Lin Mu glanced at him casually, and stopped talking about this topic.

Seeing this scene, Liu Lan was fashionable and didn't ask any more questions.

Who told him to be a big boss?

However, Liu Lan still holds a skeptical attitude towards his words in his heart.

If the people behind the Magic Dragon Game Company are really not interested in these two worlds, then why do they want to come to this personal world because of existence.

However, he was sensible and did not continue to ask.

If you annoy this powerful existence, it will not end well. I am only a small body, and I guess it is not enough for him to slap him.

"This time, you can't use too much power in this world, so as not to be noticed by others, so you still need to do some basic investigations!"

"What I said back then is still valid. As long as you complete this task for me, I will definitely give you a chance."

"This resource is enough to last you a lifetime."

Lin Mu didn't say anything more, and directly instructed Liu Lan.

"I think your current status here should not be too low."

Lin Mu looked at Liu Lan's current appearance, and there seemed to be a person dressed as a secretary waiting for him outside.

"Well, I inherited my father's business."

Liu Lan, you said directly without hesitation, anyway, with your powerful strength, it is not easy to know everything about yourself.

"It's better this way, and it's more convenient to inquire about news."

Lin Mu was somewhat satisfied.

At least with such a layer of identity on the outside, you won't be suspected by others when you inquire about the news.

"Don't show that dead face. What I want you to do will never exceed your ability, and I won't let you die at every turn."

"At least some of the things I want you to do are done on the premise that you can guarantee your own safety!"

Lin Mu couldn't help feeling a little displeased when he saw the dead fish face that this kid had been showing since he saw him.

Are you so scary? It's just that I have to show such an expression when I see myself.

"Okay, boss, I have no problem here, and I promise to complete the mission of the boss."

After seeing such a displeased look on Lin Mu's face, Liu Lan immediately changed the dead fish face on her face, showing a confident smile, and patted herself on Lin Mu. breasts.

The information is full of what he said.

"That's good, don't worry, there is absolutely nothing wrong with following me."

"Maybe in the future you will have to thank yourself for choosing this way."

"The person I'm asking you to investigate this time is still the executive president of the Magic Dragon Game Company, Wang Yao. I have to know all the information about him since he was a child."

"We must not leave anything behind, especially when he asks for leave. I need to know everything about the establishment of this Magic Dragon game company."

After Lin Mu saw his performance like this, he didn't say anything more, and directly arranged the task for him.

It was still Wang Yao, he had to see what was so special about this guy, so that he could be selected by that guy of the same level as him to become the president of the company on the bright side.

People who can be selected by people of the same level as themselves will definitely not be that simple.

Maybe he is still the key to him this time.


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