Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter 1087 Side Bottom Success

"This is the director of the Space-Time Administration, so it won't be the case."

What the director of the Space-Time Management Bureau didn't know was that when he appeared here, his every move appeared in the eyes of another strong man.

And this one is naturally Lin Mu.

The imitated space-time wheel that Lin Mu has already invaded can naturally observe every move inside the space-time administration.

But what he didn't expect today was that the director of the space-time administration would appear in front of the wheel of time and space in person. found out.

But after a while, the director of the Space-Time Management Bureau just stood in front of the Wheel of Time and Space, seeing how far the Wheel of Time and Space had evolved, and did not do anything else. Lin Mu couldn't help but let it go. No one can discover the hands and feet I use.

Even this existence at the same level as him doesn't have that ability.

This immediately made Lin Mu completely relieved. He got up and looked at his plan. So far, everything has been going well.


Zhou Bei didn't say anything more after seeing that the director had left, as long as he could make the team leader remember his face, too many words would cause the director's dissatisfaction.

He didn't say much now, he just pointed to the light door in front of the guy he brought back just now, and told him, "Go in!"

That guy who already knew where he came from naturally didn't dare to be presumptuous here, and just walked into this light gate according to Zhou Bei's intention.

"Hey, they are really troublesome guys. I really don't know how long these guys who like to make trouble will stop."

Zhou Bei is very annoying now, I just hope that these little guys can calm down a bit, so that he can have enough rest time, at least he doesn't have to go to another world to catch people every day.

This is also a heavy burden for him, okay?


At the moment when the person caught by Zhou Bei entered the space-time journey, Lin Mu, who was far away in another world, also opened his eyes, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


He didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly directed the hands and feet he left on that guy, and began to invade the wheel of time and space.

Only after such an instant, Lin Mu also stopped, and the joy in his eyes couldn't be concealed no matter what.

At that moment just now, the imitated wheel of time and space has been completely invaded by him.

That is to say, as long as he wants, he can make the imitated space-time wheel lose its effect at any time.

Perhaps, the director of the Space-Time Management Bureau who controlled this imitated wheel of time and space could still make himself so afraid, but once the director of the Time-Space Management Bureau lost this thing, Lin Mu didn't take it seriously at all. up.

Although he is at the same level as himself, there are still some slight gaps.

As long as you let yourself do it, he will definitely not be your opponent.

"Everything is ready, the only thing we need is the east wind, and we are just waiting for when this world can be completely promoted to a higher world!"

Lin Mu once again confirmed that the Wheel of Time and Space had been successfully invaded by him, and he also left this world.


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