Godly Heavenly Path: Full Level Instantly

Five hundred and thirty eighth leave

But the system actually helped him.

However, he was still very uncomfortable.

If he is not still holding on, he may faint at any time.

This is completely inconceivable for a saint-level power.

You must know that there are not many things in the heavens and worlds that can cause harm to the power of a saint.

Let alone causing such serious injuries.

"It seems that it will take more than 100,000 years for me to return to my full glory."

Feel the injury on your body.

Lin Mu murmured to herself.

The elders of the Temple of Heaven, because he changed the fate of that world.

The world to which the Temple of Heavenly Dao belongs no longer has anything to do with the "Dao Bottle!"

But feeling the serious injury in his body, he couldn't help but still smiled wryly.

If the system hadn't been helping him secretly, he might have used the taboos of the heavens and the worlds this time, and he might have been crushed to death by the laws of the heavens and the worlds.

You must know that a saint is not yet qualified to fight against the powerful laws of the heavens and the world.

"But it's all worth it."

Although his injury is extremely serious.

However, Lin Mu thinks it's all worth it.

For this injury that can be recovered in hundreds of thousands of years, he got a treasure that all the great powers in the heavens and worlds are jealous of.

It's totally worth it.

It's even profitable.

"But now I can't go to some powerful worlds, or I will be targeted by those strong people, which is not good for me. My current strength can't fight against those strong people."

"Even now, I only need a quasi-sage to kill me!"

Lin Mu sat cross-legged in the starry sky, thinking in his heart

His face was extremely pale, as if there was no blood at all.

One can imagine what a burden his operation was on his body this time.

It even reached the point where a quasi-sage could kill him.

"Go back and fix some things and leave this world."

Lin Mu thought in her heart,

When he returned to this world, he mainly settled the matter of that kid Anwen.

After all, this kid has been with me for a few years anyway, taking me to those fun places to enjoy every moment.

Also a good friend.

Keep some memories for him when he leaves.

Lin Mu doesn't plan to stay in this middle-of-the-road technological world.

Because of this world, there are still some threats to him at present.

There are still some weapons that can threaten his life.

He didn't want to fall in such a middle-of-the-road technological world.

Therefore, he decided to leave this middle-level technological world and go to a low-level world immediately after leaving a little memory for that boy Anwen.

It can also be regarded as avoiding the limelight.

After he recovers from his injuries, he will go to those powerful worlds.

Lin Mu thought, then moved her body and left the starry sky.

Afterwards, the starry sky returned to silence.

It was as if nothing had stayed here just now.

Just an ordinary starry sky.


"Anwen, I'm leaving!"

Back at the villa, Lin Mu said directly to An Wen without any nonsense.

"Your Excellency, you..."

Anwen will have to watch Lin Mu in the future.

I don't know why Lin Mu said goodbye to herself as soon as she came back from a trip.

And I don't know why this ancient qi refiner, who is usually calm and calm, has an abnormal paleness on his face.

he got hurt?


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