Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

The first thousand and forty-seven chapters leave a backhand

"How do I feel that someone is thinking bad things about me!"

In the space of Heavenly Dao, Lin Mu frowned. At that moment just now, he felt as if he was being watched by someone.

But this feeling disappeared without a trace in an instant.

No matter how much he wanted to look for it, he couldn't find it anymore.

Thinking about it, I was targeted by a powerful existence again.

Lin Mu never doubted his intuition.

Especially after reaching a strong man like him, his intuition has become extremely reliable.

Unexpectedly, his intuition told himself that this bit of news means that there is definitely a powerful existence in the heavens and worlds, and he has already set his sights on him.

"Oh, troubled times."

Thinking about it, Lin Mu couldn't help but feel helpless. He didn't know how many big figures in the heavens and myriad worlds had targeted him.

And I still can't determine what kind of attitude each big shot has towards me, is it malicious or kind?

For example, this time, although I have already felt that the great figures in the heavens and myriad worlds have their eyes on me, I have no way to feel whether he is malicious or kind to me.

However, what he naturally hopes in his heart is kindness to himself, not malice.

If a strong man above a saint has malice towards him, then the matter will not be easy to solve.

Lin Mu still hasn't forgotten that scene.

At the beginning, I had broken through to a half-step saint, but I had no resistance against the attack of a real saint.

He just severely injured himself with a casual attack, and temporarily lost all his strength and memory.

If he hadn't been found by the system, he might have to lie in that ice coffin for several years.

So it's definitely not that pleasant to be stared at by a strong man above a saint.

However, the current Lin Mu is not in the mood to investigate him, what kind of attitude is this new person who is eyeing him.

That world is about to be promoted to a higher world.

At most, three years.

In other words, there is not much time left for him, and he has to make a good layout again within the next three years.

In this world, there are two competitors.

However, the director of the Space-Time Management Bureau himself didn't need to take it too seriously.

During this period of time, Lin Mu also secretly visited the Space-Time Management Bureau several times.

Although the strength of the director of the space-time administration is at the same level as his own, there is still a small gap.

Moreover, now he is in the dark and he is in the light. As long as he fights with others and loses both, then he can directly come out and make a fish-and-dragon journey, so don't worry too much.

However, for Tang Hua, Lin Mu did have some concerns.

After all, that guy's scheming is too deep, and he can make such a crazy layout.

And I still haven't figured it out yet, has he left behind in the dark?

So, be extremely careful with him.

Lin Mu is an extremely cautious person. He must ensure that there is a probability of more than 85% before he can do things.

As for 100%, don't talk nonsense, even the strong above the saints don't have the ability to guarantee that they can complete one thing 100%.

Therefore, Lin Mu has decided to take advantage of this period of time and once again leave a backup.


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