Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Chapter five hundred and seventh shock

I thought it was just an ordinary technological side world.

However, millions of years ago this world turned out to be a powerful cultivation side world.

And now it is being targeted by another civilized person.

After thinking about it, Lin Mu still called Anwen over.

He is going to rest in this world for a few years, and he doesn't want to be disturbed by these wars.

So, after thinking about it for a while, he was still going to tell this news to people in this world.

"Your Excellency, what do you want me to do?"

Anwen looked at Lin Mu with some doubts.

"It's not a big deal, I just want to tell you that this world seems to be being targeted by people from other worlds."

"A huge fleet from that world is just watching outside your world, and may attack at any time."

With a wave of Lin Mu's hand, the scene of the fleet parked outside the world flooded Anwen's eyes.

"This is……"

Anwen was surprised immediately after seeing this scene.

At the same time, there was a cold sweat on the back.

There is such a huge fleet staying outside their universe.

And he can be sure that this huge fleet definitely does not belong to their world.

Because the Xinghui Empire and the empire they are hostile to have never had such a style of warship.

And the gloomy light constantly emerging from under the battleship is definitely not something they can have.

That is not the power of technology.

But the people in their own world didn't know anything about the news that a fleet came outside their own world.

If this ancient qi refiner hadn't told himself the news, then he wouldn't dare to think about the consequences.

Once such a huge army attacked their empire, and most of the empire's troops were deployed on the front line, there would be no defensive force at the rear.

Once this huge fleet comes over, they have absolutely no resistance.

"Thank you Your Excellency, I will report the news here to our senior management now."

After thinking of this, the cold sweat on Anwen's back became more intense.

He hurriedly thanked Lin Mu, then quickly went to his room to find the communicator, and quickly told his superiors the news.

Starlight Empire, Institute of Mysterious Things.

A secret department affiliated to the Supreme Council of Starlight Empire.

It is not the real high-level people of the Starlight Empire who simply cannot understand it.

Its director is an admiral and general in the Starlight Empire, and also a standing member of the Supreme Council.

It can be seen how much the Xinghui Empire attaches importance to this secret army.

"Director, there is news from Anwen."

The director, who was resting with his eyes closed, was interrupted by his secretary.

But he didn't care either.

After all, even the number one of the empire attaches great importance to Anwen's affairs.

He also attaches great importance to it.

The ancient Qi practitioner, the mysterious ancient weapon refiner actually existed, and has survived until now.

Over the years, they have dreamed of obtaining some cultivation techniques of ancient Qi refiners.

But no matter how many ancient qi refiners' cultivation journeys they searched for, none of the cultivation methods they found could be used at all.

This could not help but make them feel a little desperate.

But there is no unparalleled road, and the heavens sent a living ancient alchemist in front of them.

How could they not seize such an opportunity?


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