Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter 1059 Wang Yao's Heart Tired

"Hmm, illusion?"

"Maybe I've been too tired recently."

Wang Yao was in the office, when Lin Mu suddenly disappeared, Wang Yao couldn't help feeling a little bit.

As if someone was watching him.

However, looking in that direction, all I found was an empty place, and there was no energy fluctuation at all.

Wang Yao could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I've been really tired lately, especially about the game.

Those players really don't give themselves peace of mind, and just mess around with some monsters in the game.

If things go on like this, sooner or later, some of them will be noticed by the strong in that world.

According to the current development of these players, they still don't have the strength to compete with the strong players in that world.

The current Wang Yao can only release some tempting tasks to stop the abundant spiritual power of these players.

If this is not the case, maybe they are really likely to go against those powerful people in this world.

If these Xeons are angered, it will be a disaster for the players.

For those strong, it is not difficult to slap all these completely to death.

Even if they can be resurrected, just shoot them to death a few more times.

If it really goes on like this, some of his gaming equipment will not be able to support it.

The mental strength of these games can't support it.

Therefore, such a situation is absolutely not allowed to happen at this stage.

But in fact, the death power of those players is too strong.

I always like to have some people who are much stronger than myself.

Then he was slapped to death, and he still doesn't remember anything.

If it weren't for his own plan, these players are the most critical, Wang Yao really might not be able to help but want to shoot those crazy guys to death.

But there is no way, who knows that some players at this stage are still uncles.

So he can only wipe their ass behind them.

After sighing, he didn't know what he thought of, and then his figure disappeared into the office without moving.

He appeared again in a strange space.

This space is full of light, and there are countless huge instruments in operation.

And in the very center of this mysterious space sat a person the size of a child, that young body was sitting cross-legged, as if he was cultivating.

But matching his body is really ridiculous.

After seeing this weak body, Wang Yao immediately walked up.

When Tang Hua saw someone appearing in his space, he knew who it was without thinking too much.

After all, the only ones with authority in this space are himself and Wang Yao.

"How about the plan? How long will it be completed?"

Wang Yao asked.

Ever since the two shared their lives, Wang Yao also knew what Tang Hua wanted to do all these years.

I also learned something about a strong man of his level from him.

The two of them are now in a state of sharing life. As long as Tang Hua can break through to that level, it will be very useful to him.

That's why he cares so much.

"Everything is going according to plan, but the progress is a bit too slow, and those players are really too worried."

Tang Hua is also extremely tired of those players who like to die.


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