"Well, has it been more than 50,000 years? This time has passed really quickly."

Li Luoxing slowly opened his eyes.

He rubbed his still painful head.

I have to say that at that moment just now, he felt that his head really no longer belonged to him.

It's about to explode right away.

He really didn't want to experience that feeling again.

If he continued to enjoy this feeling for one more time, he really felt that he might die.

And it may become the first great power in history to die painfully.

"Hopefully my plans will come in time."

Li Luoxing shook his head, wanting to ease the pain in his head.

Even though he has recovered now, his strength has not yet returned to the state of his heyday.

It's just a rookie in the practice world.

Naturally, it will not be as powerful as it was in its heyday.

So the pain that should be felt will still be felt.

But she couldn't think of anything else about it.

Instead, he only thinks about what the plan that he spent tens of thousands of years to complete has become now.

"Hehe! The current situation is not very good."

"The traces of the original law of heaven and earth that were about to be decontaminated by me were snatched away by your new master with an extremely tough attitude."

"The initiative right now is not in our hands!"

Seeing Li Luoxing has already woken up, and has restored the memory of his previous life.

The existence hidden in the black mist simply stopped hiding his true face, and directly dispersed the black mist in front of him.

He said helplessly to Li Luoxing.

Originally, it seemed that the plan they had laid out for tens of thousands of years was about to be completed, and they were waiting to give the existence behind the scenes a head-on blow.

If he completely removes the pollution in this trace of the original law, then this is a trace of the completely pure original law of heaven and earth.

And if this trace of pollution of the original law of heaven and earth is removed, then their pollution of the original law of heaven and earth will also be cleared.

At that time, the original law of heaven and earth already had enough strength to fight against the person behind the scenes.

You don't need them to arrange so hard.

All you need to do is to see the person behind the scenes being beaten up by the original law of heaven and earth in their world, and then they will fish in troubled waters and completely wipe out the person from outside the domain.

But they didn't expect that at such a critical time, their plan would go wrong.

Li Luoxing's new master had an extremely tough attitude, snatching away the trace of the original law of heaven and earth, and didn't even listen to any explanation from himself.

He even said that this trace of the origin of heaven and earth does not belong to him.

At that time, he just wanted to say nonsense in his heart, didn't I know?

If we hadn't dragged it here, this world would have been taken over by the people behind the scenes long ago.

I didn't expect you to take that thing away at such a critical moment like us.

What is your purpose?

In fact, at that time, he was actually desperate in his heart.

But I can't help it, who said I am not that person's opponent?

I can only delay this matter until this time and tell my friend.

I also hope he has a solution.

After all, that person is also his master after all.


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