As Lin Mu became more and more familiar with the movements.

It was as if the trials that this Dao Realm had received hadn't stumped him at all, so he broke through layer by layer.

And before that, he didn't use too much strength, he just broke through very easily.

But this is also very normal, he is also above a saint after all.

Even if this Dao Realm is not ordinary, it is impossible for all layers to be aimed at the existence above the saint.

If that's the case, it is estimated that no one in the heavens and worlds can break through.

Before that, Lin Mu reached the eighth floor of this realm without too much effort.

When Lin Mu reached the eighth floor, his eyes lit up immediately.

Because he feels that the eighth floor is completely crafted for him, and what exists in this space is the pure aura of justice.

Lin Mu had a feeling that as long as he allowed himself to comprehend here, within ten thousand years, he would definitely be able to comprehend the way of justice.

Lin Mu even had a feeling that there was a real avenue of justice in this space.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for such a pure and huge aura of righteousness to appear.

"What will be the next test?"

Lin Mu already felt a faint threat here.

The test at this level is probably not going to be easy.

It may even be specifically aimed at the strong above the saints.

After Lin Mu felt a little danger in his heart, he no longer didn't care as before, but directly became vigilant.

He looked around vigilantly, for fear that something strange would suddenly appear and catch him off guard.

"Crosser, you are very good, you can actually enter the eighth floor, but your test is over here."

When Lin Mu was vigilant about his surroundings, a military general condensed by the pure avenue of justice suddenly appeared from the sky.

This military commander's face was full of anger towards evil in his eyes, and at the same time, there was an incomparably quintessential sense of justice coming from his body.

It is worth mentioning that this general with the Dao of Justice condensed is also a cultivation base above that of a saint.

Moreover, compared to Lin Mu, this general is condensed by the Dao of Justice, and his comprehension of the Dao of Justice is naturally much more advanced than that of Lin Mu.

Even in a sense, this general can represent the Dao of Justice itself.

"Is this the test of this level?"

"Using what I have comprehended to transform into an existence with strength similar to my own."

"No wonder, no wonder those who broke through the barrier before couldn't."

After Lin Mu saw this military general appear, his eyes immediately became vigilant.

At the same time, I also know why the system treats it so cautiously.

In a sense, this test can be said to be a struggle with the Dao that one has comprehended.

Among the heavens and myriad worlds, although there are not many strong men above saints, they have as many as two hands, but none of them has completely comprehended the Dao that they have comprehended.

It is naturally impossible to become a strong person above a saint, and I don't bother to comprehend those avenues that I have never even heard of, at least they are among the top ten avenues in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Therefore, none of the strong men above the saints have successfully comprehended the avenue they themselves want to comprehend.


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