Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

The first thousand and sixty-eight chapters see the original law of heaven

But how Tang Hua wants to appease the noise made by Lin Mu this time is not Lin Mu's business.

After Lin Mu moved his hands and feet on Wang Yao, he didn't immediately return to the middle world he had robbed.

After all, that world is not a particularly safe place now.

After all, the guy who has been hiding behind the scenes is still in his own world. Once he is made aware of his existence, then the following things will be difficult.

Lin Mu is now rushing to the heavenly space of this world.

He already has some plans, that is, to meet the original law of heaven in this world.

After all, the three of them were not the only ones who snatched the first ray of energy from this world's promotion to a high-level event.

If those powerhouses in the heavens and worlds are aware of it, they will definitely come to participate in this feast.

After all, the chance of a middle world being promoted to a high world is very rare among the heavens and myriad worlds.

Especially those who have broken through to the half-step saint.

Once these strong men are aware of this opportunity, they will never let it go easily.

Because they are only one step away from the peak of the pyramid of the heavens and the world. As long as they absorb the first ray of energy from this world's promotion to a higher world, it is very likely that they will step into the highest level of the pyramid of Dao. They are It is absolutely impossible to resist such a temptation.

Therefore, Lin Mu has to find a way to reduce the number of his invisible competitors.

However, thanks to him.

Now most of the saints and powerhouses in the heavens and worlds have gone out with those saints and powerhouses.

Even those semi-invincible and supreme scenes, there is no way to resist the temptation of a resource possessed by a powerful force outside the heavens.

The powerhouse above the sages of the heavens has already promised that no matter how many resources they have robbed in this expedition, as long as they are obtained by themselves, everything will be theirs.

This made the eyes of most of the powerhouses above the half-step saints immediately turn red.

At their level, most of the resources in the heavens and worlds have already been divided.

They also have no way to continue to obtain those resources.

But this time is an opportunity, beyond the heavens, it is no less than the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Maybe you can get some unexpected things in it.

Maybe by virtue of this opportunity, he can directly break through to the saint, that's also possible.

Therefore, when Lin Mu found the forces behind the scenes, he also found an excuse for them, an excuse to start a war.

Therefore, most of the saints and half-step saints in Zhutian Myriad Realms have left the heavens and myriad realms, and went to fight outside the heavens.

However, there will always be one or two left among the heavens and worlds.

And what Lin Mu is guarding against is those people who stay in the heavens and worlds.

After all, the energy generated by promoting a middle world to a high world is definitely not small.

Once spread, most people in the heavens and myriad worlds can feel it.

Therefore, those half-step saints will definitely rush over to snatch them at the first time.

They also won't see such an opportunity pass by before their eyes.


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