Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter 1158 Don't you really feel strange?

If I hadn't done this, maybe those friends in the heavens and worlds could really become close friends.

But now that something like this has happened, it is estimated that they already know that they have become the quasi-masters of the Taoist world, but they don't know what they are going to do now, whether they are here to help themselves as always, or just stand on the sidelines. its own opposite.

After all, in the face of such interests, few people can keep their hearts, even the strongest above the saints.

Even those strong people who are even known to others are even more difficult to keep their hearts.

After all, they have already stood at the pinnacle of the heavens and worlds, and they have no chance to go up to the next level, but once they have this opportunity, they can become an existence on an equal footing with the will of the universe.

It can even surpass the existence of a strong person above the saints in the entire heavens and worlds.

How many people can not be tempted by such a temptation?

Lin Mu asked himself that he couldn't do it.

However, compared to this, he still regards his own life as more important.

It has already been expressed in the heart, then it means that everything is gone, and everything that I have worked so hard to obtain will disappear in smoke.

So he is still hesitating whether he should take the gamble or not.

"Host, although you have thought of this, there is still one thing you haven't thought of."

"Before you became a saint, some long-established saints in the heavens and worlds threw olive branches at you one after another, and there was even a strong man above a saint who directly made himself the only one I gave you my son as an apprentice, you must know that at that time you had just stepped into the path of cultivation, and you hadn’t even become an ordinary celestial being.”

"Afterwards, another strong man above a saint showed kindness to you. The world master of a dignified high-level world asked you to complete a small thing that couldn't be smaller, and took a treasure in his hand. The glazed pagoda was given to you, do you think it is possible? Because the powerhouse above the saint, why should he be so polite to the existence of a mere saint at that time."

"Later, there was another saint-level powerhouse, Patriarch Wan Ling, who directly took your little girlfriend as his only apprentice to teach him carefully, and even specially met with you."

"You imagine that at that time, Patriarch Wan Ling was a strong man above a saint, and you were only a semi-saint at that time, and you don't know if you will have the opportunity to step into the realm of a saint in the future , why does she insist on meeting with you? And after the meeting, she was extremely polite to you. "

"This is completely unreasonable. You must know that if a strong man above a saint takes a fancy to someone around a half-step saint, there is no need to be so polite and send an agent to talk to him directly. That's enough, there is no need to meet with you at all."

"And during the apprenticeship ceremony, how did the powerhouses above the three saints treat you at that time? You must know that there was still a big gap between you and the three of them at that time. The three of you are sitting at the same table, and everyone is very polite to you, even trying to make friends with you on purpose."

"Master, don't you really find it strange?


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