In the entire heavens and worlds, there is no one who can contend with all the saints and powerhouses by himself.

Even those old guys guarding the frontier have no such possibility.

However, apart from Hua Lan and the three of them, these powerful men above the saints did not know that Lin Mu had the biggest hole card beside him, and that was the system.

Among them, some senior and competent elders know that there is a mysterious existence in the heavens and worlds, but they don't know much about it.

Unlike Hua Lan, the three of them have been observing the movement of that one of the heavens and the world, and thus realized that Lin Mu was chosen by that one early on. A being connected with Lin Mu.

After all, that existence has not asked about the affairs of the heavens and worlds for a long time, and most people have almost forgotten that there is such a powerful existence in the entire heavens and worlds.

Naturally, he would not think of this incident, which was provoked by that existence.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

Back to the negotiating table.

When people from the other side of the heavens saw these powerful men above the saints in the heavens and myriad worlds, they all changed their expressions collectively for some reason, and couldn't help but be surprised in their hearts, for fear that they would immediately turn their faces away People, move directly towards them.

After taking it for a while, I found that their faces still hadn't changed.

Because although they were just talking about how to deal with what happened in the heavens and worlds, they were talking directly in their minds and did not show it.

So although time seems to have passed for a long time, it is only a moment.

However, such a face still scared the people from the other side of the heavens to death.

After all, the faces of some of them are not very good, and some of them look like they want to kill someone.

Could it be that after all this, there is something wrong, and there are some excessive demands?

If this is really the case, do these people accept it? Or accept it?

The old man in white robe headed by the side outside the heavens couldn't help muttering in his heart when he looked at these people in the heavens and myriad realms.

However, I also look forward to all this in my heart, and don't make any more excessive demands. If I make any more excessive demands, then there is really no possibility of talking.

Even if they agree, people in the whole world will not agree easily, and there will be another big battle then.

They don't want to leave their lives in this war for nothing.

They no longer have any fluke attitude towards the war with the heavens and the worlds. They did not expect that even after so many years, the number of strong men in the heavens and the worlds is still so large, and the overall strength is still so strong .

Don't remind them of this kind of toughness. Countless years ago, when the heavens and myriad worlds beat others with their own strength.

It reminded him of the fear of dominating the heavens and worlds again.

They are also extremely regretful in their hearts. They should not have agreed to that plan at the beginning, and they should not have sent spies to lurk in the heavens and worlds.

Now it has been exposed, and those people from the heavens and worlds have hit the door.


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