After a long time, the huge smoke that was remembered in the middle of the altar finally dissipated completely, and the thing that was sealed finally revealed its true face.

What Lin Mu guessed was not wrong, that thing was because of the great seal.

But there was no powerful aura coming from the great seal.

It doesn't seem to be any different from an ordinary big seal.

However, this is an extremely unreasonable fact.

This is the topmost layer of the Dao world. How can something that can be sealed on this topmost layer be as simple as an ordinary big seal.

Lin Mu was vigilant for a while, and found that there was nothing else attacking him.

After thinking for a moment in his mind, he also started to walk forward.

He wants to take it to see what kind of treasure is the big seal that can be sealed here?

The distance between the two is not far, and there is no such thing as taking a single step that would require enormous pressure. Lin Mu just walked incomparably easily.

After a few breaths, Lin Mu had already reached the place where the broken seal fell.

Lin Mu looked at the big seal right under his feet, and picked it up curiously.

"Congratulations, you have passed all the current tests. You have become the quasi-master of the Dao world. Why do you say you are the quasi-master? Because you have not yet fully passed the tests set up by the Dao world."

"The seal of the Lord of the Dao World in your hand, but now in your hands, it is no different from an ordinary seal, because it still lacks the most critical thing, it lacks the things to store it now .”

"Before I found something to store this big seal, it was just an ordinary seal, without any effect, at best, its quality was better."

"Only after you find the thing that stores it, it can completely become the seal of the master of the Dao world, and at the same time, you can truly become the master of the Dao world."

"And the Dao Realm will truly open to the heavens and the world."

"So, work hard, the current quasi-master of the Taoist world, only if you work hard, can you remove the quasi-character in front of you."

After Lin Mu got this seal, some old voices suddenly rang in his ears. Given his current state, he has not felt such a voice yet. Where did it come from? ?

However, he didn't care about it. Perhaps this voice had been left here long ago, but it was just done in a more secretive way, and he didn't let himself feel it.

All he cared about now was the content of the words.

This ordinary big seal in his hand turned out to be a seal representing the identity of the master of the Taoist world.

However, because it still lacks the things to store him, he still cannot fully represent the master of the Taoist world.

And myself, even if I get this seal, I don't have the qualifications to become the master of the Dao world.

Only after he finds the item that stores this seal, the Dao Realm will truly open, and he will become the real master.

"Is it that simple?"

Lin Mu felt a little unbelievable.

Is this the final test?

The final test was as easy as that.


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