"Li Luoxing, do you still want to graduate, kid? Ah, have you grown up lately, and you haven't come to school for so many days?"

In the office of the University of Los Angeles.

Only Li Luoxing and another old man were in the huge office.

It seems to have some bleak meaning.

The old man had a short, stiff mustache, a pair of sunken brown eyes, and a mop of gray hair.

And it looks like it hasn't been trimmed for a long time.

But that look does have a certain lack of anger and prestige.

It made people dare not face him directly.

"I asked you to come to me these days, but you didn't come. If I didn't urge you hard today, you probably wouldn't come."

"I see that your brat has really gained weight recently, and you dare not even listen to my words!"

There was some anger in the old man's eyes, and there was some look of hatred for iron and steel.

He looked at Li Luoxing coldly.

"Do you still want to graduate?"

Seeing that Li Luocheng just lowered his head, didn't look at him, and didn't say a word, the old man became angry again.

It turned out that this student was the one he was most satisfied with.

If you follow your own requirements, you can get a graduation certificate from yourself in a glorious manner, and embark on a bright future.

But at such a critical time, he didn't even come to school, he didn't even listen to his own words, and he didn't even hand in the materials that were due when the time came.

It seems that this kid is really against the sky.

"Professor Li, you also know what kind of prosperity our major is now, so what if you get a diploma? Can you still go to the society to make a living?"

"It is estimated that other companies saw that I was majoring in this major, and they didn't even give me an interview opportunity, and just told me to leave. What do you think it is good for me to get this diploma?"

"Maybe for some people who haven't found their way, this diploma is still very useful, but for me, the current diploma is useless."

Li Luoxing looked at Professor Li, and finally expressed his true thoughts.

After all, he is no longer in the same world as ordinary people. Even if he got a diploma from an ordinary university, what's the use? Is he still going to work from 9 to 5 like ordinary people?

And maybe one day I will encounter an accident.

After all, from the current point of view, it seems that some powerful people in this world have been staring at him.


Your professor never expected that a student who was very satisfied with his behavior would say such things to himself at the critical moment of graduation.

"Professor Li, I respect you, but I have already chosen this path, please also respect my choice."

Li Luoxing looked at Professor Li with some fear. After all, Professor Li has treated him very well in the past four years.

And sometimes I think about myself.

But it seemed that his choice this time really pissed him off.

But there is no way to do this, after all, sooner or later you have to choose.

You might as well tell your mentor earlier.


Professor Li looked at Li Luoxing silently.

Finally, he said slowly, "Since you have chosen your own path, then I won't advise you anything, just do it yourself."

"You are an adult and should have your own choices, but please understand that everyone is responsible for their own choices."


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