Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

The first thousand and sixty-six chapters complete the dark hand

Lin Mu continued to come to this small world, still standing on the tall building and looking at Wang Yao in the office of the president of Magic Dragon Games Company opposite.

Now Wang Yao is dealing with things in the game with a serious face.

After all, this time, because the player did too much to die, he is a little busy now.

But he would never know that the player who committed suicide was caused by Lin Mu.

After Li Mo thought of this plan, you immediately started to do it.

First of all, with the help of Liu Lan, he handed over the sacred object of the world's number one sect to Liu Lan, and asked him to represent the so-called player alliance to fight against the world's number one Luo sect.

In this way, the entire player alliance offended most of the forces in that world.

After all, this world is headed by Luo Zong.

Once he declares war on Luozong, it means that he declares war on all the forces in this world.

Therefore, none of the forces in this world can escape from this vortex.

This is why those game players will be targeted by people in this world as soon as they enter the game.

To a large extent, Luozong represented the will of all the forces in that world.

And under Lin Mu's operation, these players have already offended and wiped out all the forces in that world, can they still play the game well?

It is estimated that once you enter, you will be tortured by blood.

After all, with the development of the game to this day, these players have only just become immortals at the highest level. For those forces whose gatekeepers are even immortals, it is simply not worth mentioning.

What kind of game experience will such a game bring to people?

It was really Lin Mu's plan. He could be sure that once such a situation happened, the guy hiding behind the scenes would never just sit and watch his plan come to naught.

So he will definitely leave Wang Yao's side, and at that time, his chance will come.

Wang Yao is now nothing more than a mere celestial figure, perhaps the most powerful in the eyes of people in this world, but he is absolutely nothing in his own eyes.

If he wanted to do something to him, he would definitely find anything wrong.


Before anyone could react, Lin Mu directly blocked the world with a powerful force.

He did this to prevent Tang Hua from feeling anything wrong.

You must know that this world is still his territory until now, if he takes action on his territory, he may very likely discover his existence, which is definitely not a good thing for him.

Lin Mu was so vigilant, and temporarily blocked the world when he made a move.

Let Wang Yao not know what happened in this world at this moment.

However, Lin Mu will only block it for a period of time, as long as it is finished when he moves, he will leave and untie it.

After all, the world is still staring in Tang Hua's eyes.

If he comes back and finds that the world has been blocked, then he is not a fool and he can guess that he was plotted against.

For the time being, Lin Mu did not want to see such a situation happen.


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