"Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong!"

Lin Mu looked at this ordinary village with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Because, before that, he didn't feel any difference in this village.

But when he got here, he discovered that there was a strong Taoist aura coming from this village.

Lin Mu has now broken through to the realm of a saint, but he never thought that the things in this village could be hidden from his spiritual sense.

It's absolutely incredible.

From this point of view, it can also be explained that the things in this village are definitely not simple, otherwise it would be impossible to hide the knowledge of a dignified saint.

"Don't act rashly for now, maybe there is something else."

Lin Mu looked at this seemingly ordinary village, and didn't rush in immediately.

Unexpectedly, the things inside have been in such an ordinary small world for so many years, and have not been discovered by anyone, or in other words, they have been discovered before, but no one can take it away, so it shows all the time, Things in this village are definitely not that simple.

Maybe if I act rashly, I will attract the attention of that thing in the village.

It wouldn't be good to let him run away when the time comes, but I came all the way to my hometown in order to find something that the system would say is interesting.

Now Lin Mu decided to wait and see what happened, to see what kind of changes would happen to this village in the future.


Not long after, some changes took place in the village.

"Did someone use that thing?"

Feeling the purer Tao breath than before, Lin Mu became even more puzzled.

What kind of thing is it inside that can emit such a pure Tao.

It is also because he has broken through to the realm above the saint, so the ordinary Tao has no effect on him, or he feels that he can't sit still now, and wants to go into the village to have a look.

"What's in it? How dare you use it so recklessly, and you're not afraid of leaking it at all? Don't they know that once such a treasure is leaked, the price will be their lives."

Although Lin Mu no longer has any interest in such Tao, he is still very interested in the things that produce such Tao.

He is already above the realm of saints, not to mention those half-step saints who have not yet reached the realm of saints.

Those guys want to break through to the saints all the time, so they are constantly looking for things that contain Tao in the heavens and worlds.

If this kind of aura spread out and those guys could feel it, it would definitely not be peaceful here. Maybe some strong men above half-step saints would form a group to compete for this treasure.

"Well, it didn't emit any trace of breath."

"So that's the case, no wonder you dare to use it so recklessly, not afraid of being discovered."

Lin Mu checked again with his divine sense, and found that although the aura of the Dao was strong, it didn't convey any meaning to the outside world. That is to say, outsiders didn't know what happened inside at all. .

And this world is just an ordinary small world, and it is impossible for anyone in it to feel such a powerful breath of Tao.


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