Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter 106 Start the investigation 2

[Dragon Game Company was established in the 5th year of the star calendar. It is a very mysterious game company. No one knows the real headquarters of the game company, and no one knows the developers of the game. It's just a shell agency company. There are only some senior executives in the group, and the R\u0026D team is not here at all. 】

【Current President: Wang Yao】

[Evaluation, it is an extremely mysterious company. Except for the real insiders of the company, no one knows where the company's headquarters is. Call it a cross-world masterpiece, as long as any game company develops such a game, it can be famous in the game room forever, but Magic Dragon Game Company has developed three games in a row, and each game is incomparable. It is close to reality, and this company is also a very different company. Different from other game companies, Molong Games has never had a game recharge channel in each game, and each game is not a paid game. I don't know how the magic dragon game company will make a profit. 】

Lin Mu looked at the comments on the Internet about this mysterious Dragon Game Company.

It was found that this game company seemed to be a speechless life, except for the development of games, there had never been any news.

And it seems that most ordinary people in this world don't know where the headquarters of this game company is.

"How well do you know Dragon Games Company?"

Lin Mu turned off the computer casually. Anyway, this is the knowledge on the Internet. For him, it can no longer provide any useful help.

It's better to ask people in this world.


Liu Lan first looked at Lin Mu who was so familiar with operating computers, wearing an ancient robe but sitting on a computer chair, typing on the keyboard very skillfully, and browsing the contents of the computer completely felt a complete sense of disobedience. .

"Why, it's just a mere computer, who doesn't know how to use it? The world of advanced technological civilization that I have been to is beyond your imagination. I have even been to some worlds on the technological side of the big world. The technology is not yours at all. In this way, from the point of view, it is comparable to the technology of primitive people.”

Lin Mu also saw the hint of bewilderment in Liu Lan's content.

Who does this look down upon?

I am at least one of the most powerful beings in the heavens and myriad worlds, second only to saints. I have been to so many worlds, how can you people in small worlds be able to add them.


Liu Lan immediately wanted to come up, he now remembered that the person sitting in front of him was a person who claimed to have been to countless worlds among the heavens and myriad worlds.

Even some of the more advanced tech side worlds have been visited many times.

Perhaps in the eyes of such an existence, these technologies in his own world seem to him to be very developed technologies, but in his eyes they seem to be nothing more than primitive technologies.

So, when he said it thoroughly, he meant that he came from the mentality of such a "highly developed" world.

To be honest, Liu Lan originally expected that the man in the ancient robe would not use these technological items at all.

However, it seems that such jokes are no longer seen.

I can only answer this big guy's question.


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