are made by him.

However, Nolan is better at the unconstrained science fiction style, saying that he is a master of suspense, deconstruction, and time-space transformation. No one should refute it. But how would he shoot this kind of film based on real history? Xiao Peng was also very interested. After dinner, watched the movie with Di Wei.

I have to say that even war films are very Nolan's style. There are few lines in the whole film, similar to the silent film style, showing a war drama before people's eyes.

Di Wei took the tableware aside and commented: "The Dunkirk retreat is indeed a great miracle in human history! More than 300,000 people were rescued in this way."

Xiao Peng smiled: "It makes sense for Nolan to take the Dunkirk retreat. This should be the most suitable historical subject for him, because the Dunkirk retreat is also full of suspense in history."

Di Wei looked at Xiao Peng puzzled.

Xiao Peng explained with a smile: "At that time 400,000 Allied forces were surrounded in Dunkirk facing the sea, and the German army was less than 20 kilometers away from the Allied forces. At that time, Germany could wipe out the Allied forces at will, and the British were prepared. It is good to mourn these four hundred thousand soldiers. But Hitler issued an order that no one knows the answer yet, that is, ordering the German army to stop the offensive and giving Dunkirk time to retreat."

"And miracles always follow. Then when the Luftwaffe wanted to bomb the Allied forces, the Dunkirk beach began to be foggy again, and the air force could not blow up. When the German Army attacked again, the Allied forces had organized After finishing the defensive line, 100,000 soldiers defended the German army. It was their sacrifice that allowed the 330,000 Allied soldiers to evacuate. In the end, the remaining French soldiers died of more than 40,000. It can be said that they were exchanged for their lives. The Dunkirk retreat was successful. However, their sacrifice was worthwhile. The 330,000 Allied soldiers who survived were the main force against Germany in the future. Without them, the direction of the war would be hard to say. This movie has a strong Nolan style, it burns your brain, it’s really not good to watch it again, you need to watch it several times to understand."

After hearing this, Di Wei sighed: "Three hundred and thirty thousand people just escaped. This is simply a miracle!"

Who knew Xiao Peng said disdainfully, "What is this? You should understand your ancestors. In China, there was a more famous retreat, which was an action to save 1.5 million people! And it was still in Dunke. Two years ago when Erke retreated! It’s just that no Hollywood director made him into a movie, it’s more storytelling."

Di Wei was stunned: "Brother Peng, tell me about it? I was born in the Stars and Stripes Nation, but since I returned to China last time, I want to know more about China, after all, my roots are there."

Xiao Peng took out a cigar and threw it to Di Wei. He also ordered one: "In 1938, during the Sino-Japanese War, there was a Yichang retreat. A Chinese hero saved the fate of 1.5 million people. And the fate of the entire China!"

Di Wei's eyes widened: "So awesome? Why don't I know?"

Xiao Peng smiled and cursed: "You know a big banana! During the Anti-Japanese War, since the fall of Wuhan, all the routes in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River were cut off, and Yichang, the gateway to Sichuan, became the next strategic target to be attacked. At that time, the accumulated commercial and military equipment of the Yichang Wharf exceeded 120,000 tons, in addition to oil, government officials, skilled workers, college students, and refugees waiting to enter Sichuan. It almost concentrated the lives of China's weapons industry, various machine industries, and light industries. It was the only breath of vitality that China had left at that time!"

"But so many people and materials are concentrated in Yichang, and they can't be transported! Because the Three Gorges channel is narrow, the water is shallow and the water is urgent, and it was already close to the dry season of the Yangtze River at that time, and it took more than 40 days at most to allow larger ships. Sailing. At that time, there were only 20 small boats in Yichang. If it was normal, it would take almost a year to ship! Later, a Chinese "director" the Chinese version of Dunkirk Retreat. He saved a hundred. He is Lu Zuofu in the midst of all the people."

Di Wei shook his head: "I have never heard of this person."

Xiao Peng smiled: "Don't talk about your big banana. Many Huaxia people don’t know the name. But this person is really important to Huaxia. Even the chairman said when he talked about China National Industry. "China’s four industry professionals must not forget, heavy industry must not forget Zhang Zhidong, textile industry must not forget Zhang Jian, chemical industry must not forget Fan Xudong, and transportation industry must not forget Lu Zuofu."

"Is this guy so powerful? Brother Peng, tell me about him." Di Wei also became interested.

Xiao Peng said: "Lu Zuofu worked as a reporter and editor-in-chief of Sichuan News. He only joined the industry at the age of 32 and organized the "Minsheng Company" to save the country. With the support of friends and villagers, he borrowed money to buy a boat. Small passenger ships, he devoted himself to the transportation industry. In just a few years, the entire shipping industry on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River allowed him to integrate, driving foreign shipping companies out of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River! And Minsheng Company, from the first small company with a small boat, became A big company with 46 ships of various types! When Wuhan fell, Lu Zuofu personally arrived in Yichang, personally directed the shipment of supplies into Sichuan."

"By increasing terminal equipment, increasing the number of port barges and loading and unloading workers, and increasing the wages of workers, more than 2,000 loading and unloading workers worked non-stop 24 hours a day. In less than 40 days, Minsheng Company offered Sichuan transported 1.5 million people! One million tons of cargo! Only the rushed military equipment included 14 arsenals such as Nanchang Aircraft Factory and Jinling Arsenal! It also included a large number of other industrial equipment and various national materials. These materials were quickly built in various iron and steel arsenals in the rear to fight the war! What do you think, students from dozens of schools such as Fudan University, Central University, Jinling University, Wuhan University, Shandong University, etc., were all sent by him. To Sichuan!"

"Moreover, during the entire transportation process of the Great Retreat, Minsheng Company itself suffered huge losses and made huge sacrifices. During this transportation process, 116 people were sacrificed, 61 people were injured, and 16 ships were destroyed by bombings. Shen. As for the factories, warehouses, machinery and equipment, and docks of the Minsheng Company that were blown up by enemy aircraft, there are countless. And it is the great retreat he accomplished by making these sacrifices that preserved the lifeline of China Industry. It laid the foundation for the construction of the rear area, and played an extremely important role for China to launch a counter-offensive and the ultimate victory against tension."

After Xiao Peng finished speaking, he took a mouthful of cigarettes: "Do you think it is Dunkirk or Yichang's retreat? Don't keep your eyes on those things outside. Huaxia is no worse than anyone else. .... "

Di Wei said angrily: "Uh, for me, Huaxia is outside, okay?"

Er, Xiao Peng choked after hearing Di Wei's words. He was really right when he said that. He is the nationality of Star-Stripe Country. Naturally, Huaxia is a ‘foreign country’.

So Xiao Peng decided to reason with him ------ directly raised his hand and slapped Di Wei's head:

"I'll make you suffocate again!"

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