Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter 1072 Time is running out

Lin Mu's final tone became a little cold.

He actually chose to hand over the original law of heaven in the higher world in his hand to it in advance, which means that Lin Mu has enough confidence. If the original law of heaven in this world fails to fulfill his obligations, he can definitely make him pay the price .

"I believe we all don't want to see this happen!"

After Lin Mu said the last sentence, his figure disappeared into the space of heaven.

Except for the original law of heaven from the higher world that he has promised to give.

Here, there is no one in this vast space of heaven.

After a long time, the original law of heaven in this world will be able to react.


These two words came from an unknown voice.

But for some reason, it actually felt a bit of fear from this tone.

He is obviously just a guy who has not even broken through to a saint, and he is about to break through to a saint, why can his threat still make him feel afraid?

He still holds some power that he doesn't know about in his hands.

Although this original law of the way of heaven, which is about to be promoted to a higher world, has already had a preliminary awareness, it does not mean that he can have a similar human-like quality to those original laws of the way of heaven that have truly broken through to the higher world. consciousness.

Therefore, it couldn't guess where Lin Mu got the confidence to say such a thing.

But it didn't care too much, as long as things were left to itself.

Anyway, I don't need to be too troublesome when the time comes, I just need to seal myself off, so as not to let my breath of promotion show, such a thing is simply a piece of cake for it.

In an instant, the trace of the original law of the Dao of Heaven in the higher world that Lin Mu left in the Dao of Heaven space disappeared instantly.

Obviously, what he left behind has been honored by the original law of the Dao of Heaven in this world.

What Lin Mu said is not wrong, even at this stage of the original law of the heavenly way in this world, such things are extremely precious to him.

After all, there are only a few higher worlds among the heavens and worlds.

And it is not so easy to get a trace of the great original law of the higher world.

This thing is good even for those who are promoted successfully, and, in addition, Lin Mu has already promised that no matter what the ending is, he will return that world to himself in the end.

No matter how you look at this kind of transaction, you have not lost money.

Although the will tells it, it's better to be the first breath of people in the sample world after they get promoted.

But it's not a big deal if not for it.

In addition, it has given itself such a big temptation this time, how could it refuse such a condition?

Therefore, it didn't think about anything at all, so it directly agreed.

Anyway, no matter where you look at it, you won't lose money.

Even if the time comes to grab a lot, the first trace of energy, but so what?

Maybe he will have to thank himself when he breaks through to become a saint in the future.

After all, he gave himself the opportunity to break through.

From this point of view, there are still great benefits for this transaction.

"time is limited."

It has some whispers.


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