After thinking for a long time, I still haven't come up with any good way to solve this matter.

There should be no trace of cruelty in his eyes.

I was able to suppress the original law of heaven in that world back then, so I can also suppress it today.

Offended only the first time and countless times.

He has already offended the world's great source of law, so there is no need for him to continue like this.

It's just that the original law of the way of heaven in the main world has not been discovered yet.

However, although suppressing that one has been separated from the main world for a long time, it is not difficult for him to still have a little bit of the original law of heaven in the main world.

But be careful.

If the original law of heaven and earth of the main world left in that world spread the news to the main world, I would be in trouble.

So this time, I have to be careful in my actions.

He also has no intention of giving up his plan.

After all, he has been laying out this plan for countless years, and it is about to reach a critical moment, when his army of ordinary people has almost captured that world.

If you continue to play like this, the world will not be able to hold on sooner or later.

At that time, after the original law of heaven in the main world that remains in that world is worn to death by myself, I will no longer have to worry about anything, and will directly occupy the position of the world controller of your world.

This is an extremely critical part of your plan.

As long as he seized the position of the world master of that world, then after the main world is promoted to a higher world, he will always get a bowl of soup for himself.

It is even possible that he will directly become the world master of a higher world.

No one in yesterday's question could refuse such a temptation, not even him.

Becoming the world master of a higher world means that he has occupied the peak of the pyramid of the heavens and the world and has become the strongest among the heavens and the world.

For practitioners in the heavens and worlds, this is undoubtedly a temptation that they will never be able to resist.

But the most urgent task now is to deal with the affairs of that world, otherwise there is no way to implement these plans of his own.

After all, as long as the original law of heaven in the main world is released a little, then he is qualified to intervene in the operating laws of that world.

Then the backhand he left behind in that world can no longer control the laws of this world.

It also means that he has basically lost control of that world.

This is absolutely impossible, so no matter how much he pays, he must solve the affairs of that world.

"Wang Yao, I'm going out to deal with some things. Before I come back, don't act rashly. The game will run according to the game itself."

Having already thought this way, he didn't hesitate at all, and directly appeared in front of Wang Yao, and he was the one who said it seriously.

"What happened? You have to deal with it yourself."

Wang Yao will have to look at the little boy in front of him in the future, he can see that there is even a hint of anxiety on the little boy's face now.

Although this little boy does not seem to be a child who has grown up, but does he know how terrifying the strength of this child who seems to be a little immature is.


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