"Hurry up and prepare, there is not much time, only three days, if you don't satisfy them, you and I will lose our heads."

The old man at the head released the grievance that he had been suppressing in his heart for a while, and then left here, and it seemed that he was going back to prepare resources.

"What to wear?"

After the old man left, the people behind him couldn't help but curse secretly.

"Come on, is there anything else you can do? According to what Yao Lao said, go back and prepare resources. There are only three days. If the resources you prepared do not satisfy them, the head will be lost Paul."

"You have to think about those guys who can even cripple those who are above the saints, not to mention you, a guy who has just broken through to the saint, probably not enough for others to pinch to death with one finger."

After seeing the wretched old man leave, most of the people yelled a few words and left here, it seems that they all went back to prepare resources.


"I'm in charge of the East."

"Brother Hua is in charge of the south."

"Brother Long is in charge of the west."

"Miss Ling is in charge of the north."

"Brother Gu is in charge of the southeast."

"Brother Chen is in charge of the southwest."

"Brother Ouyang is in charge of the northeast."

"Brother Wang is in charge of the northwest!"

"Do you have any comments?"

In a small space, all the saints, supreme powerhouses of the heavens and worlds are gathering here.

At the same time, on top of the two saints who stayed behind in the heavens and worlds, the strong man also sent a clone to come here.

They were discussing how to find such an insignificant person as Lin Mu in the huge heavens and worlds.

After all, the heavens and worlds are vast and boundless, even if they are stronger than saints, it is extremely difficult to find someone in it.

Moreover, there is no aura left by that person, and that person is also a strong man above a saint. If that guy insists on hiding, then even if they are both strong men above a saint, they want to find it. It's not that easy, and there's even a high chance that it won't be found at all. "

However, they don't have any solution now, even Gu Xuan, who has been plotting against the Taoist world for a long time, can't come up with any good solution?

In the end, everyone discussed for a while, and they could only follow the most stupid and primitive way to search in the heavens and worlds.

Each person is responsible for a direction, and then continuously searches towards this direction.

If you search once and don't find it, do it a second time, and if you don't find it the second time, do it a third time.

The most indispensable thing for these saints and powerhouses is time.

They also believe that as long as they follow this stupid method, the guy hiding behind the scenes will show his feet sooner or later.

After all, although there are at least so many in the heavens and myriad worlds, if suddenly there is a strange aura of a strong man above a saint, then it must be that guy.

At that time, no matter which guy is in which direction, there will be another strong man above the saint who senses it. As long as one person senses it, then all the strong men above the saint who represent the entire heavens and worlds will notice.

And that strong man above the saint who suddenly appeared out of nowhere has also become the quasi-master of the Taoist world.

They still don't believe it, this guy will endure it all the time, not to complete the test of the Dao world.


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