The original law of the way of heaven in this world has been almost destroyed by his own layout.

If it wasn't for time waiting for no one, maybe he wouldn't use such a method at all, just use those players to crash the world, and then grab the position of the world controller of this world by himself.

Now he doesn't take this broken world's great source of law into his eyes at all.

Even if I use the last resort, the position of the master of this world is not easy.

Even the great original law of this world, I didn't pay attention to it when it was complete, let alone it has become so broken now.

Tang Hua felt that even in such a world, the original law of the way of heaven dared to do something to him, so he stopped showing a sneer, and at the same time, a powerful force emanated from all around his body.

He doesn't have so much time to spend with this world now, he wants to make a quick decision.

If he were to go on this world number, he might be noticed by his old opponent, and it would be bad for him at that time.

"Hehe, you want the position of the world controller of this world, sorry, there is already someone in the position of the world controller."

Just as Tang Hua was about to seize the world with even stronger power, a slightly joking voice rang in his ears.


He immediately became vigilant, because he didn't find out where the owner of this voice was.

"Who are you? Why don't you come out and see me!"

After Tang Hua heard the sound, he didn't continue to attack, but looked around with great vigilance, for fear that a strong man would suddenly appear from all around and attack him.

The person who can appear beside him without anyone noticing, and who can transmit sound to him must not be a weak person, it is very likely that he is an existence of the same level as him.

"Hehe, you are doing this in my world, have you asked me, the owner of this world?"

Lin Mu appeared in front of Tang Hua, with at least a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, as if he was mocking that you were late and that the world already had its own owner.

"This world has recognized my position as the master of the world five years ago."

Lin Mu also felt that this world was about to be promoted to a high-level world, so after Tang Hua came to this world under his control, he didn't hide anything, and directly showed his figure, anyway, he was going to face-to-face competition soon.

In fact, Lin Mu originally thought about whether he could hide behind and make money for the fisherman, but after seeing Tang Hua came to this world and wanted to use strong means to snatch this world, he immediately lost this idea.

The position of the world converter in this world, but it is absolutely impossible to give up.

So I can only come out and see.

However, for Tang Hua, Lin Mu didn't hold too much vigilance, because his lifeline was under his control, and he could kill him at any time if he wanted.

That's why he can appear so unscrupulously, which means that the world has been occupied by him, so don't talk about it if you want.

"You...are the world master of this world?"

Tang Hua looked at Lin Mu with cold eyes, and he felt a trace of the world master in this person.


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