Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

The first thousand and sixty-four chapters cause and effect

"You mean, no matter what power is in that world, they will kill these players when they see them, without any hesitation at all."

Tang Hua immediately became vigilant.

This is definitely an unreasonable thing.

What ability do these players have to make all the forces in that world chase and intercept them?

Could it be that his plan was learned by his old opponent?

Such thoughts were packed into Tang Hua's mind in an instant.

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible. This plan of mine even conceals the original law of the Dao of Heaven. It is absolutely impossible for that old guy to know."

But in just an instant, he threw this thought out of his mind.

After all, his plan didn't even discover the original law of heaven.

What ability does that old guy have to discover his plan.

So, it's very likely that something is wrong with the world itself.

It is also very likely that the few players who really like to die have provoked an existence that should not be provoked.

That would lead to the current situation.

"I'll go to that world to take a look, and you should also carefully observe the dynamics of those players to see if they have done anything deadly."

For that world, his determination to win is also the most critical part of his plan.

That world absolutely does not allow situations that are beyond one's control.

If it develops according to this situation, some players will be useless at all.

Once you enter the game, you are going to die, so what kind of help can you bring yourself?

How could it be possible for him to destroy the original law of heaven in that world.

Therefore, he can only go to that world to see for himself what happened.

And no matter how such a thing happened, he had to solve it.

If it can't be solved, it means that his plan has been completely in vain.

He will never allow this to happen.

This is my energy for countless years.

After giving the last sentence, Tang Hua disappeared into the mysterious space as soon as he moved.

"Oh, it's really not that easy to complete."

Wang Yao looked at Tang Hua who had disappeared, and sighed.

I don't know why he always has a bad premonition, but he can't tell what is wrong.

After staying here for a while, he also went out directly. He also wanted to pay attention to the latest developments of those players and see how these players died.

[You may not believe me if I say it, I got Luo Zong’s sacred object unintentionally today, and I also brought the player alliance to declare war on Luo Zong, (funny)]

In the forum that was attacking the game company, such a post suddenly appeared.

Then there were hundreds of replies in an instant.

[Damn, how can I say that the npcs in these games are so wrong today, they cut us off when they saw us players, it turned out to be a good thing you did. 】

[Fuck, man of God, you even single-handedly provoked a war between us and the npc in the game. 】

【Brother, your method is really awesome. I admire you very much, little brother. Here is a treasure to give to brother. Brother, please tell me the address and send it to you immediately. 】

[Tell your game ID, I promise not to hack you to death! 】

The game forum was instantly detonated by this post.


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