Instead of answering Lin Mu's question immediately, the system told Lin Mu something completely irrelevant to his question.

The system gave him a coordinate.

"Host, there are some interesting things in this world, maybe you can find something unexpected."

Lin Mu: "Oh! Something unexpected?"

As soon as Lin Mu's eyes moved, the system would not say this to himself for no reason. For example, the last time he let himself come to this world, he gave himself this great opportunity, allowing him to directly break through to the saint above.

And this time the system gave me a coordinate again, it is certain that there are definitely things that are of great use to me in this world.

Lin Mu didn't hesitate too much, and went directly to the address with the coordinates given by the system.

Since the system doesn't want to talk about the world yet, it's useless for Lin Mu to ask.

Anyway, the system will never let go, so it's better to go to the world that the system said first, and see what kind of interesting things exist in this world.


"This is……"

Lin Mu has already come to the world with the coordinates given to him by the system, but he looked at this part of the universe with some familiarity, and looked at the extremely familiar planet in front of his eyes.

There was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

"How long has it been since you came back?"

This is a blue planet, and endless sea water covers the surface of this planet.

Although this planet is very common among the heavens and worlds, it can even be said to be inconspicuous.

However, this planet is of great significance to Lin Mu, because this planet is his hometown.

It was his hometown that gave birth to him and raised him.

However, because he was selected by the system back then, Lin Mu has been running around in the heavens and worlds. Although he has the strength to walk in the heavens and worlds later, he still has not returned to his hometown. .

He is too busy.

But this time, the coordinates given to him by the system turned out to be his hometown.

Is there any connection between these two?

A hint of thought appeared in Lin Mu's eyes.

He has also lived on this planet for nearly twenty years, although to him now twenty years is just a snap of his fingers.

However, he can be sure that this planet is just an ordinary planet that can no longer be ordinary.

An ordinary small world on the technology side, is there anything different in it?

Lin Mu didn't return to his hometown immediately, but his vigilant blood released a sense of consciousness to observe this planet, trying to find out what's wrong with this planet.

However, even though his spiritual consciousness had covered the entire planet, he could only find that it was just an ordinary planet, although he was very surprised to find some traces of low-level cultivation inside.

However, he was not too surprised.

It seems that the planet I have lived on for more than 20 years is not just an ordinary technologically small world.

However, he was not too surprised, and it was not surprising that there were cultivators in some technology-side worlds.

Moreover, these cultivators also meet the standards of this small world, at least none of them exceed the highest strength that this small world can bear.


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