Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter 1140 The first pass, success

After Lin Mu looked at the crack that appeared in front of his eyes, he observed it again. The aura coming out of the crack had never been sent out to this world, and he couldn't help but feel relieved in his heart.

At least you don't have to worry about a powerhouse above a saint suddenly appearing against you when you break through the barrier.

The ghost knows what the test of the Dao Realm is. If he gets to a critical point and is interrupted by a strong man above a saint, then he will cry without tears.

That's why at the very beginning, he was sure that such information had never been sent out to his own world, and he was sure that those strong men in the heavens and worlds would never feel it, so he was relieved and directly into this world.

"Is this the Dao world?"

The moment Lin Mu entered the Dao world, he felt a huge breath of Dao.

It seems that everything in the air in this world is Tao.

Beyond that there is nothing left.

Sure enough, it is a world that can be named after the word Tao.

Suddenly, a powerful energy instantly attacked Lin Mu.

However, Lin Mu didn't pay much attention to this energy, even if he stood here and didn't move, this energy wouldn't hurt him at all.


After Lin Mu looked at the energy that was about to reach him, Lin Mu didn't care, and with a wave of his hand, this energy was instantly wiped out.

However, after Lin Mu wiped out this attack, as if something had changed in this world, an extremely pure Dao blessing appeared on Lin Mu's body in an instant.

And Lin Mu even felt that his comprehension of the Tao he had comprehended had become a little deeper.

Before Lin Mu became a saint, he had already chosen his own future path.

That is the path of justice.

It is also one of the top ten avenues among the heavens and worlds, comparable to the avenue of time and space.

Just now, I just casually dispelled the energy that was attacking me, but I didn't expect that the gift given to me would be so rich.

He was able to directly improve his comprehension of the avenue he had comprehended.

Although such an improvement is insignificant to him, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

This is a real improvement to the Tao that one comprehends.

And this is the first level of this Dao world, and it's just the first level that allows me to get such benefits, so what else is there in the level behind it?

A trace of incomparable excitement suddenly appeared in Lin Mu's eyes.

It seems that my choice this time is extremely correct.

Maybe as long as he can break through successfully, he will be able to fully comprehend the avenue of justice in which he participated.

Although the probability of this is very small, it is not impossible.

After all, this Dao world makes those who have been famous for a long time and above the saints very jealous, so there must be a reason for him.

That's why Lin Mu had such an idea in his heart.

"It looks like that attack is the test of this first layer."

After waiting in place for a long time, Lin Mu didn't feel any attack coming again, so he must have passed the first level successfully.


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