Since the relationship between the few of them has gotten better and better, Si Hu has basically never moved his sword of law enforcement, so the Emperor of Heaven has no way of understanding their current situation, so he puts such an important task on the line. Hand it over to Secretary Arc.

"Oh! It seems that those powerful people definitely know what the situation of this ancient ruins is like, and they are still very loyal here."

"I don't know what the Emperor of Heaven wants to get from this ancient ruins?"

After Xu An heard Si Hu's words, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the ruler of the heavenly court would pay great attention to this place.

Looks like there must be something good here.

"I was planning to tell you, but I didn't expect you to come here. Since this stock is expected to attract the attention of the powerful people above, it means that there must be very precious things in this ancient ruins. Let's see if there is a chance able to grab it.”

Ever since the last time when their lives were in danger, the Emperor of Heaven didn't care about her, but Lin Mu personally came and took her life. She was already very dissatisfied with the Emperor of Heaven.

After all, she has been loyal to Tianting for so many years, and she is reluctant to save even her own side. How can this make her not feel chilled?

But after going through the next few dangers, the Heavenly Emperor is still indifferent, or after the show rushed over in person, she has completely given up on the Heavenly Emperor.

Such a person did not deserve her allegiance.

The Emperor of Heaven just regards her as a pawn, and he can throw it away at will when it is used up, and he never takes their life or death seriously.

So at this time, he naturally didn't think of the Emperor of Heaven, but the few friends who had been with her for so long.

"Cut! As for the people of these sects, I really don't pay attention to them. Do they still have the guts to grow things from our hands?"

Xu An didn't take the people from those sects seriously at all.

Even if those sects came with the highest combat power, it was just a fusion period, so how could it be an opponent like him who has long surpassed the limits of the human world?

And there are two more of himself like him.

"What I am worried about is not the people of these sects, but the existence in the ancient ruins!"

Si arc was still a little worried.

"Existence in the ancient ruins!"

Li Luoxing asked curiously, it was the first time he encountered such an ancient ruin.

"Hmm! Most of these ancient ruins are ancient dojos with supreme power. Naturally, there are many things in these powerful dojos, but the guarding power is also not bad."

"After all, those powerful people value face very much, so naturally they won't let the guards of their dojo be weak!"

"Although most of the so-called vicissitudes that cannot stand the time, there are still one or two that can survive, and there may be countless puppets and organs inside. This is what I am worried about."

After all, none of them knew what kind of abilities those great powers had in ancient times.

"Don't worry! Even if they really want to survive, their strength is not as good as before, and the law of heaven and earth is so strong, their strength will definitely not exceed the limit of the law of heaven and earth, so don't worry too much."

Xu An said something comforting, and then said again: "What we need to worry about most are those puppets and organs. After all, these are dead things, and the laws of the world will not care about them."

"But don't worry too much, at least our lives are still worry-free."


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